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1、飞一、口试部分简介1、常见选题选择性、辩论性话题热点问题:西部大开发、北京申奥等校园文化话题社会现象、成功、快乐、国家政策等2、口语应试技巧多与英美国家人士交流、沟通通过原版外片提高语感背诵好的演讲稿阅读报纸,提高词汇量,充实知识量平日进行作文练习3、口语考试常见问题:因为紧张忘记事先准备的例子表达不流利4、口译考试介绍二、口译实考体验口译基本功1、 考生具备较高语言水平2、 丰富词汇量、流利的表达3、 准确的发音4、 较高的文化修养5、 很好的心理素质6、 很强的记忆力7、 较强的理解力、分析力、应变能力中外合资是一种互补互惠的合作关系。外国在华投资可以最大限度地发挥各自的优势。A Sino

2、-foreign joint venture is a mutually complementary and beneficial partnership. Foreign investment in China can maximize the strengths of both parties concerned.我国幅员辽阔、资源丰富、劳动力低廉、消费市场潜力大。此外我们还有稳定的政治社会环境和优惠的投资政策。Our country has massive land, abundant resources, cheap labor and a potential consumer mar

3、ket, in addition to the stable political and social environment and favorable investment policies.发达国家有雄厚的资金、先进的技术和管理知识。投资兴办合资企业时,外方可以提供资金、机械、技术和管理方法。Developed countries have sufficient funds, advanced technology and managerial expertise. When establishing a joint venture, a foreign partner may brin

4、g into the cooperative business capital funds, machinery, advanced technology and management.中方可以提供土地、劳工和部分资金。应该说,这种投资方法对合作双方来说,具有丰厚的经济回报率。The Chinese partner, on the other hand, may supply land, labor and a portion of the funds. Therefore, this type of investment is supposed to yield fat economic r

5、eturns for both parties in the partnership.三、近年中口考试特点1、课本内容仅占1/4,其余内容来自口译实例。2、英译汉部分较难。3、汉译英通常都可以听懂,但考生翻译时往往出现词汇量匮乏的问题。4、注重平日口译技能的综合培养。口译技能:听力理解词汇量记笔记表达能力中级口译考试备考精要上海新东方考场描述:My name is My Registration number is 0509000123. My topic today is四、口译的概述和定义What is interpretation?Interpretation is an extempo

6、re oral reproduction, in one language, of what is said in another language.The most widely-used forms of interpretationInterpretation may assume either of the following two forms: consecutive interpretation (CI) and simultaneous interpretation (SI). In SI, well-equipped booths are necessary. Interpr

7、etation Process理解-记忆-再现(表达)理解是关键Interpretation criterionFaithful to the original message and smooth in the target language. 准、顺、快口译课的目标1、 To better students English;发音要改善,口语要流利,听力要提高,词汇要扩大2、 To introduce and practice interpretation skills (not tips);STMNote-takingParaphrasing3、 To enlarge students s

8、cope of knowledge, including LK, ELK课本的使用英语中级口译资格证书考试中级口译教程第二版梅德明英语高级口译全真试题集新东方中级口译备考精要新东方(注:教师讲解过程中涉及到的文章已经全部收录在网络课堂的电子讲义中)An Intermediate Course of Interpretation by Prof. Mei Deming as mainline textbook; We wont deal with each text, though. We will be looking at the important stuff in the book: s

9、entence structures and vocabulary.第二章礼仪性口译英语中级口译资格证书考试中级口译教程第二版梅德明注:教师讲课过程中涉及到的全部课本内容,已经完整收录在我们的电子讲义中。一、 vocabularywork词汇预热一world-renowned 世界闻名diversity 多样化dynamism充满活力a special regard特殊的敬意nostalgic怀旧的、思乡的memorable值得回忆的utmost courtesy非常的礼貌extensive广泛的overshadow使黯然失色non-governmental sector民间组织foundat

10、ions基金会mutual benefit互惠互利good faith良好的诚意strategic relationship战略关系flourish兴旺繁荣mutual 的搭配mutual 可以和这些词搭配mutual respect/benefit/understandingmutual trust/confidence/courtesy (礼尚往来) mutual equality/complementarityour mutual friend 我们共同的朋友mutual aid 互助mutual promise 相互的约定by mutual consent 双方同意mutual aff

11、ection 相爱二、 Expressing Thanks Permit me first to thank you, our Chinese hosts, for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.首先,请允许我感谢中国东道主的精心安排与好客,我夫人与我,以及代表团的全体人员,都深为感激。Thank you very much for your kind words of welcome. This i

12、s a happy and memorable occasion for me personally as well as for the members of my delegation.我非常感谢阁下的友好欢迎辞,对我本人以及代表团所有成员来说,这是愉快而难忘的一天。In closing, may I say again how delighted and privileged we are to be in your country. We are deeply grateful for what you have done for us since our arrival in you

13、r country. 在我结束讲话之前,我想再说一遍,我们来贵国作客是多么的愉快和荣幸。对于我们抵达贵国后你们为我们所做的一切,我们深表感谢。On behalf of all my colleagues present here, I wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality for which the Chinese people are justly famous throughout the world. I particularly want to pay tribute, not only to those who prep

14、ared the magnificent dinner, but also to those who have provided the splendid music. 我谨代表在座的所有的同事,对你们那独有的、著称于世的款待表示感谢。我不仅要感谢特别感谢为我们准备晚宴的人们,而且还要特别感谢演奏优美音乐的人们。表示感谢的常用形式On behalf ofFor myself and for our entire delegation,On behalf of all the members of my delegation and in my own name,For our Group an

15、d myself,主体结构:I d like to express / extend my heartfelt thanks to you /warm gratitude hearty gratefulness /sincere thanks to you and through you to Mr. Smithfor your kind invitation (to visit China / to this fair.) /kind hospitality /warm welcome /for giving this grand banquet. /for inviting us to such a marvelous dinner tonight.1. I d like to take advantage of this opportunity to express my earnest gratitude for



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