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1、北京市西城区九年级统一测试 英语试卷 .1.本试卷共页,满分0分。考试时间90分钟。2.在试卷和答题卡上精确填写学校名称、班级、姓名和学号。3试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4.在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其她试题用黑色笔迹签字笔作答。5.考试结束,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。知识运用(共4分)一、单项填空(共6分,每题0.5分)从下面各题所给的、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Jac, tnk you o te flosIt all righ I hope like.A.thyB.temheir hemseles.Whatseweather

2、like in AustraiaJly?It is wterthre, s s a ltle cl.A.inB.oC.t D.ith3.The Norh Saris one ofstrs in henightskyA.bightB.bihter.brihest D. tebightst4.Ilvogo to theteare toig,I too bs.soB.C.but D. nd5.Wea wmuem whlee erein LdoA.visitB.viite.have isitedDare sitng6Shal we pa tis nw?Sorry, I cat. Imy oeok.A.

3、do.diC.havedone D. am doing7.r inga lot about Chinesultue since ecame o Bijn.AasleanB.will lean.lears lent8.d you ke better, carrotspooes?Crrots.hey ar od f my eye.yB.WhichC.Who D.Whose9 My graaloig tthaphoto on the wallI an undtn. It hlps remme he childhdA.njoysBenjyedCwsjoyin D.il njoy10.Muhe inow

4、 n he kiten wenI gt homeA. cleanB.will ceaC.was clning D. is cleing11.S new aiprtnthewest ofour cny.I wie very cnvenient to o heeA.ilB wl uildC.werebuilt i e blt2.wer. Yo ar very early evry ay.Only 5 intesalk. how larsitIrom yur oe t schoB hw lrt i fom yor me to scoolC. hwlar was it Irom yourhome to

5、schoolD. ho far it was rom your hoe to choo二、完形填空(共分,每题1分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Les Secon GIn 82,whe I wscoacing the Raides, the ownr o thetam lke wih about aposible trdfrLyle Alzdo. te wtchingim on tp,I didn think he as thatgood, bu the er fl we cod e Lyle betterby reag theig

6、heironorhim. We dee 3.hat summe at trining camp,Lylashavng a hrd ti. e hd tat lkinhiseyes hatmany youngplayer ansom old playersgewen things arentgong 14. One mornigLle cameintom office ane loked le hehant lep. Heewas ge ma, ith hiead abo as 5as it ou go.We tad, o rahe, I isee. Th main pt wasthatLye

7、flt h e(职业生涯)ws ovr and it would ebest fr m and fte team if rtid (退役)H aplogizedfor 6 us sincee ad ust tradedfo hm.ylewaslwaysn otonl peron. iss oe of th reasns e wasagood playe. He 17 al thtemtionalergy wth hm, eadyo lire o at th a of he bal (开球).Now he was in front f me, alscyin I thougt for momn,

8、 raliingw a keep that 1 goig. Thn wn through m rsns why he houdnoretire. te en f ourtalk, said,“Youo u an ply yo er es, and tus9i ytll hae it. Persoally, I think yodo.”In anuary 1984.Tam Ba Saium. uper Bowl XVIII. iless a o minues reanin, we were leain 38. e we the wr champos of pressioal fotball. s

9、awLye,ryike a baby. hado un away uiky,r wouldave joied hm 20Iremmberedtht moning inm offc, ad hat Lyle, an wat the Rai, ad achieed se he ame to s. yle dnt given his carer nthsho, e woud av hd hs victory. aybe th aiers woulnave had this icto Durg tht moet,I fet oe of th greatst saisfactns of ycohin c

10、ar.13 A del .plan C. argumet D. istak14 A.away .oer C.we D. fst5. A. low B. coo . clear D. heay 6 A pushng B. efsg C. hen D. disppointing7. A.face . arried C received magned18. ball fire C. time D. lk19 A. guss . wnde C deide D. predic20 . heers B pan . ace D. ea阅读理解(共36分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、

11、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共6分,每题2分)AIm cray about coclte, so its srpietat my faorite bok iChrlie an the hocolate Fctr by thewonderfu Road Dahl. ForgetCharl Buckt,h rahero is iy Won,inventor ofte mst amzngswes i the world. ere ae just aw fhis dcous creaions :ot ice ram for a coldda! hat a gea deaNoIcaet ice remever ay!H asoinvntedan ice crmthat never melt(融化)ry uefu.alpapethat you c lic. his allpaper cos in orang, grape,applan banaaflvours Wn ik te ctrs, you s



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