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1、九年级英语复习课教案(十)-形容词和副词的比较等级 作者: 来源:本站 发布时间:2010-10-21 点击量:78九年级英语复习课教案(十)形容词和副词的比较等级学习目标一、知识目标 1复习并掌握形容词和副词的比较等级(原级、比较级、最高级)2 全面掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成(规则形式和不规则形式)3必须掌握的重点句型( 分为三类)作平等比较(原级的用法)English is as important as Chinese.This book isnt so new as that one.常用的比较级句型Lilys room is bigger than mine.The we

2、ather in Beijing is much colder than that of Haikou in winterMy mother is fatter than me/ I.He thinks Chinese is less interesting than English.Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.Mary is the taller of the twins.Its getting warmer and warmer in sp

3、ring.The more careful you are, the fewer mistakes you make.Our classroom is three times as big as theirs.常用最高级的句型Mary is the most careful girl in her classWang Song is one of the tallest boys in our class.The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.Mr Yang is our best teacher in our heart.

4、二、能力目标1能用简单的句子表达平等比较和不平等比较(即比较级和最高级)2能用简短的句子描述自己对周围事物的看法三、情感目标通过对人和事物之间的比较,让我们学会去判断事物,辨别真伪,从而达到真正了解事物的目的。重点及难点 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级学习方法:预习讨论学生总结教师点拨学习参考资料:多媒体、八年级(上)课本P119120、面对面学习过程一、值日生做值日报告 (任务一)二、复习表示比较等级的交际用语(齐读知识目标3)(任务二)三、通过多媒体观看图片,然后说出尽可能多的含有比较等级的句子(任务三)1形容词和副词原级的用法:看图说话,然后小组讨论总结出平等比较的句型A+ be +as

5、+ _+ as + B A + be + not as/so + _+ as2. 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级:看图说话,看谁说得又快又对。四、通过填写下表,你是否能归纳出形容词和副词比较等级的规则变化?(任务四)原级 比较级 最高级stronghard bravenice fatthin happylucky seriousslowly 五、 现学现用(做游戏: 你可以任意选择A .B. C. D中的任意一个字母来选择你要做的题型)(任务五) 选词填空 用方框里所给词的适当形式填空(每词限用一次)beautiful few clean tall careful clever1. The bu

6、ilding has 80 floors . It is one of _buildings in the city.2.The streets are _than before3.The parks are much _. 4. The _ you are, the _mistakes you make.5. He is _of the two boys.河南三年中招( )1. -Helen, can I wear jeans and a Tshirt to the evening party ? -Good. But a dress may be _ (2009 河南,27) A. goo

7、d B. better C. bad D. worse( )2. -How far is it to the airport ? 20 kilometers? - No, its _. About 30 kilometers.(2008河南,23) A. far B. farther C. the farther D. the farthest( )3. - You look so _ in this picture, You usually dont dress like this. -Oh, I was at a party. I took it just for fun.(2007河南,

8、39) A . serious B. different C. worried D. friendly ( )4. -Im getting_ each month. I cant put on my jeans. -Im afraid you have to take exercise every day. (2007河南, 28) A. heavy B. heavier C. the heavier D. the heaviest比较相同的对象,用that, those填空 1. The weather in Shanghai is better than _ in Wuhan. 2. Th

9、e desks in Class 1 are more than _ in Class 2.六、随堂导练(直击中招考点)(任务六)( )1. It is _cheaper and _enjoyable to travel by train than by plane.A. much; far more B. very; very muchC. more; much more D. more; much( ) 2. We dont have much homework now and our school bags are _they used to be (2009 锦州市)A. as hea

10、vy as B. not as heavy as C. as heavily as D. not as heavily as( )3. If you dont get enough sleep at night , youll have _energy the next day. (2009宁夏) A. fewer B. much C. less D. more( )4. After the rebuilding our school is becoming _(2009 四川绵阳) A. more and more beautiful B. more beautiful and more b

11、eautifulC. beautiful and beautiful D. the more beautiful ( )5. - Tom, do you think time is money ?- Yes, but I think it is _money (2009 四川达州)A. more important than B. very important asC. the same as D. not important as( )6. Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as_as the nurses.(2009 淄博)A. much

12、B. many C. more D. most( )7. -Would you please drive_? My plane is taking off. -Id like to, but safety comes first.(2009安徽)A. faster B. better C. more carefully D. more slowly( )8. -Mum, could you buy me a dress like this ?- Certainly ,we can buy _one than this , but _this(2009安顺)A. a better; better

13、 than B. a worse; as good asC. a cheaper; as good as D. a more important; not as good as七、课后作业:写作演练场比较城市和农村的两组图,写一篇有关农村和城市之间不同的短文。要求1、提示词cleaner, quieter, fresher, dirtier, noisier, greener,taller, busier, wider 2、所给的提示词必须都用上 3、语句通顺,内容连贯 4、60-80词左右(不包括文章开头的词数) The plants in the countryside are more beautiful than those in the city._


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