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1、江苏省盱眙县黄花塘中学七年级英语下册Unit1 Dream homes-comic strip & welcome to the unit导学案 牛津版【学习目标】1、听、说、读、写下列词汇:dream, capital, palace2、了解第138页的词汇Bangkok, France, Moscow, Paris, Russia, Thailand3 掌握next to, would like to do 背诵对话和第七页的B 部分。【预习交流】(一)同学们,你们能完成本课时的词汇背诵任务吗?你知道下列国家的首都吗? China _ France _ England _ America

2、_ Russia _ Thailand _ Japan _ (二)根据汉语意思完成句子。1你想住在宫殿里吗? _ you _ to live in a _ ?2那个老人想住在旅馆的隔壁。The old man _ to live _ _ a _.3你最喜欢的城市是哪个? Which is your _ _ ?4最大的那个是我的。 The _ one is _.【课堂探究】任务一:呈现一幅世界地图,开展如下对话: T: What countries in the world do you know? S: _.T: What famous places are there in these co

3、untries? S: _.任务二:听录音,两人一组朗读对话并表演对话。任务三:完成Welcome 部分Parts A、B练习。让学生说出各个国家的首都:1. The capital of France is _.2. The capital of America is _.3. The capital of England is _.4. The capital of Canada is _.5. The capital of Russia is _.6. The capital of Japan is _.任务四:出示图片,学生展开对话: T: What country is it in?

4、S: Its in Japan.T: Do you know the capital of Japan?S: Yes, the capital of Japan is Tokyo.重难点突破1、next to相邻,隔壁,在旁边,紧靠aHe lives next to me. 他居住在我隔壁。bThey live next to each other. 他们住的很近。2、The biggest one. 最大的那个。 biggest 最大的。 是形容词的最高级。【当堂反馈】: 从第二栏中找出与第一栏对应的国家。( ) 1. Toykyo A. France( ) 2. Paris B. Chin

5、a( ) 3. Beijing C. Canada( ) 4. Moscow D. Russia( ) 5. London E. The UK( ) 6. Ottawa F. the USA( ) 7. Washington DC G. Japan 【达标提升】I.根据句意填空1.His room is very beautiful . Its like a p_.2.Boys like football best. So football is his f_sport , too.3.The capital of the UK is L_.4.Nanjing is the c_ of Jia

6、ngsu province(省).5.Lets talk about our d_ homes.二、句型转换。1. Would you like an apple? (同义句) _ _ _ an apple?2. Id like to live next to a restaurant.(划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ to live?3. The biggest restaurant is my favourite.(划线部分提问) _ _ is your favourite?4. The capital of Japan is Tokyo. (划线部分提问)_ _ the capital of Japan?5. Hed like to live here.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ to live here? 三、根据中文写出句子。1巴黎是法国的首都。 Paris is the _ of _.2 你最喜欢的饮料是什么? _ is your _ _?3 他想住在你家隔壁吗? _ _ _ to live _ _ your house?4 最大的那个房间是我的 _ _ room is _.5 哪个是你的自行车?红色的那辆。 _ is your bike? The _ _.



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