仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit7 Topic3 Section A 导学案

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1、仁爱版英语七年级下册Unit7 The birthday partyTopic 3 Everyone had a good time Section A备课人:审核人:班级:七年级年级组长:预习目标学习目标学习重点学习方法1.熟读 1a 的对话,勾划出不理解的地方。2.独立完成 1b。1.会读写用下列单词:recite ,poem ,magic , tricks, enjoy, himself , kung fu ,yesterday, perform2.学习重点短语:recite a poem, dance to disco , play the piano, perform Chinese

2、 kung fu3.学习并掌握实义动词过去式构成规则。1.实义动词过去式构成规则。2.含有实义动词过去式的句子的各种句型变法。实例法,问答法【自主学习】1.反复读 1a。2.阅读 P.114 页上 Section A 的课文注释,借助其它工具书和辅导资料尽力理解 1a。 3.英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画(必须先完成 1,2,再做此部分)。(1)perform magic tricks_ (2)recite a Chinese poem_(3)enjoy himself _ (4)play the guitar_(5) 唱一首中文歌曲 _ (6)在晚会上 _(7)他表演了一些魔术。_(8)康

3、康玩得高兴吗? _(9)你唱了一首中文歌还是一首英文歌?(10)你说英语说得很好。【导入新课】 师生对话T: When were you born?S: I was born.T: Could you ride a bike when you were five?S: Yes, I could./No, I couldnt.T: Could you swim.? S: 【合作探究】1.读对话 1a,回答下面的问题。1)How was Kangkangs birthday party? _2)What did Sally do at Kangkangs birthday party? _ 3)W

4、hat did Tom do at Kangkangs birthday party? _2.根据 1a 的对话,小组完成 1b。3.完成 2。【训练检测】一 选词填空。1. Did you_ (buy, bought) that present?2. She _ (played, playing) the guitar at the party yesterday evening. 3. Who is _ (sing, singing) rock song?4. Can Yukio _ _(dance, danced) to disco?5. Maria often _(perform, p

5、erforms) the magic tricks.6. Helen can _(recite, recited) the Tang poem.二把下列句子变为否定句,一般疑问句并作肯定、否定回答:1. I played the guitar.(否定句)(一般疑问句)(肯定回答) (否定回答) 2.She recited a poem at the party.(否定句)(一般疑问句)(肯定回答) (否定回答) 3.He sang an English song.(否定句)(一般疑问句)(肯定回答) (否定回答) 4. Kangkang performed kung fu.(否定句)(一般疑问

6、句)(肯定回答) (否定回答) 【迁移拓展】总结动词一般过去式变化规律 :played, worked _danced ,recited _tried ,worried_stopped, planned_ 不规则变化: _【每日一句】A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者善终。【学后反思】将自己不理解的问题与本小组同学交流讨论,将你的收获写下来。Unit7 The birthday partyTopic 3 Everyone had a good time Section B备课人:审核人:班级:七年级年级组长:预习目标 1.熟读 1a 和 2a,并

7、试着完成 1b 和 2b。1.继续学习行为动词的一般过去时。2.会读写下列单词和短语:fall ,wash , washroom , at once, poor, matter myself.学习目标学习重点 【自主学习】3.鼓励学生做一名诚实的孩子。行为动词的一般过去时及其运用。1.反复读 1a 和 2a。2.读 1a 和 2a 两遍,找出含有一般过去时的句子。3.阅读 P.114 页上 Section B 的课文注释,借助其它工具书和辅导资料尽力理解 1a 和 2a。 4.英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画。fall down_ at once_This way, please._ hurt

8、 oneself_(5) 你伤着了你自己吗?_ 立刻_ (7)每个人都玩得很高兴.【走入新课】1. 根据 1a 回答下列问题:1) Did Michael hurt himself?2) Where did he want to go?【合作探究】1.分组表演对话 1a 并完成 1b。2.写出下列单词的过去式:fall_ miss_ hurt_ wash_can_ come_ play_ go_have_ tell_ make_ do_3.读 2a 的对话,完成 2b。4.小组合作,完成 3。【训练检测】一单项选择。(10 分)( )1.Why didnt Tom come to school

9、?He _ and hurt his leg.A. fell down B. fell off C. falls down ( )2.We should _ the truth all the time.A. speak B. say C. speak out ( )3.What happened _ you last Sunday?I hurt myself with the knife.D. fells offD. tellA. for B. of C.to D. on ( )4.What time _ Lily go to the park yesterday?At about eigh

10、t oclock.A. does B. do C. did D. was 二填入所缺的词:1. Its not good to _ _ your parents.(撒谎)2. We should always _ _ _ (讲实话)3. Michael _ _(摔倒) and _(受伤)himself. 4.We_ _ _ _(玩得高兴) at the party.5.I _ play video games _ _(一点也不)三句型转换:1.I came back late because I forgot the time.(对划线部分提问) _ _ you come back late?

11、2.I came back at ten thirty. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you come back?3.I hurt myself. (变一般疑问句)_ you _ yourself?4. I did my homework at home yesterday.(改为否定句)I _ _ my homework at home yesterday.【迁移拓展】 根据 1a,向同学介绍康康的生日晚会。_ _ _【每日一句】A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.一本好书,相伴一生。【学后反思】将自己不理解的问题与本小组的同学进行交流讨论,将你的收获写下来。 _ _ _ _Unit7 The birthday partyTopic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C备课人:审核人:班级:七年级年级组长:预习目标 1.熟读 P.75 1a 部分,了解其大致含义。 2.基本能独立



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