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1、2022年考博英语-湖南农业大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 不定项选择题Nuclear power supplies 5% of the worlds energy from more than 400 plants. But with the exception of France and Japan, the rich world has stopped ordering new reactors. A technology that was once deemed both clean and “too cheap to meter” has proved to the

2、 neither. The industrys chief hope now rests on the poor world. Western firms with reactors to sell will be flocking to Tokyo on October 8th for the World Energy Congress, a giant conference for the energy business. Asia, where electricity demand from developing countries is growing at 8% a year, wi

3、ll be on everyones lips. New reactors are planned in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Pakistan and India. It is good news for the reactor vendors; but these countries are making a mistake.The economic arguments for building new nuclear plants are flawed. The marginal costs of generating electr

4、icity from nuclear may be tiny, but as the technology now stands, huge and uncertain costs are involved in building the power stations, dealing with spent fuel, and decommissioning. Many western governments which sang nucleis praises now admit that gas and hydro power can produce cheaper electricity

5、.The economics of nuclear power in the poor world could prove to the worse still. As in the rich world, fossil fuels such as gas and coal are invariably cheaper. In China the case for nuclear power may be a little stronger as domestic reserves of coalthough hugeare located far from some areas of gro

6、wing electricity demand. But most developing countries are strapped for cash and need to increase electricity supply quickly to meet soaring demand. Nuclear plants fail on both counts: they are hugely capital-intensive, and can take as long as ten years to build.Those still charmed by nuclear power

7、nowadays make three new arguments in its favor: that it is a defense against climate change, against another OPEC-administered oil shock, and against the inevitable exhaustion of fossil fuels. None bears close examination.1. Nuclear power has proved to be _.2. Nuclear reactors _.3. The author seems

8、to suggest that _.4. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?5. Building nuclear plants may involve all of the following EXCEPT _.6. The advantages noted by those for nuclear power _.问题1选项A.indispensableB.expensiveC.economicalD.competitive问题2选项A.have ceased to go into ope

9、rationB.are assumed to sell in AsiaC.keep the favor of the rich worldD.are rejected by France and Japan问题3选项A.building a nuclear power station will not take too much timeB.western countries refused to buy any nuclear reactorsC.nuclear reactors are in great demand in developing countriesD.nuclear pow

10、er is costly to the rich world, let alone to the poor world问题4选项A.China will deny itself to the complete use of nuclear power.B.China is supposed to use nuclear power to a degree.C.The arguments in favor of building nuclear power are justifiable.D.Most developing countries are not pressed for either

11、 time or money.问题5选项A.labor intensivenessB.huge capital investmentC.long period of timeD.pollution问题6选项A.are utterly groundlessB.are approved unquestionableC.are fully testifiedD.are subject to examination【答案】第1题:B第2题:B第3题:D第4题:B第5题:A第6题:D【解析】第1题:事实细节题。由题干,我们可以定位到文章第一段第三句A technology that was once d

12、eemed both clean and “too cheap to meter” has proved to the neither.(这项曾经被认为清洁又便宜的技术,现在被证明两者都没有),A选项“不可替代的”,文章没有提及,而且不符合逻辑;B选项“昂贵”,以前觉得清洁又便宜,但是这种想法已经被推翻了,所以是既不清洁又很贵,答案选B;C选项“economical”(经济的)和cheap是同义词;D选项 “有竞争力的”,文章没有提及,所以排除。第2题:事实细节题。由题干,我们可以定位到第一段第二句 But with the exception of France and Japan, the

13、 rich world has stopped ordering new reactors.(但是除了法国和日本,发达国家已经停止订购新的反应堆。)由此可知反应堆仍然有人在用,而且法国和日本也没有拒绝使用反应堆,A选项“人们停止使用反应堆”和D选项“被日本和法国禁止使用”排除。第一段第四句The industrys chief hope now rests on the poor world.(现在这个行业的主要希望就是不发达国家了),以及第一段倒数第二、三句话Asia, where electricity demand from developing countries is growing

14、 at 8% a year, will be on everyones lips. New reactors are planned in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Korea, Pakistan and India.(在亚洲,发展中国家的电力需求以每年8%的速度增长,这将成为每个人谈论的话题。中国大陆、中国台湾、印尼、韩国、巴基斯坦和印度都计划建设新的核反应堆。),由此可见反应堆的销售者不会偏向地选择富裕国家,因为他们把希望寄托在了不发达国家。所以C选项“反应堆(销售者)仍然倾向于富裕国家”错误;而在发展中国家中打算建立核电站的都是亚洲国家,所以答案是B

15、选项“都准备销往亚洲”。第3题:推理判断题,定位到第三段最后一句Nuclear plants fail on both counts: they are hugely capital-intensive, and can take as long as ten years to build.(核电站在这两个方面都做不到:建造它需要大量资金,而且可能需要长达十年的时间来建设。),所以A选项“建核电站不耗费时间”错误;第一段第二句But with the exception of France and Japan, the rich world has stopped ordering new reactors.(但是除了法国和日本,发达国家已经停止订购新的反应堆。),所以B选项“西方国家拒绝购买任何反应堆”错误,因为日本和法国是发达国家;第一段倒数第二、三句话Asia, where electricity demand from developing countries is growing at 8% a year, will be on everyones lips. New reactors are planned in China, Taiwan, Indonesia, South Kor



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