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1、初中英语选词填空题解题技巧与专题训练 根据平时的观察,学生在做英语“选词填空”时,遇较多困难,有的甚至条件反射一样畏惧或厌烦。在此,我把平时积累的解题技巧和训练技巧略作归纳,希望能给有大家提供一点帮助。 “选词填空”要求学生利用所给的10-11个词汇(今年的湛江中考要求是用给出10个词汇补全一篇有10个空缺的短文)。据观察,所给出的词汇一般有名词、代词、动词、形容词、副词、数词、冠词、介词和连词等,补全一篇有10个空缺的短文。要攻克这一难关,学生除了要进行大量的课外阅读,积累丰富的语言知识外,还需掌握一定的解题技巧。 1.在拿到题目後,不要急于看文章,首先对备选的词汇研究几遍,对词性作简单的标

2、记,例如:名词-n.,动词-v.,形容词-a.,副词-ad. 等等。同时对词义作初步的理解。 2.通读全文,语义完整、适用、合乎逻辑是做好填词的前提。通过上、下文的句子,充分理解短文的内容,注意发现固定搭配关系,凭借语感积极主动地猜测空格中所缺的信息,根据需要去备选词汇中寻找匹配的答案。 3.在选定单词後,不要轻率地填入。在填词过程中,需要瞻前顾後,既要符合本句的含义,又要保证句式结构的正确。当你选定一个名词时,要考虑是否要把它变成复数或“所有格”形式。例如:match-matches,friend-friends/friends/friends。其他还要考虑名词是否需要变成形容词,例如:su

3、n-sunny, use-useful/useless/used, care-careful,danger-dangerous;在遇到动词时,要有意识地去考虑时态和语态的变化以及非谓语动词形式的变化(动词不定式- to do, 现在分词-doing, 过去分词-done, 固定搭配-enjoy doing sth./used to do sth./have sth. done);形容词和副词填空时要主动去判定是否需要变成比较级或最高级,还有它们之间的相互转换以及形容词变名词的需求也需考虑,例如:interesting-more /the most interesting, happy-happ

4、ily,happy -happiness; 填入代词时,需注意辨別主格、宾格、名词性和形容词性物主代词或反身代词的用法;数词方面要注意基数词和序数词的变化以及分数和虚实数的用法,例如:three-third, 2/3-two thirds, one thousand/thousands of ;冠词只需要在 a或an之间判別,如a girl/an old man; 当遇到介词和连词时,就更简单,只要符合上下文逻辑或固定短语搭配,填入即可。为了方便记忆,试著记住下面的顺口溜:空前空后要注意,“名词”单复数要牢记,还有 s 不能弃,“动词”注意要变形,“形副”注意要用三种级,要填“数词”请留意,千

5、万別忘 “基” 和“序”,填入“代词”需慎重,五格变化要谨记。4.完成填词后,应通读全文,复核校对。检查单词拼写是否正确,是否有时态、语态、惯用法及词语选用上的错误,以确保答案的正确性。最後把答案填入答卷时,切勿错位。初中英语选词填空题的解题思路: 1跳过空格、通读短文、了解大意。解题时先跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为立足点,理清文脉,推测全文主题及大意。2复读短文、确定语义、判断词形。把握短文大意后再认真复读短文,利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先确定空格处所需词语的意义,再根据空格在句子中的位置,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定


7、。若空格内填的是名词,要考虑其单复数形式;若填的是形容词或副词,则要考虑其是否属于比较等级;如若填的是动词,则要特别注意考虑其时态和语态。如在句首,还要考虑其首字母的大写。4有些空格需要填入介词、连词等结构词,除考虑上下文的内容外,还要考虑和其他词的固定搭配及其惯用法结构。 中考英语选词填空题的专项训练 (一)enjoy, where, see, idea, go, take, morning, make, with, problemA:what are you going to do next weekend?B:I have no 1_. What about you?A:I dont k

8、now.Do you want to do something2_me?B:Sure.What do you want to do?A:How about 3_ fishing on Saturday?B: Ok . 4_ are we going to meet?A:Lets meet at my house.My father has a boat.He can 5_ us fishing on the lake.B:What time shall we leave?A:Lets leave at 5:30 in the 6_. Fishing is good at that time.B

9、:So early? Can we 7_ it a little later?A:Well,no 8_. What about 6:00?B:Great. We are sure 9_ ourselves. 10_ you at 6:00 on Saturday morning.A:Ok. Bye! (二) leave, what, ask, in, driver, something, inside, bring, me, how A:Good morning,madam. May I help you?B:Yes , Im afraid I1_my handbag in the taxi

10、this morning. A:Whats2_the handbag?B:About 8000 yuan.A: 3_ else?B:Yes, my ID card, I think.A:By the way, have you4_ for the taxi ticket?B:Yes, the ticket5_ is 6543278.A:Well, Ill help you to call the taxi 6_. (Knocking at the door)B:Come in, please.A:Good morning, sir. I found this handbag on my tax

11、i and I 7_it here. Theres much money 8_.B:Thank you very much.(turning to the woman) Is this your handbag?A: Yes, its 9_ .Thank goodness!10_ a kind man! Thank you. (三) eat, around, be, of, amusement, difference, probable, gift, but, otherHave you ever been to Disneyland? First, most of the kids 1_ t

12、he world, this 2_ park is a fantastic place for them to have fun. When we 3_young, we all have heard 4_ Mickey Mouse, sleeping beauty, Snow White and many Disney characters. Some of us 5_have seen them in cartoons. Actually, you can go to see them in a theme park. Now, there are four 6_Disneyland am

13、usement parks all over the world. Two are in the United States, one is in Tokyo, and the7_ is in France. There are not only some amusement attractions there,8 _ also many specials with Disney characters. In Disneyland, you can have a lot of fun watching Disney movies, 9_in Disney restaurants, and bu

14、ying Disney10_. (四)choose, difference, never, thirsty, need, time, play, on, exercise, throughDo you want to be healthier? Then go1_ the passage, and you may find its easy to keep fit.Eat all kinds of foods, especially fruits and vegetablesYou may have a favourite kind of food, but the best 2_ is to eat as many kinds as possible. If you eat 3_ foods, youre more likely to get the nutrients your body need. Taste new foods that you4_ tried before. Some foods, such as green vegetables, are very important. Have five servings(份)of fruit


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