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1、 目 录摘要IABSTRACTII第1章绪论11.1选题的背景和意义11.1.1选题背景:11.1.2选题意义21.2研究方法和思路31.3论文结构4第2章理论综述62.1.管理信息系统概述62.1.1管理信息系统62.1.2 管理信息系统的发展62.2系统开发方法72.2.1结构化生命周期法72.2.2原型法82.4 系统开发技术82.4.1 ASP技术概述82.4.2 SQL Server 2000数据库技术概述92.4.3 Windows Server 2003 概述10第3章 教务管理信息系统研究现状113.1国内外教务管理信息系统现状113.1.1国外教务管理信息系统现状113.1.

2、2 我国教务管理信息系统现状123.2 MM学院教务管理信息系统现状及功能需求分析143.2.1.MM学院简介143.2.2MM学院教务管理信息化的发展过程及现状153.2.3MM学院教务管理信息系统的功能需求分析16第4章 MM学院教务管理信息系统分析184.1可行性分析184.1.1技术可行性分析184.1.2经济可行性分析194.1.3 操作可行性分析194.2系统开发模式分析:194.2.1 CS模式MIS194.2.2 BS模式MIS204.2.3 CS、BS混合结构MIS204.3 系统网络拓扑结构224.4系统总体需求分析234.5系统业务流程分析24第5章 MM学院教务管理信息

3、系统设计265.1系统设计目标265.2 系统总体功能设计275.2.1教务管理信息系统功能设计275.2.2教务管理系统中模块简介285.3系统主要模块详细设计315.3.1学生学籍管理315.3.2教学计划管理325.3.3排课管理345.3.4选课管理365.3.5考务管理385.3.6成绩管理405.3.7教学资源管理425.4 数据库设计445.4.1数据库设计原则445.4.2概念结构设计465.4.3数据库逻辑结构设计475.4.4 数据库表的设计485.4.5数据库表之间的约束关系505.5系统数据编码设计515.6 测试用例525.6.1用户登录测试用例525.6.1学生成绩

4、管理模块测试用例535.6.2学生选课管理模块测试用例535.6.3教师管理模块测试用例545.6.4系统管理模块测试用例54第六章 结论与展望566.1 结论566.2 展望57参考文献58致谢60 / CONTENTSAbstract.IEnglish Abstract.IIChapter 1 Introduction 11.1 Research background and significance11.1.1 Research background11.1.2 Significance of the topic21.2 Research methods and ideas.31.3Pa

5、per structure .4Chapter 2 Theoretical Summary .6 2.1 Management Information System Theory62.1.1 Management information system .6 2.1.2 Management Information Systems developing.6 2. 2 Systems Development Method7 2.2.1 Structured system development life cycle.7 2.2.2 Prototype .8 2.3System Developmen

6、t Technology.8 2.4.1 ASP Technology Overview.8 2.4.2 Overview of SQL Server 2000 database technology9 2.4.3 Overview of Windows Server 200310Chapter 3 Research Educational Management Information System113.1Status at home and abroad Educational Management Information System113.1.1 Foreign Affairs Man

7、agement Information System Status.113.1.2 Status of Chinese Educational Management Information System.123.2 status and functional requirements analysis.143.2.1 Xinxiang College Overview.143.2.2 Institute of Educational Management Information Xinxiang development process and current situation153.2.3

8、Institute of Educational Management Information System in Xinxiang functional needs analysis.16Chapter 4 Xinxiang Institute of Educational Management Information System.184.1 Feasibility Analysis184.1.1 Technical feasibility analysis.18 4.1.2 Economic Analysis.19 4.1.3 Feasibility Analysis of Operat

9、ion194.2 System Development Model.194.2.1 C / S mode MIS.194.2.2 B / S mode MIS.204.2.3 C / S,B / S mixed structure of MIS.204.3 System network topology.224.4 Overall system needs analysis234.5 Business Process Analysis System.24Chapter 5 Xinxiang College Educational Management Information System.26

10、5.1 Design objectives and principles265.2 Overall system function design.275.2.1 Educational Management Information System Function Design275.2.2 Introduction to Educational Management System Module.285.3 Detailed design of the main module system.315.3.1 Status Management.31 5.3.2 Management of Teac

11、hing plan.32 5.3.3 Course Management.34 5.3.4 Examination Management.36 5.3.5 Performance management38 5.3.6 Textbook managemen.40 5.3.7 Teaching resources management.425.4. Database Design.44 5.4.1 Database design principles.44 5.4.2 Conceptual design.46 5.4.3 Logical database design.47 5.4.4 Database table design.48 5.4.5 Constraints between database tables.50 5.5 Data coding system design.515.6 Part of the test case design.52 5.6.1User Login test case.52



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