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1、五年级奥数题:图形与面积(A)清华大学英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做.官方网站: 清华大学英语教授研究组提供十一 图形与面积(A) 年级 班 姓名 得分 一、填空题 1. 如下图,把三角形的一条边延长1倍到,把它的另一边延长2倍到,得到一个较大的三角形,三角形的面积是三角形面积的_倍.2. 如下图,在三角形中, =8厘米, =6厘米,、分别为和的中点.那么三角形的面积是_平方厘米. 3. 如下图,那么,三角形的面积是三角形面积的_.4. 下图中,三角形的面积是30平方厘米,是的中点,的长是的长的2倍,那么三角形的面积是_平方厘米.5. 现有一个55的方格表(如下图)每个小方格的边长都是1,

2、那么图中阴影部分的面积总和等于_.6. 下图正方形边长是10厘米,长方形的长为8厘米,宽为5厘米.阴影部分甲与阴影部分乙的面积差是_平方厘米.7. 如图所示,一个矩形被分成、四个矩形.现知的面积是2cm2,的面积是4cm2,的面积是6cm2.那么原矩形的面积是_平方厘米.8. 有一个等腰梯形,底角为450,上底为8厘米,下底为12厘米,这个梯形的面积应是_平方厘米.9. 已知三角形的面积为56平方厘米、是平行四边形的2倍,那么阴影部分的面积是_平方厘米.10. 下图中,在长方形内画了一些直线,已知边上有三块面积分别是13,35,49.那么图中阴影部分的面积是_.二、解答题11.已知正方形的面积

3、是50平方厘米,三角形两条直角边中,长边是短边的2.5倍,求三角形的面积.12. 如图,长方形中, =24cm, =26cm,是的中点,、分别是、的四等分点,为上任意一点,求阴影部分面积.13. 有两张正方形纸,它们的边长都是整厘米数,大的一张的面积比小的一张多44平方厘米.大、小正方形纸的边长分别是多少?14. 用面积为1,2,3,4的四张长方形纸片拼成如图所示的一个长方形.问:图中阴影部分面积是多少? 五、六年级英语试卷分析丁沟乡张庄学校 王博试卷特点分析:试卷分为四大部分内容一、 单词分类(注重了单词的积累与运用)二、 单项选择(注重了单词放在特殊句子中的灵活应用)三、 连线(注重了重点

4、句型的问与答在句子中的灵活使用)四、 英汉互译(注重了重点举行在日常生活中的灵活多使用)答题基本情况:均分:90分 及格率:100% 优秀率:89% 最高分:98分 最低分:64.5分学法分析:一、 大部分同学对单词分类、连线、英汉互译做得比较完美。二、 单项选择与阅读是同学们的一个难点,本次考试这两种题型虽然做得比较好那是因为平时训练得多再者是因为较简单。教法分析: 通过以上的学法分析、知道同学们对一些硬性要求背诵的知识掌握较好,看来同学们也花了大力气但有个别同学做得还不够好。答卷技能分析:通过一、三、四部分的一些基础知识看出,有一部分同学对个别句型及一些新单词的变化形式不能熟练灵活运用。对

5、试卷的看法及其今后教学中的改进措施:一、 题型灵活多样。二、 难易程度合适。三、 题量适中。 通过以上几个方面的详细分析,纵观同学们的自身特点,在今后的教学过程中我会勤督促、多提问的这些教学方法争取在下次考试中能让学生考出优秀的成绩。初中学段第一学期八年级期末考试英语试卷(时间90分钟,满分120分)注意:请把1-70小题的正确选项填在后面的表格中。卷一、听力(20分)一)听录音,根据你所听到的问题选出相应的答案。1AHe is a workerBHe works hereCHe is well2AYes,you mayBNoyou mustntCYesyou must3AHe is from

6、 EnglandBYeshe is CNo,I havent4AYes,I amBYes,I haventCNo,I havent5AFor three daysBAfter three daysCIn three days二)选出与你所听到的内容意思相符的选项。6AMy son likes both Chinese car and Japanese carBMy son likes neither Chinese car nor Japanese carCMy son prefers Chinese car to Japanese car7AThe man can walk on thoug

7、h he was tiredBThe man couldnt walk on because he was tiredCThe man was old,and he wanted to have a rest8AMr Smith went home before it was darkBMr Smith came back because it was darkCMr Smith went to the park after it was dark9AI like the new CD very muchBI dont like the CD at allCI have not enough

8、money for the CD10AHe didnt see the filmBHe had a good timeCHe liked the film very much三)听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确的答案。11AAustraliaBJapanCChina12ARainyBWindyCFine13AEnglishBMathsCBiology14A95346278B95436278 C9534267815AAt 1:40BAt 2:00CAt 2:20四)听短文,选择正确的答语。16Who is older,Mary or Lena?AMary is older than LenaBMa

9、ry is younger than LenaCMary is as old as Lena17Who is Lena?AShe is Marys sisterShe is a schoolgirlBShe is Marys friendShe is a little girlCShe is Kittys sisterShe is a schoolgirl18What did Lena see on that day?ALena saw Mary holding a pen in her handBLena saw Mary sitting on the deskCLena saw Mary

10、writing a letter19Kitty knew how to read,didnt she?AYes,she didntBNo,she didCNo,she didnt20Who knows how to read and write,Mary or Kitty?ABoth Mary and KittyBEither Mary or KittyCNeither of them二、单项选择(15分)21Lets stop _I feel tiredArestingBbreakingCto have a rest Dto work22Im afraid Tom _ his work ye

11、t because the light is still on in his officeAwont finishBhasnt finishedCdoesnt finish Ddidnt finish23Its difficult _ them to finish the work in a monthAforBasCto Dof24_ the help of the Internet,people can get information from the worldAAtBUnderCTo DWith25News can _ every corner in a short time toda

12、yAarriveBgetCgo Dreach26I want to buy this sweater because it _ softAfeelsBsoundsCtastes Dlooks27Would you give me some bread? Im _ hungryAfewBa fewCa bit Da bit of28Our school is between a supermarket _ a hotelAorBandCto Dwith29Where is the hospital?_AGo aheadBIts in the end of the libraryCIts in t

13、he left of the school DIts 500 metres along on your right30Which animal can walk a long way without _?AdrinkBdrinkingCdrinks Dto drink31We know nothing about the film because _ of us have seen itAnoneBallCboth Dsome32These little dogs are lovely,_?Adont theyBare theyCarent they Ddo they33I dont know which room he _AliveBlivesClive in Dlives i


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