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1、牛津初中英语(7A)Unit 2 My Day第一课时Welcome to the unit 设计的基本理念:根据新课标培养学生自主、合作、探究精神、突出语言运用能力培养的理念而设计。课型:对话、句型操练课教学目标:1、技能目标:培养学生灵活运用本课所学词汇、句型来表述日常活动的对话能力。2、知识目标:重点单词:fun, sleep, a.m, p.m, homework, model, make, newspaper, film, mum, should, right.重点短语:wake up, go to sleep, have assembly,重点句型:I get up at 6 a.

2、m every morning.When do you get up?When do you go to school?What do you do after school?3、情感目标:通过学习谈论日常安排和活动之后,学生可以为自己制定一个合理的学习和生活的日常活动安排表。4、策略目标:通过日常生活时间来描述自己或他人的日常活动,并学习使用词汇。5、文化意识目标:时间表达,逻辑思维,做事有条理,时间观念强,珍惜光阴。课堂教学模式:一学一练一测和任务型教学课前准备:1、准备一个钟。2、教师或学生画一些日常活动的图片。3、教师制作日常生活和学习的表格。4、让学生预习新单词。教学过程:Step

3、1: Revision.Review the names of meals and the different activities presented on page 19. Divide the class into groups of four. Brainstorm the topic of daily life activities. Ask Ss to draw an activity if they do not know the word in English.Step 2: Presentation.Talk to Ss about daily routines and ac

4、tivities.Say: I get up at 6 a.m in the morning. When do you get up? etcStep 3: Ask Ss to sort their activities into different sections:Leisure Sports Eating school.Teacher tells Ss to write down the day and time when they typically do these activities. As you go around the class, provide help with v

5、ocabulary.Step 4: Each group writes the four lists on the board. Ss can copy the activities they want to include in their diary.Step 5: Work in pairs to talk about their partners diary. You can use the following sentence patterns:a. When do you go to school / ?b. Do you go to school by bus / ?c. Wha

6、t do you do after school / ?Step 6: Learn Vocabulary.a. P23 Go through Part A and read the words and phrases correctly. Attention to their pronunciation.b. Ss complete the task and check answers. Encourage Ss to memorize the collocations Part B.c. Let Ss go through Part B and explain the context. As

7、k Ss to do the task on their own, then check answers. Ss correct any mistakes and the teacher explains something if necessary.d. Divide the class into pairs. Let Ss read the conversation and get some pairs to act it out.Step 7: Practice task. 课堂教学任务。目的:学会运用本课时所学的词汇、短语和句型。材料:自制图片。语言技能:Speaking活动形式:Gr

8、oup work/pair work.操作过程:以小组形式进行讨论。两人一组到前面表演。Step 8: Homeworka. Learn new words and phrases by heart.b. Describe your daily activities in your own words.c. preview Reading.板书:(略)教学反思:牛津初中英语AUnit 2 My Day第二课时Reading I 教案设计本教案根据自主、合作、探究原则,增强实践,培养综合语言运用能力的理念而设计。课型:新授一、本课时教学目标、基础知识(1)熟记词汇和短语(2)语言目标、基本技能a


10、让学生画一些本校学校活动的图片;(2)让学生了解本校校长、老师,同学的情况,以及自己对所学科目的喜好程度;(3)预习课文(计15分钟)。四、教学步骤Step1. 预习情况交流a.以小组形式交流,利用准备的本校学校活动的图片,来简单描述自己的学校,同时说明自己目前的状况。b.讨论解决预习中的问题(主要是新词汇,由老师释疑)。老师领读生词。Step2. 阅读策略培养a.整体感知,分段阅读课文并回答一节:1.Whats the name of the new school?2.Does Millie love her new school?3.Why does Millie love her cla

11、ssroom?二节:4.Who is Millies best friend?5.What do Millie and Amy often do?三节:6.Who is Mrs Tang?7.What does Millie like doing?四节:8.Where does Millie go after school every Tuesday?9.Who is a very good swimmer, Millie or Amy?b.判断推理,根据课文内容判断正误,正“T”错“F” ( )1.Millie e-mails Amy( )2.There are more than 1800

12、 teachers at Millies school.( )3.Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime.( )4.The principals name is Mr Tang.( )5.Millies favourite lessons are English and Maths.( )6.Millie spends three hours a day doing her homework.( )7.Millie goes to the reading club twice a week.( )8.Millie is a member of the

13、 swimming club.( )9.Millie doesnt want Tommy to send her an e-mail.c.根据课文填空Millies new school is_ Beijing sunshine secondary school. She likes_ classroom_ she can see the _. Amy is her best _. They always _ fun. They sit _ the tree at lunchtime. They always _ each other or _ games together. Sometime

14、s they buy _ from the tuck shop. All her friends are _ great!Step3. 学法交流分组谈谈你完成上述阅读任务的经过。1.你是怎样根据上下文猜测生词的含义的。2.你在判断正误中,哪几道题错了?和同伴讨论你在思考过程中出现了哪些问题?3.在完成短文填空中,哪些你填错了?4.语言知识归纳(你认为本课中那些单词,短语重要)a.单词_b.词组_c.句子_Step4.练习巩固提高Millie is doing some translation work. Please help her complete the sentences with the right words. 我们星期一早上八点钟开晨会。We _ _at _ _on Monday.你经常看电视吗?不,我喜欢看书。_ you often _ _ ? No, I like _ books.我最好的朋友埃米总是和我一起在树下交谈或者做游戏。My _ _ Amy always _ or _ _ with me under the tree.4.我每天花大约一个小时做作业。I _ about an hour _my homework every day.5.我和我的同学们在一起总是很开心。 I always _ _ with my classmates.2)学习成果展示能用



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