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1、2022年考博英语-中国矿业大学考前拔高综合测试题(含答案带详解)1. 单选题Chad performs his 24-foot aluminum boat past young willow trees that stick out of the waters of the Mississippi River. Sunshine dances off maples, their branches heavy with(1) spring leaves. But a(2)inspection discloses trouble behind the beautiful sight. Rubbi

2、sh is(3)in a logjam and hangs from the trees branches.For the next three hours Chas and his team pull plastic bags, tanks, bottles and even bowling pins out of the water. Then they(4)for a picnic table caught in the trees.The Mississippi River Beautification & Restoration Project began in 1997(5)Cha

3、ds one-man effort to pick up rubbish along a 400-mile stretch of the 2340-mile river started. That year, often working(6),the 22-year-old cleaned 150 miles of shoreline.At first the project appeared impossible and useless. But Chad tried his best to find supporters, and with their supporting, he soo

4、n had a new(7)and a five-man teamthe Boom Crane Crew. Last year alone the crew pulled from the water 44051 gallon drums, 1104 tyres and enough plastic bags to cover a football field. Much of the waste will be(8).“Chads operation is the only one(9)in progress on the river,” says Mark of the Mississip

5、pi River Basin Alliance, a(10)of environmental groups. “Its the biggest Ive ever seen in 20 years, and he is inspiring others to do the same.问题1选项A.ripeB.brownC.fallingD.fresh问题2选项A.slowerB.quickerC.closerD.stricter问题3选项A.placedB.piledC.trappedD.thrown问题4选项A.comeB.giveC.headD.arrive问题5选项A.whenB.byC.


7、天的树叶应是 D选项fresh“新鲜的”。(2)考查形容词辨析。A选项slower“较慢的”;B选项quicker“快一些”;C选项closer“更近些”;D选项stricter“更严格一点”。句意:但是的检查揭示了美丽景象背后的问题。只有更仔细些观看才能发现美景后的问题,而仔细看的第一步是“靠近些看”,因此C选项正确。(3)考查动词辨析。此处为be动词+动词过去分词结构构成复合谓语。A选项place“放置;任命;寄予”;B选项pile“累积;堆积”;C选项trap“使陷入困境;捕捉”;D选项throw“投掷;抛”。句意:垃圾被漂浮阻塞的木头,或挂在树枝上。河道上的木头会把垃圾圈起来,一起漂浮

8、在河面,因此C选项正确。(4)考查固定搭配。本句表示:接着他们驶向卡在树中间的野餐桌。四个选项中只有C选项head才可与空格后的for搭配,head for表示“向进发”。(5)考查时间状语从句的用法。空格前后是两个完整句子,因此空格处应填入关联词,先排除B和C。句中说到的“密西西比河美化和还原项目”开始于Chad的“收集垃圾”行动。因此主句与从句的动作是同时发生的,排除A选项when,D选项正确。(6)考查副词辨析。空格处词语修饰前面的working因此为副词词性。A选项alone“独自地”;B选项hard“努力地;困难地”;C选项quietly“安静地;秘密地;平稳地”;D选项happil

9、y“快乐地;幸福地”。句意:那一年,22岁的他经常工作,清理了150英里长的海岸线。上一句说到“one-man effort一个人的努力”,因此A选项working alone更符合文意。(7)考查上下文语义。文章开头提到了交通工具“24-foot aluminum boat 24英尺铝船”,这里对应的交通工具也应是船,指Chad获得支持后,有了新的船和一个五人团队、B选项正确。(8)上下文语义。上一句说到,收集的垃圾是“gallon drum 加仑桶、tyre 轮胎和plastic bag塑料袋”,因此这些垃圾应该被recycled“回收利用”,而不是焚烧或掩埋,自然也无法再使用。因此D选项

10、符合题意。(9)考查副词辨析。A选项eagerly“急切地;渴望地”;B选项actually“实际上;事实上”;C选项strongly“鉴定地;强有力地”;D选项generally“通常;普遍地”。句意:查德是唯一一个在河上开展此活动的人。综合句意及选项可知,此处B选项“事实上”符合逻辑与语境。(10)考查名词辨析。A选项lab“实验室”;B选项market“市场;行情”;C选项union“联盟;工会”;D选项meeting“会议;集合”。空格处部分是用来补充说明逗号前的“the Mississippi River Basin Alliance密西西比河流域联盟”,因此只有C选项符合题意。2.

11、 单选题This book is the( )of some 20 years of scientific research.问题1选项A.participationB.toleranceC.allianceD.outcome【答案】D【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项participation“参与;分享;参股”;B选项tolerance“公差;宽容;容忍”;C选项alliance“联盟;联姻”;D选项outcome“结果;成果”。句意:这本书是20多年科学研究的。由句意和选项分析可知,书只能是研究“成果”,因此D选项正确。3. 单选题Another trend of the 1990s in t

12、he computer industry is toward multimedia formats, as the market for conventional types of computer those that have computation and data processing as their major functions has begun to become saturated. Multimedia computers are systems that can process graphics, sound, video, and animation in addit

13、ion to traditional data processing, Videocassette recorders, televisions, telephones, and audiocassette players have recently undergone a change in technology from analog to digital formats. Television images, for example, can be processed by computer programs once they have been converted to digita

14、l signals, while those in conventional analog signals cannot. In other words, digital video images can be zoomed up or down, reshaped, or rearranged by the appropriate software. Also, due to advances in video-signal compression technology, the memory space required for storing a video program has be

15、en greatly reduced.Multimedia has important applications for consumer products and for business needs. Video scenes that are captured by camcorders can be combined with text, sound, and data and can be viewed on television sets in homes, schools, or offices. These multimedia presentations are becoming useful educational and commercial tools. For example, there are available encyclopedias that contain video pr



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