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1、Chapter 3I.QUESTIONS1.Through what channels can we get the information of the partner?Trade directory, chamber of commerce both at home and abroad, banks, advertisements in the newspapers or periodicals, introduction or recommendation from embassies or conculates, the internet, market investigation,

2、 introduction from other business firms or friends, self-introduction2.Explain the “3C” principle, and give the detailed information about itThe 3”C” principle refers to capital, capacity and conduct of the future client. Capital refers to its assets, profits, liabilities, and the capital turnover.

3、Capacity refers to its management capacity, management skill and comprehensive index. Conduct refers to its credit and reputation. II.TRANSLATION1. 本公司有庞大的销售网点。We have enormous sales outlets.2. 由于贵行号与地址载于化学药品杂志上,我方遂致函,希望与贵方建立业务关系。As your name and address were listed in The Chemicals, we are writing

4、to you with a desire to establish business relationship with you.3. 本公司是香港最大的食品贸易公司,在中国内陆有分公司与门市部。We are the largest food trading company in HK, and have branches or retail departments on the Main Land.4. 我们发现有些展品质量优良,设计精美。We found some of the exhibits fine in quality and beautiful in design.5. 本公司正

5、在贵市寻找新的业务关系,若蒙将下列资料登载于贵刊上,将不胜感激。We are seeking new business connections in your city and would appreciate your inserting the following information in your publication.B6. We could like to receive your frank opinion about the financial condition of Shangyuan Canned Food Co, Ltd.我们很想知道您们对尚源食品有限公司之财务状况

6、的诚实看法。7. We promised to keep your opinions in the strictest confidence and we assure you that there will be absolutely no leaks.我们保证将您的意见作最严格的保密,而且我们担保绝对不会泄漏。8. We have not done any business with Dayu Inc. in the last two years. 过去两年来,我们和大禹公司没有任何生意上的往来。9. We are pleased to tell you that Haojie Inc.

7、has sufficient credit for you to do business with.我们很乐意告知贵方豪杰公司有限公司有足够的信用让你们和它往来。10. Concerning payments, they are very precise without any delay and always on time.就付款来说,他们非常准时,从来没有延误过。Chapter 4I.1. What is usually included in an offer?Usually an offer includes the descriptions of the goods, the pr

8、ices and all the necessary terms of sales for the buyers consideration and acceptance. 2. What is the difference between a firm offer and a non-firm one?In a firm offer, the exporter often promises to supply certain quantity of goods at a fixed price within a stated period of time. Other terms such

9、as quantity, specificaions, packing, payment must be sufficiently clear and definite as well. A firm offer is binding upon the seller: he is not allowed to revise or withdraw his offer once it is accepted by the buyer within the validity; he is obligated to enter into a contract with the buyer when

10、his offer is accepted. A non-firm offer is an offer without engagement. Unlike a firm offer, it usually contains a reservation clause like “we offer without engagement”, “the offer is subject to out final confirmation”, etc., which makes it possible for the offer to be revised or withdrawn at any ti

11、me.3. Why is important to answer an enquiry without dealy?Because if you fail to provide the information needed without delay, you will lose a would-be customer who probably has written to other firms for the same products. Your competitors may send him there quotations at once.1. 承蒙坦桑尼亚驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介

12、绍得知贵公司的名称地址。We owe your name and address to Commercial Counsellors Office of the Tanzanian Embassy in Beijing.2. 我们是中国家用纺织品的主要出口商。We would like to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of home textile products in China.3. 现随函附上第3637号询价单并十分乐意得到贵方的报盘。We are enclosing our No. 3637 enquiry

13、 and are only too pleased to receive your offer.4. 我们现有800打丝绸手帕的询价单一份。We have an enquiry for 800 dozen silk handkerchiefs.5. 请报贵方最优惠的青岛到岸价,并告知产品详细规格。Please quote us your best CIF Tsing Tao price, giving a full specificaiton of your product.6. Currently we are seeking an alternative supplier of all-c

14、otton underwear.目前我们正在寻求全棉内衣的替代供货商。7. We are very much interested in your digital cameras advertised in the November issue of Data World.我们对贵方在11月份数据世界广告上介绍的数码照相机,深感兴趣。8. We have recently received a lot of enquiries about your Snoppy stationeries and we would like to receive samples and quotation.我们

15、最近接到许多客户对贵公司的snoppy牌文具的询问,甚盼得到样品和报价。9. We should be grateful if you would let us have by return your lowest prices for the captioned goods.关于标题项下货物,贵方如能函复最低价,将非常感激。10. If you are in a position to offer products of this quanlity at workable prices, we may place regular orders in the future.如贵方能以可行的价格

16、提供此类质量的产品,以后我们将经常订货。Chapter 51. Can you accept an offer beyond its validity? No, you cannot. An offer is considered to have lapsed if not accepted within its validity. An effort to accept the offer beyond the validity is only a counter-offer and repens into a contract only if it is accepted by the original offerer.2. Why is it appropriate to use the “indirect approach” to decline



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