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1、清镇市卫城中学 高一 年级 英语 教学设计课题名称Unit5 The power of nature(第三课时Language Points)科目英语年级高一班级教学时间执教教师课标要求talk about volcanoes and the work of volcanologists practise expressingu fear and anxiety learn the ing form used as adverbial in a sentenceu write about an experience in a nature disaster学习者分析与教学环境分析学习者分析1.

2、高中年龄段的学生对周围的事物较为敏感,有自己的观点和看法,他们不满足教科书上的知识,想获得更多的信息。2学生不只想把英语作为一门死记硬背的课程来学,更希望能学到知识性和趣味性兼有的内容,从英语学习中获得更多的知识和能力。教学环境分析教学目标1、知识与技能expressing fear and anxiety. I was so excited about what I had done andu where I was, I forgot my fear. I was very worried thatu I was veryu relieved when I was trembling al

3、most as much as the ground under my feet.u I was still terrified.u I was so nervous that my whole body was dampu with sweat. I was so anxious that I couldnt move for a long time.u Iu had to force myself not to panic. Then I got up the courage to u2、过程与方法3、情感态度与价值观教学重难点重点词汇部分着重从词的意义用法和表达方面对学生学习词汇给予指导

4、;语法部分学习-ing形式在句子中作状语表原因,时间及结果。Using language 以语言实践为目的,包括四个部分的内容。Listening 三位火山学家讲述了他们各自最惊险的一次经历。学生在练习听力的同时学会描述害怕和紧张的词汇。难点教学资源A tape recorder , a projector and a computer教学环节教师活动学生活动教学效果导入新课Step1.Explain language points in the reading passage.1.have you ever considered how weak humans are compared wi

5、th a volcano,hurricane or earthquake ? 2. Do you enjoy taking risks ?risk n. he was taking a risk by overtaking on a bend. The house is a fire risk. 短语联想:at risk You are at risk if you dont wear a seat belt. at the risk of 3.Many houses have been covered with lava or burnt to the ground. burn to the

6、 ground 指楼等被烧毁。例如:He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground. 他无处栖身因为他的房子被烧掉了。短语联想:burn away 烧掉:The wood had burnt away to nothing. burn down (建筑物) 烧毁:The cinema burnt down last year.电影院去年被烧毁了。The school was burnt down by vandals.学校被人纵火烧毁了。Burn off 烧掉:He was badly inju

7、red in the accident, and his hair was burnt off. 他在事故中严重受伤,头发也被烧掉了。Burn out 烧坏:The engine had burnt out. 引擎给烧坏了。Burn up 烧毁,燃得更亮/旺:The rocket burnt up when it reentered the earths atmosphere.火箭重入地球大气层时烧毁。He put more wood in the fire to make it burn up. 他往火上加木材想让他烧的更 旺。4. We slowly made our way to the

8、 edge of the crater. 我们慢慢向走火山口的边缘。5. Today , I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started. 如今, 我和开始从事这项工作时一样满怀热情。enthusiastic (about) 感兴趣的,热心的: She seemed enthusiastic about the idea. 她好像对这个主意很感兴趣。We got an enthusiastic response from our customers. 我们得到了顾客们的热情反应。6. She made an e

9、ffort to be nice to her boss.她努力对老板好些。effort 可用做不可数名词,表“力气”:It took a lot effort to lift the boxes. 抬起那些箱子要花很大的力气。effort 可用做可数名词,表“费劲的事” “尝试”:It was an effort to get up this morning.今天早晨起床很费劲。Despite all our efforts, we failed. 尽管我们尽了力,我们还是失败了。make an effort to do sth 努力做某事:He made an effort to arri

10、ve on time. 他尽量准时到达。Homework: finish exercises in “learning about language”The forth period GrammarReview the usage of ing form:1.Write the following pairs of sentences(or other similar ones)on the board.I was feeling tired. I went to bed earlyfeeling tired I went to bed earlyI worked hard all day.

11、I went to bed earlyHaving worked hard all day, I went to bed early.2. Ask student to consider when the action in each pair of sentences happened and Lead them to understand that in the first pair of sentences, the feeling and the action are happening at the same time; whereas in the second pair, the

12、 working allday happened before he/she was tired3.Examine the sentences below and discuss in what way the structures similar to each other and in what way they are differentLooking carefully at the ground, I made my way to the edge of the crater.Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii a

13、lready, I didnt take much notice.Having + past participle (the perfect ing form) to refer to an action that took place before the time expressed by main verb.4. Read and discuss Exercise 1 in the SB5. Set Exercise 2. check answers and discuss structures.6. Set Exercise 3,4 and 5. check answers after

14、 each exercise and discuss reasons for the structures used.2.Second listening1) This time students will be listening for details. Stop the tape after each speakerand give students time to write their answers. Check answers before moving to the next speaker.2) At this point, you could ask students wo

15、rk in groups of three, each taking the role of one of the volcanologists and recounting the story to others in the group. Before they start, ask them for some useful expressions to talk about fear and anxiety. Write these on the board and suggest students use these in their recounts. Eg: I was very worried thatI was trembling I was still terrified.I was so nervous that I was so anxious that3.Third


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