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1、仁爱版八年级Unit5 Topic3 Section C Many things can affect our feelings 晋江市平山市中学 张毓琳教学内容分析:本课时是第三话题的Section C,属于话题中的阅读教学部分。学生通过学习这篇文章来了解哪些事物能影响我们的情绪,以及怎样影响。阅读后进一步思考讨论:生活中还有哪些事物能影响我们的情绪,最后结合本篇文章的内容和讨论的结果写一篇短文“many things can affect my feelings”,并谈谈自己的感受。当然,本课结束前还紧扣主题加入了情感教育:我们应勇敢面对困难,充满信心,笑对生活。学生情况分析:本节课的教学


3、标:1.能够掌握并应用表情感的词汇:happy, sad, excited, angry, worried, frightened等。2.能够掌握新词汇:environment, especially, fill, trouble, loud, noisy, crowded和词组fill with sth., be crowded with, have trouble doing sth., make sb. + adj do等。二、能力目标:1.学生能做好skimming和detail reading,提高学生的阅读能力。2.学生能自如地谈论不同的事物对情感的影响。3.学生能正确地运用本课的

4、重点词汇、短语及知识点,写出关于不同的事物对情感影响的短文。三、情感目标:1.能了解情感与外界事物的联系,形成正确的人生观,学会如何保持健康的心理。2.能培养学生小组间良性的竞争与合作意识。教学重点:1.掌握本课的重要词汇及描述情绪、情感的形容词,并能自如运用。2.能通过快速阅读把握文章的主旨大意、细读提炼重点信息,做好输出的准备。3.能完成所设置的相关任务,并最终谈论不同的事物对情感的影响。教学难点:1.如何引导学生在篇章段落阅读中运用略读、细读的训练。2.如何将本课的重点词汇和短语运用到写作之中。教学过程:步骤1:Pre-reading(6 mins)(上课前预备铃时间,边让学生准备好相关

5、用品,边播放歌曲“If you are happy”)1. Show two pictures of the teachers son. Students guess “How does the boy feel? And why?”设计意图:通过展示两组老师孩子表情的照片,让学生们猜测该男孩的心情及为什么,能够快速拉近师生之间的关系,激起学生的兴趣,很快进入学习的状态。2. Guessing gameLook at some pictures of “洋葱君”, and tell how he feels. 设计意图:通过观看一系列“洋葱君”的表情包并猜测,既可以调动学生的兴致,又可以帮助学

6、生复习描述情绪和情感的词汇,为下面的阅读和写作积累词汇。3. Test your reactions给出6个情境,学生们快速反应How does it make you feel in these situations。小组间竞争,知道答案的马上站起来回答。设计意图:通过不同情境使人产生不同情感,导入话题“many things can affect our feelings”,自然过渡到新课。同时,通过小组间比赛,调动学生情绪,增强竞争意识。步骤2:While-reading该部分教师设计多个阅读任务并采用比赛的方式开展:看谁先找到答案并回答,给起来回答的小组加分。Task 1: Skimm

7、ing(4 mins)Watch the video of the text and find out the five things that can affect our feelings and moods.(答案:the moon, the environment, the weather, colors, big events )(操作:学生扫一扫二维码,观看课文video,并完成相应任务。)设计意图:通过设计该思维导图,能让学生们快速地了解本课的主旨大意。1a视频图文并茂能够帮助学生整体感知课文,创设情境,帮助学生迅速进入阅读状态。只要找出每段的主题句,该问题答案就显而易见。Tas

8、k 2: Detail reading(15 mins) (学生思考回答,并将答案发布在微信群上)(1) Ask one student to read paragraph 1. The other students read and answer the questions. What can you see on the Mid-autumn Festival? How do you feel when you cant get together with your family? Whats in your eyes?(2) Ask one student to read paragra

9、ph 2. The other students read and judge T or F. The city is usually noisy and crowded with people. Its easy for me to sleep in the city. I hope to live in the countryside, because its clean and quiet. (3) The whole class read paragraph 3 together and fill in the blanks. The boy thinks the _ can affe

10、ct his moods. He always has s_ thoughts when it rains. But he feels happy again, when the sun _ (照耀) brightly. (4)Listen to paragraph 4 carefully and do the match.orange make me active yellow give me more energy blue make me confident , cheer me up white make me feel calm green red (5)Students read

11、paragraph 5 silently and fill in the form.big eventsHow does the girl feel?Task 3. Consolidation(5 mins)Read 1a again and complete the table.ThingConditionFeelingmooncant be with the family_the family_happyenvironmentnoisy and crowded with people_relaxedweatherrainy_happycolororange and yellow_green

12、_calmmore _activebig event_Beijing 2008 Olympicssad and worried_设计意图:通过第三次阅读文章,寻找表格答案,让学生进一步深入理解文章,并对文章有个整体的把握,为下一步知识迁移夯实基础。步骤3:Post-reading(11 mins) 1.学生以小组为单位,合作讨论“How things affect our feelings?”。每个小组布置一个话题讨论,写出几个能展示观点的句子。(学生讨论并回答,教师拍照通过微信群投屏)ThingsYour FeelingsWeatherRainy days make me sad.Color

13、Red makes me active.MusicRock music always makes me want to dance. MovieSad movies always make me cry.2.Writing. 布置写作任务:生活中有很多事情会影响人们的情绪。你的情绪会受哪些事物的影响而变化呢?请你就讨论的结果,挑一个或几个话题写一篇短文,谈谈你的感受。提示词:sunny, happy, rainy, sad, loud, rock, excited, light music, calm, sad movies, funny movies要求:70词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。All the things around me can affect my moods. _



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