Unit 4 Sharing Period 2 Learning about LanguageUsing Language 课时精练人教版选修7重庆专用

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1、2020年精编人教版英语资料Unit 4 Sharing Period 2 Learning about Language & Using Language 课时精练(人教版选修7,重庆专用)(时间:30分钟).短语填空set up;provide.for.;distribute.to.;smooth away go hungry;operate on;donate .to.;in need1The hotel _ a reservation of tickets _its residents.2Any differences between them were soon _.3The cha

2、rity aims to provide assistance to the people _.4We will have to _ his eyes.5It is now our aim to _a factory. 6Id rather _than eat that!7She _ a large sum of money _ the charity.8Please _the pictures _ children.答案1.provides;for2.smoothed away3.in need4operate on5.set up6.go hungry7.donated;to8.distr

3、ibute;to.完成句子1学生们和老师都不知道这件事。(neither.nor )_ the students _ the teacher _ anything about it.2如果那男孩的父母病了该怎么办呢?(what if)_ _ the boys parents should be ill?3我们要帮助需要帮助的人。(in need )We need to help _ _.4她与一个有钱人结了婚。(be married to )She _a man with a lot of money.5它们亦供应新鲜水给靠近湖岸的人们及工业。(provide.for )They also_

4、fresh water _ people and industries around their shores.答案1.Neither;nor;knows2.What if3.others in need4.was married to5.provide;for.单项填空1Seeing her mothers tired look, the little girl helped her mother carry some_from the shop.ApurchasesBloansCdonationsDburdens答案A考查名词辨析。句意:看到妈妈疲惫的神色,小女孩帮着妈妈拿着从商店购买的东

5、西。purchase购买的东西;loan贷款,借出去的东西;donation捐赠物;burden负担。故选A。2If most breadwinners _a days pay to the Hope Project, then it will be hopeful.AgiftBpresentCdonateDgive答案C考查动词辨析。句意:如果大多数挣工资的人能把一天的收入捐给希望工程,那就很有希望了。gift指赋予某人某种才能,通常用被动语态;present,donate,give都有“给予”或是“赠予”之意;give为一般用语;present正式地颁给某人,通常附有仪式,着重强调捐赠者和

6、接受方的关系;donate捐赠,符合句意。故选C。3Many Chinese universities provide scholarships for students _financial aid.Ain favour ofBin honour ofCin face ofDin need of答案D考查介词短语用法。句意:中国许多大学为需要资助的大学生提供奖学金。in favour of赞同,支持;in honour of向表示敬意;in face of面临;in need of需要。故选D。4Some blood types are quite common, others are re

7、gionally_and still others are rare everywhere.AcontributedBdistributedCattributedDretracted答案B考查动词辨析。句意:有些血型分布广,其他的是地域性的分布,还有些很稀少。distribute分布;分配;contribute贡献;捐赠;attribute to归功于;retract缩回;撤回。故选B。5Our society is_a large number of talented people.Ain needBin need ofCin placeDin place of答案B考查介词in的短语用法。

8、句意:我们社会正需要大批优秀人才。in need of需要;in need在困难中;in place在恰当的位置,合适的;in place of代替,取代。故选B。6The hospital_well,where many wounded _ every day.Ais operated; operationBoperates; are operated onCoperates; are operatedDoperates; operates on答案B考查operate的用法。句意:这家医院运转得很好,那儿每天都有好多受伤的人做手术。operate指“运转”时为不及物动词,无被动;many

9、wounded与operate on之间为动宾关系,用被动语态。故选B。7The new schoolbags and books_by some warmhearted people arrived at the village school the day before yesterday.Ato be donatedBdonatingCbeing donatedDdonated答案D考查过去分词作后置定语。过去分词作后置定语表示被动和完成。句意:热心人士捐赠的新书包和书籍前天已经被送到这所乡村学校。8James took the magazines off the little tabl

10、e to make _for the television.AroomBareaCfieldDposition答案A考查名词辨析。句意:James把杂志从小桌子上拿开,以便为电视机腾出地方。room “空间,房间”;area “面积,地区”;field“领域,田地”;position “位置,职位”。make room for“为让出(腾出)空间”。故A项正确。9The wounded soldier_and it wont be long before he recovers.Ais operated onBis being operated onCis being operatedDis

11、operating on答案Boperate on为固定搭配,意为“给动手术”。operate on与主语the wounded soldier之间为动宾关系,并表示动作正在进行,故应用现在进行时的被动语态。10The place _interested me most was the Childrens Palace.AwhichBwhereCwhatDin which答案Awhich用作关系代词,在定语从句中作主语。11The bank has_some property on which to construct a new building.ApaidBpurchasedCinvest

12、edDapproached答案B考查动词辨析。句意:银行已经购买了一些地产,要在那儿建一座新楼。pay money for sth付钱买某东西;purchase购买;invest投资;approach走近。故选B。12. As far as I know, your _ from the sales of goods doesn t meet your expense.AincomeBsavingsCwageDpay答案A句意:据我所知,你卖货物的收入不能满足你的花销。income“收入,所得”;savings“储蓄金、存款”;wage“短期工资”;pay表示“工作所得”。故选A。13Her

13、work may _our understanding of this difficult subject.Aresult fromBcontribute toCattend toDdevote to答案B考查动词短语辨析。句意:她的工作可能有助于我们对这个困难问题的了解。result from“由引起,由于的原因;contribute to“有助于”;devote to“将奉献给,致力于”;attend to“照料;处理”。故选B。14All the donated food and clothing will be _to the poor people in that village.A

14、accompaniedBrefundedCdistributedDcollected答案C考查动词辨析。句意:所有募捐来的食物和衣服都将分发到那个村庄的穷人手中。accompany陪伴;refund退还;distribute分发,分配;collect收集。故选C。15Tell Jack I will wait for him at the school gate._he doesnt come?AHow aboutBWhat ifCIf onlyDWhatever答案B考查交际用语。句意:告诉Jack我会在校门口等他。倘若他不来呢?how about“怎么样”后不加句子;what if“要是/倘使怎



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