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1、1. 语速问题 托福听力过程中的语速问题 如何解决语速问题2. 连读问题 托福听力过程中的连读问题(1) 关键性词语出现连读:否定形式l not at all:The meeting yesterday wasnt at all boring.(2) 常用性词语出现连读l for him 连读中的基本规则(1) 辅音+元音连读l I was found on the ground by the fountain about a field of a summer stride.l Not at all.l Rush hour.l This dictionary is not exactly w

2、hat I wanted but it will do.l Travel agency, travel agent(2) 辅音+辅音连读l Some money, bike key(3) 元音+元音连读l Be on time(4) H连读l I lent him a book.l Larry is taking a lot of art, isnt he?l The stuff the nurse gave me seemed to have helped.l I must have left my keys at my sisters house.l She learned to use

3、the computer on her own.(5) 其他特殊连读l 【t】+【j】=【ch】:meet you, hurt you, that yourl 【d】+【j】=【dg】:would you, hand your, did youl 【s】+【j】=【sh】:miss you, this yearl 【z】+【j】=【g】:as usual, because youl Example: wont you, dont you, didnt you, havent you, hadnt you, wouldnt you, werent you, last year, next yea

4、r, not yet, did you, had you, would you, I advice you, I use your, hows your 如何解决连读问题3. 失爆问题 托福听力过程中的失爆问题:【p】,【b】,【t】,【d】,【k】,【g】任意两个连续出现就会发生失爆现象l Sit down, good night, friendlyl -this calculator isnt working right.-I think youve got the battery in upside down. 如何解决失爆问题4. 略读问题 托福听力过程中的略读问题:书写时将两个或多个

5、相邻的单词省略某些字母而连接起来l I am = Im, you have = youve, how is = hows, that would = thatdl Doesnt, didnt, shouldnt, hadnt, hasnt, wouldnt, wontl Official guide P199:OK. So weve talked about some different types of root systems of plants, and Ive shown you some pretty cool slides, but now I want to talk about

6、 the extent of the rot system- the overall size of the root systemthe depth. 如何解决略读问题l Im, youre, shes, theyre, theres, hes, whosl Weve, hell, shed, shell, shes, theyd, theyve, theylll Cant, werent, wont, arent, wouldnt, shouldntl Gotta, gonna5. 弱读问题 托福听力过程中的弱读问题(1) 介词弱化:l stay at home, do it for fu

7、n, come from China, go in the house, a cup of coffee, the train to Paris(2) 代词弱化:l Phone us when you are free.l Ive lost my book.(3) 连词弱化:l Please give me some cream and sugar.l Either Tom or Peter can come. 如何解决弱读问题6. 英美音差异问题 托福听力过程中的英美音问题(1) 【r】音问题l Idea, reallyl They werent at the dorm last night

8、.(A) They went to the dormitory.(B) They didnt go to the dormitory.l -The snow is really coming down, isnt it?-Rarely do we have so much snow in December.-What does the man mean?(A) it is typical December weather for this region.(B) such a large amount of snow is unusual for this month.(2) 【o】【a:】l

9、Glass, class, fastl Hot, box, rock(3) 其他情况l Neither 如何解决英美音问题l 常见易混音:Course-cause, once more-one small, career-Korea, worse-was, bore-ball, door-doll, core-call, tear-tea, short-shotl 不加儿化音的词:China, Australia, banana, walll 常见英美音不同读法:Neither, either, record, cupboard, cassette, garage, laboratory, a

10、dult, ordinarity, secretary, dictionary7. 词性变音问题 托福听力过程中的词性变音问题l Method- methodicallyl 校园词汇的变音:meterology, economics, geography 如何解决词性变音问题l Company-companion, library-librarian, geography-geographical, ignore-ignorant, photo-photographer-photographic, declare-declaration, economy-economic-economical

11、, invite-invitation, technology-technological, type-typical, wild-wildness8. 缩写问题 托福听力过程中的缩写问题l Sitcoml Chem labl prof 如何解决词性缩写问题l Intro. Course = introductory course 导论性课 Demo = demonstration 演示Memo = memorandum 备忘录Info. = Information 信息 Expo = exposition 博览会Chem.= chemistry 化学 Comm. = commerce 商业

12、Tech = technology 技术 Ad.= advertisement 广告Dorm = dormitory 寝室 M.A. = Master of Arts 文学硕士 M.S. = Master of Science 理学硕士 B.A. =Bachelor of Arts文学士 B.S. = Bachelor of Science理学士alga = algebra 代数学、代数 anat = anatomy 解剖学、解剖 archit = architecture 建筑学、建筑 arith = arithmetic 算术、算术 astron = astronomy 天文学、天文eng

13、 = engineering工程学、工程 electr = electricity电学、电 fin = finance财政学、财政 geol = geology地质学、地质 geom = geometry几何学、几何 gram = grammar文法 hist = history历史、史 ling = linguistics语言学、语言 maths = mathematics数学、数学 mech = mechanics 机械学、机械 med = medical医学、医 met = meteorology气象学、气象 myth = mythology 神话 phil = philosophy哲学 phon = phonetics 语言学、语言 photo = photography摄影术、摄影 phys = physics物理学、物理 physiol = physiology生理学、生理 pol = politics政治学、政治 psych = psychology心理学、心理



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