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1、高考英语词汇辨析(1)1. allow. allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事.= allow doing但不能allow to do sth. 1. You shouldnt allow games near the classroom for its too noisy. A. student playing B. to play C. students to play D. to playing 解:C.2. stand. stand for赞成;stand by支持;stand against反对; stand up起立;stand by旁观,stand by sb.

2、支持某人. 1. They will you even though you dont succeed. A. stand for B. stand up C. stand against D. stand by 2. When the house was on fire,they just . A. stood in B. stood up C. stood for D. stood by 3. A space voyage requires that all equipment should extreme heat and powerful radiation. A. stand up

3、to B. stand by C. stand up for D. stand for 1-3解:DDA.3. be up to胜任. 1. Do you know what the children are ? - Sorry , I dont know , but if you like, you can it. A. up for, see with B. up to, see to C. up at, see off D. up with, see to 解:B.4. lay the foundation of表示“奠定的基础”. 1. The two leaders have the

4、 foundations of a new era in cooperation between their countries. A. laid B. lied C. lain D. set 解:A.5. wait for(等候,等待);wait on (伺候,接待). 1. She entered the big shop and looked around for a salesman . A. to wait for her B. waiting for her C. to wait on her D. waiting on her 解:C 词语辨析与不定式问题.思路:辨析:wait

5、for(等候,等待);wait on (伺候;接待), 后者符合题意,根据题意,“她环顾四周”的目的是想“找一个售货员来接待她”,因而须用 一个不定式来作目的状语.6. pretend接不定式进行时表示假装在做 1. The boy pretended when his mother entered. A. reading B. to read C. to be reading D. being read 解:选C. pretend接不定式进行时表示假装在做,pretend只能接不定式.7. cheat. 1. The young man has cheated the old lady A.

6、 300 yuan B. at 300 yuan C. for 300 yuan D. of 300 yuan 解:D 动词搭配问题.说明:cheat sb. (out) of sth. 骗取某人的某物. 有类似搭配的还有:rob sb. of sth.抢夺某人的某物. 如:The war robbed him of his wife and children. (战争夺去了他的妻子儿女)8. by and by =soon.1. The young woman has studied in England for two years and she will come back . A. b

7、y and by B. one by one C. after a while D. long before 解:A. 习惯用语问题.本题句意为:那年轻妇女在英国留学已两年,她不久就要回国了.辨析:四个选项中,by and by =soon, before long(不久以后),正符合题意.其余三个是; one by one(一个接一个地),after a while(过了一会儿)和long before(很久以前),都不合题意.9. little money;small money/ change. 1. Im sorry , I dont have money on . A. little

8、; me B. little; myself C. small; me D. small; myself 解:C词语辨析问题.辨析:little money(几乎没有什么钱),(small money/ change零钱); have sth. on/about/with sb. 表示“(身上带)有”,其中sb.只能用人称代词的宾格(见本题). 又如:Im sorry Ive no money with me. 10. sleep(睡觉),sleep late(起床晚,睡懒觉),go to sleep = fall asleep(入睡),go to bed(上床,去睡觉). 1.The boy

9、 was so excited in bed that he at about 11 pm last night.A. slept B. slept late C. went to sleep D. went to bed 解:C 词语辨析问题.本题句意为:那男孩躺在床上,十分激动,以致大约晚11点左右才入睡.辨析:sleep(睡觉),sleep late(起床晚,睡懒觉),go to sleep = fall asleep(入睡),go to bed(上床,去睡觉).11 get/receive a letter in reply(见本题);get/receive a reply to on

10、es letter; get/ receive an answer to ones letter收到回信.1. Have you received my ? Yes, It reached me only two days ago.A. answer letter B. answering letter C. reply letter D. letter in reply解:D 习惯用语问题.说明:“收到回信”可用下列方式表达:get/receive a letter in reply(见本题);get/receive a reply to ones letter; get/ receive

11、an answer to ones letter等.对策:遇到此类问题时,应特别注意中英两种语言各自独有的表达习惯,切忌“生搬硬套”的Chinese English. 12. turn.turn in = hand in;turn out 翻出来,原来是;by turns人轮流做;in turns排队,轮流;turn up出现;turn down拒绝;turn off 关掉,转换车道.1. I have my dictionary because there are too many new words in this article. A. turned B. to turn C. turn

12、 to D. to turn to 解:D 动词搭配问题.思路:根据上下文,考查点的空白处应填入“查阅 (turn to); 由于句中的谓误动词是have , turn to又不可能作 have的并列谓语,因而必须用非谓语动词形式 to turn to.注意:其中第一个 to是不定式符号,而第二个to是介词. 2. Thats he bell. Please your test papers .A. turn in;in turn B. turn on;in turns C. turn in;by turn D. turn on;by turns 解:选A. turn in = hand in

13、,in turn轮流.3. The police told the suspected thief to his pocket. A. turn up B. turn in C. turn out D. turn down 4. The manager his request for a day off.A. turned off B. turned down C. turned away D. turned out 5. Dont let yourself be by people who try to sell thing at the door.A. turned down B. turned off C. taken in D. taken to 6. There were six of us in the boat, so we rowed . A. by turn B. in turn C. by turn D. in turn 7. I want John to two essays every week.A. turn out B. tur



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