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1、Unit 9 Can you come to my party第二课时 Section A (2d-3c)学习目标 1. 能记住并能正确运用下列词汇:until, hang, hang out, catch, invite, accept, refuse. 2.重点句型:(1)Im afraid I cant. (2)Im not sure. I might have to meet my friends.课时重点1. 复习巩固怎样礼貌地接受邀请和拒绝邀请。2. 初步了解描述将来的计划或行动的方法。预习导学-不看不讲一、认读并书写本课单词1.个人自读,记忆单词2.小组互相检查读、写情况二、写单

2、词1. Im v_ (看望)my aunt this weekend.2. We have to s_(学习) for the math test.3. Can you come to my b_ (生日)party?4. Can you h_(闲逛) out with us on Saturday?5.Thanks for i_(邀请) me to your party.三、译一译:1.在周六_ 2.去骑自行车 _3.将到这儿_ 4.恐怕_5.准备 _ 6.闲逛_7.明天晚上_ 8.没空_9.在周三晚上_ 10.去年秋天_11.去观看棒球赛_ 12.完成科学作业_13.练习小提琴_ 14.放

3、学后_合作探究-不议不讲Task1:1. 全班分解色朗读教材P66上2d的对话2. 小组讨论:a. 对话中表示邀请的句型有:-b. 对话中委婉地回答邀请的句型有:-3. 小组内分角色再次朗读对话,加强记忆。Task2:1.小组中大声朗读Grammar Focus的句子,小组总结归纳a. can 用于表示“_”,如: 汤姆会骑马。_Can you? 表达 “_”,答语:同意用 _不同意用 _如:恐怕不行,我要去探望我的姑姑。_b.表示邀请的句型: (你能来参加我的聚会吗?)_?_?_?_?接受邀请:_拒绝邀请:_Task3:1. 小组内同学先独立根据教材P67上3a的要求,完成对话,小组内核对答

4、案后再结对练习。2. 补全句子,完成教材P67上的3bTask4:1.小组内讨论完成教材P67上的3c的表格,2. 模仿教材P67上的3c的对话形式,在小组里结对练习对话导学测评一、根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。1. He isnt leaving u_ next Wednesday.2. If I run faster, I will c_ you.3. He often i_ me to go to the movies.4. Did she a_ or r_ your invitation?5.Lets play tennis . That s_ great.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

5、1. Can you _(come) to my house for dinner? Sorry, I cant .2. Thanks for _ (invite) me to your birthday party.3. Hes trying _(go) out, please _(help) him _(open) the door.4. Do you want_(hang) out with us Saturday afternoon?5. Would you like _(come) to my office _(discuss) the report?三、选择填空。( ) 1. So

6、me of the players are pleased with the result, but arent.A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 2. There is way of saying “Goodbye”. Do you know?A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 3. The little girl slowly closed one eye and then .A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 4. Wh

7、at things can you see in the Natural Science Museum?A. other B. another C. others D. the other( ) 5. How many more oranges can I have? You can have one more. are for Tom.A. The others B. Another C. Others D. The other( ) 6. Herry be at home because he phoned me from the farm just now.A. mustnt B. is

8、nt able C. may not D. cant( ) 7. ,can you tell me the way to the park? .Im a stranger. Please ask that policeman. A. Excuse me; Excuse me B. Excuse me; SorryC. Sorry, Excuse me D. Sorry, Sorry( ) 8. Thanks a lot for me your party.A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to( ) 9. yo

9、u study for a math exam?A. Have; to B. Do; have to C. Do; have D. Have to; ( ) 10. Can you cook fish? .Its easy. A. No, I cant B. Yes, I can C. Sorry, I cant D. Yes, I need三、按要求完成句子,每空一词1. We _(一起去骑车旅行)last fall when he visited you.2. I _ (愿意去,但是我没空).3. Can you _ (和我们一起去闲逛) on Sunday night?4. Im sor

10、ry, I _.(不得不为数学考试而学习)5. Theyre _. They _.(他们没空,他们可能必须和朋友见面)知识超市 have to 与 must1、have to 的用法情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而且所用的时态也受到一定的限制,但是have to 有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态中,在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,要用has to, 其余人称用have to;一般过去时中用had to;一般将来时中用will have to, 例如:2. have to 与must 的区别have to 和must 都有“必须”的意思,那么它们有哪些不同呢?(1) 含义和用法上的区别:h

11、ave to 强调客观上需要做某事,即表示外界条件的需要不得不做某事,含有“形势逼迫”的意味;must 强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有“主观判断”的意味,(2) 否定式的区别: have to 的否定式意为“不必”,must的否定式意为“禁止;不允许”。因此,以must开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+must”,否定回答为“No, 主语+neednt / dont have to”。例如:-Must I finish the homework now? 我必须现在完成作业吗?-Yes, you must. (No, you neednt / dont have to) 是的,你必须现在完成。(不,你不必。)跟踪训练 1. I _ finish my homework first.2. Its raining outside . You _ take an umbrella.



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