山东省青岛市平度市云山镇云山中学七年级英语上册《Unit 7 How much are these pants》Section A 3a教案

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《山东省青岛市平度市云山镇云山中学七年级英语上册《Unit 7 How much are these pants》Section A 3a教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省青岛市平度市云山镇云山中学七年级英语上册《Unit 7 How much are these pants》Section A 3a教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 How much are these pants 【教材依据】义务教育课程标准教科书人民教育出版社出版,新目标英语七年级上册第七单元第二课时.【设计思想】本课采用任务型教学模式,通过利用录音机等多媒体教学用具,充分发挥学生的主体地位,让学生主动参与活动,适当安排小组活动、游戏活动,使学生在创设的情境中实现更多语言交流的机会,提高课堂教学效率。【教学目标】本单元的主要话题时学会谈论物品的颜色和价格,对服装的爱好,购物时使用的礼貌用语。本课的课型为说写课。授课时间为45分钟。(1)知识目标:words and expressions:clerk ,help ,want ,Here y

2、ou are. Youre welcome. example.Ill take it/them.(2)能力目标:学会购物时使用的礼貌用语。(3)情感目标:通过学习本节课,培养学生礼貌待人,学会感谢某人的好品质。【教学重点】掌握知识目标中涉及的单词、词组及句子。【教学难点】购买复数和不可数名词的用语:Ill take them/it.【教学准备】 新课标要求教师充分利用课程资源,让学生多渠道获取信息,根据本节课的内容,我让学生利用周日去服装店购物,让他们对实际购物环境有亲身体会,让他们感到学有所用,提高学生的学习兴趣,课前根据本节课的教学内容,制好多媒体课件,为他们创设情景,展现重点句型。【教学

3、过程】Step1 Revision:(1)Revise the words of the clothes.Show Ss the pictures of the clothes. Ask Ss to spell the words of the clothes.设计说明复习一下上节课所学的服装名称,为本节课的学习打好基础。(2)Revise the drills:Show Ss some pictures about the color clothes. Ask Ss practice in pairs like this: A: Do you like red?B: Yes, I do. /

4、No ,I dont.A: How much is the red skirt?B: Its five dollars.A: How much are the.?B: Theyre.设计说明利用多媒体课件,复习上节课的句型,为本节课购物时询问服装价格所需句型做好准备。Step2 Presentation:(1)T: If you come to a store .What does the clerk say to you?(Tell the students) The clerk says: Can I help you? You can answer: Yes, please./No ,t

5、hanks.(write the word“clerk”and the sentences on the blackboard). Ask Ss read after the teacher for twice.T: Now open your books , turn to Page43 . Look at activity 3a . Fill in the blanks in the conversation by yourself.Check the answers . Ask Ss to say the word blank for each blank.设计说明这样可以培养学生自主学

6、习的意识,充分发挥学生的主观能动性。(2)Listen to the tape . Ask Ss listen and repeat with the tape for Activity3a.(3)Explain the sentence and write them on the blackboard: Can I help you? Here you are. Ill take it. Youre welcome.(4) Ask Ss recite the conversation in Activity3a.(5)Act out the conversation in pairs. As

7、k some students to act out it to the class.设计说明听力录音给学生以标准的语音示范,让学生在扮演对话中对所学知识得以运用和巩固。Step3 Activity 3b(1) First look at the pictures. Ask students to pay attention to the plural form of nouns. Using: How much are ? They are Ill take them.(2)Talk about these things in pairs. The teacher move around t

8、he class.(3)Ask Ss act out their own conversations to the class.设计说明让学生在进一步的练习中得以对所学知识加以扩展,从而突出难点。Step4. Activity4 Game(1)Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the example. Then ask students to write a sentence, play a memory game in group.(2)Ask: Who is the winner in your group? Then ask the winner in

9、 each group to say their sentences. Find the winner in the class.设计说明通过游戏方式,让学生对服装的颜色及价格的熟练运用,从而激发学生的学习兴趣。Step5. SummaryT: Look at the blackboard. Lets read the sentences:Can I help you? Yes, please. /No, thanks.Here you are. How much is/are ?Ill take it/them. Youre welcome.设计说明让学生在跟读中对所学知识进行梳理归纳;ho

10、w to go shopping. 从而掌握所学的购物时的礼貌用语。Step6. ExerciseComplete the sentences according to the Chinese.1. 你要买什么? _I _ you?2. 你要什么颜色的? _ _ do you want? 3. 给你。 _ you _.4. 这件红毛衣多少钱?_ _ is the red _?5. 我要把它买下。 Ill _ it.6. 不客气。 Youre welcome.设计说明检查并巩固本节课所学的知识目标中涉及的单词和句子。Step7. Homework:(1)Make a conversation, talk about the things in Activity 3b.(2)Next class, act out the conversation with your partner.


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