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1、红军烈士纪念塔Red Ary Mrtyrs Monumn各位游客,我们眼前看到的这个高耸的红军烈士纪念塔是中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府为了表扬先烈,永远纪念历年来在革命战争中光荣牺牲的红军指战员而建造的,由钱壮飞设计,梁柏台任工程指引。红军烈士纪念塔塔高13米,炮弹形的塔身布满一粒粒小石块,象征着无数革命烈士凝结而成。ervitos, infot ous, we ca ee werig RdAmyMatysMuent,whic ibuilbythe Pvinal Ctral Govenmnt fth Chinse oviet Repulic,in ordr to prais aryrs and

2、 ommemoraeRed Am fficers an mn wh were gloriussacrific ove esntheevutonrywaforer. Th ouent was deigned byian Zugei and cndt b LaBoas a. Theor i metestall,whsveral smallstones filing on thel-shaped d, chsmolizes s the ondenstion f ountles revolutinarymrtrs.塔座为五角形,四周分别镶着毛泽东、朱德、周恩来、博古、项英、洛甫、王稼祥、凯丰、邓发等领

3、导人的题词和建塔标志共十块碑刻。Te penagnal peesal was imed th totall 10 nscripios, rttn by President Mao Zedn, Zhu e, Zhou Ena, Bo G,Xiang ing, Lu Fu, Wang Jiaxng, K Feg, enFa and other leads.塔的正前方地面上用煤渣铺写着“踏着先烈血迹迈进”八个苍劲大字,与烈士塔形成一幅完整的构图,体现了苏区人民对先烈的无比崇拜和怀念。ght vgorous hinese chaacers“Mov owa throuhte lood of Martyr

4、s” riten b cocinde g in throntof the tower, oether wi th yr tower orm a complet piture of composition,whalsoxresed the Soviet poles ioparable rvence and remerance t martyr红军烈士纪念塔于193年月1日破土动工,工程刚开始,在中央苏区就掀起了一股自动募捐的热潮。The RedAry artyrs Monment tarted bidig o Aust1, 193. e beginningofthepjct, anupsuge

5、o auoatic clcion asd itheCetaoiet Area.中国工农红军残废院捐大洋二十一元二角九分六厘;直属医院政治部捐大洋八元七角一分;一军团八月三十日来电,已集中捐款二百四十元he Chneeworkers and eaas Rd rmy dialed hopitaldonatedsirdolls twet-onyuantwo jao ni fen si li; Politcal Deprten of hospital onatedsler dlars eigh yan ee jiao onee; the frstleo cledon agut 3,tatte h on

6、ate o hdred and fy yan.在这些募捐队伍中,瑞金叶坪村的谢益辉老人的故事特别让人难以忘怀,当时,她已年过花甲,唯一的儿子,参与了红军,在第四次反“围剿”中光荣牺牲。mn theefndraiingta, th stry of te older Xe Yihi from Yeping illage Rijin i ws ariculrly ufgtaeto us. At thattie,he was aed 6yer l, hisonly son wh oithe rd armysacrfcedhimsei e ortune-CampinainsEnccent nd Sppe

7、ssion.家中只有她和老伴两个人,红军烈士塔开始修建后,谢益辉老人将近年积攒下来,准备买棺材的三块大洋也捐了出来,工程筹办处的同志懂得谢大爷的状况,说什么也不肯收,谢大爷激动地说:“你们一定要收下,我连儿子都献给了苏维埃,你们就让我为儿子和其她烈士尽点心意吧!”。he hle famil lefthim ad his wi.henthe edArmy Matrs Moumestard uildig, ie Yiu doatd hs hree sivr dllrs whichweeavedwithin several yes rparig o e usd to buy hiscoffin. W

8、hle corads fromnering Prepratoy ffiknw his, they refused tccept his har-aed moey. Bgandpa Xie sid ecitd:“You saccept teeoney, I havedediatd my so to the Sovet, lse all me od omething fomy drand oter maryrs.”就这样,从前线到后方,从机关到基层,从干部到战士,参军人到农民,一双双热情的手,一颗颗滚烫的心,为了缅怀牺牲的将士,她们省吃俭用,在有限的津贴和伙食费里抽出一元、两元、一角、二角,甚至一

9、分二分来增援纪念塔的建造。n thsay,rom th ront toear, from uhoriy t te rassrots,ro cadre to older,rom oliers toarmes,ereereirs ofwarm ands, hewea t ofot e, ad there e re munt f eople leadigtheir life pincing and scaingin orderto honthe sacrific of solies They saved thir mney fo imited llowane ndord wag,ne yun tw

10、yan njiaotw jiao evnonecentrtwo ents,ouppor onuctionof thonument.34年10月,红军主力长征后,红军烈士纪念塔被敌人拆毁,本地群众在沉痛和愤怒之中,冒着生命危险,把红军烈士纪念塔拆除下来仅有完整的“烈”字抬回家里隐藏起来,始终珍藏到全国解放。I Or1934, tee lon mah of te ain rc f heRed Arm, te Red rmy Martyrs Monumnt wa dsroyed heenemy. Locpeolwereuffring from gifndgra ang, 为重现历史风貌,1955年在

11、遗迹上按原貌修复了烈士塔,1961年被列为全国重点文物保护单位。Inorer to eceae hstrical e an features,he onumet s repaed n th sitein 1955 ccodin t i oiginal look, and it aitedas national keycultal licsreservati nits i 196博生堡BohenForress各位游客,我们看到这个四方形的建筑是博生堡,博生堡是中华苏维埃共和国临时中央政府为纪念赵博生烈士而建造的。Dear visit, he we rive at Bheg Fortres. Ti

12、s quare-haedbuildi was constrced honorfteMartyrZhao Bosheg theProsial Cental ovrment of the Chinese Soiet Rpublic赵博生是河北省黄骅县人,187年出生,保定军校毕业后,曾任西北军特种兵旅长、国民革命军26路军参谋长等职。ZaoBseng ws bor in theear of 1897 n Hna tyHbi probince. H seved as e oest ySpecil Foces Bigde, he naional voutinry ary the 26 Re rm Ch

13、ef Stf and other osition, ater gradutefom Baodig miltaryae i 1917 1931年春,蒋介石为“围剿”红军,把26路军调到苏区。In h prin fthe ear1931, ChiagKai-sk tnserrdhe 26 out Army tothSoiet aein order t il adsures te RedAy在此期间,赵博生接受中共地下党组织的协助,决心跟共产党走,0月秘密加入共产党,12月4日赵博生和董振堂、季振同等带领26路军170余人在宁都举办起义,加入红军,起义部队改编为红一方面军第五军团,赵博生任军团参谋长兼第十四军军长。uing h time, ZaoBs aceped the help fom t Commu


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