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1、八年级下册英语 期中考试英语试题班级: 考号: 姓名: 成绩:*请将答案写在答题卡上,考试结束只交答题卡I. 单项选择. (共20小题, 每小题1分,计20分)( )1. Mothers Day, we can give our mother some gifts. A. In B. On C. At D. For ( )2. will it take me to get to the post office? It is fifteen minutes on foot.A. How much B. How long C. How far D. How soon ( )3.Where is D

2、ick ? He to the reading room.A. has been B. has gone C. went D. goes ( )4. Hes given a report in class, ?A. hasnt he B. isnt he C. doesnt he D. wasnt he ( )5. When the car stopped, the man the car and went into a house.A. got in B. got on C. got off D. got out ( )6. Hi, Lin Tao, I didnt see you at t

3、he party. Oh, I ready for the math exam. A. am getting B. was getting C. got D. have got ( )7. Many students “English club” to learn English.A. became B. were C. joined D. took part in( )8. My sister is seven years old, she is to go to school.A. too old B. enough old C. old enough D. so old( )9. I k

4、new nothing about it my brother told me.A. if B. since C. until D. because( )10. We a science experiment next week.A. are going to do B. did C. shall do D. do( )11. youd better the suger too much.A. dont eat B. not eat C. not to eat D. not eating ( )12. The candle in the jar will stop without oxygen

5、.A. to burn B. burns C. burning D. burn.( )13. people lost their lives in Sichuan earthquarke.A. Seventy hundreds B. Hundreds of C. Seventy hundred of D. Hundred of( )14. The boy on the playground be Jack. Because is in the library.A. mustnt B. neednt C. wont D. cant( )15. They have searched the for

6、 4 hours for the information.A. TV B. radio C. Internet D. screen( )16. My mother hopes someday.A. me go abroad B. me to go abroad C. I to go abroad D. to go abroad( )17. is the population of China? A. What B. How many C. How much D. Where ( )18. Windows are made wood. A. of B. from C. in D. into( )

7、19. -Do you think it necessary us each other? -Of course. A. with ,to understand B. with , understandingC. for ,to understand D. for ,to understanding ( ) 20. Tom _ the radio when I came in.A. listened to B. was listening to C. listened D. was listeningII. 完形填空.(共10小题, 每小题1分,计10分)An artist went to t

8、he _1 for a holiday and stayed_2_ a farmer. Every day he went out with his brushes and_3_ from morning till night, and then when it got dark, he went to bed.At the _4_ of his holiday he wanted to _5_ the farmer, but the farmer said, “No, I dont want moneygive me one of your _6_. What is money? In a

9、week it will be gone, but your picture will still be here.” The artist was very happy and thanked the farmer _7_ that. The farmer smiled and answered, “It is not that. I have a son in London. He wants to be a (n) _8_. When he _9_ here next week, Ill show him your picture, and then I think, he will n

10、ot want to be an artist any _10_.”( ) 1. A. city B. town C. country D. field( ) 2. A. with B. for C. to D. and( ) 3. A. played B. painted C. sang D. enjoyed( ) 4. A. beginning B. middle C. end D. ending( ) 5. A. say goodbye to B. smile to C. give D. pay for(付款)( ) 6. A. money B. pictures C. picture

11、D. paper( ) 7. A. for B. with C. from D. of( ) 8. A. soldier B. singer C. artist D. scientist( ) 9. A. will come B. come C. coming D. comes( ) 10. A. way B. much C. more D. mostIII. 阅读理解. (共20小题, 每小题2分, 计40分)A: 人的喜好不同,发展方向也就不同。来看一看下列人物各自的喜好和志向吧。Im rally good at selling things. I also love helping pe

12、ople. But Im not so good at solving(解决) problems. I think Id like to be a salesman or a detective(侦探).I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I dont enjoy working in the same place every day, and I dont like being in noisy places. I think Id like to be a factory wor

13、ker or a carpenter(木匠). Im good at explaining things and I really like children. I cant stand working long hours. I think Id like to be a doctor or a teacher. Im really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. Im not so good at organizing(安排) my time and compute

14、rs. I am going to be a model or an accountant(会计).I enjoy helping people, but I cant stand working nights and weekends. I want to be a nurse or a social worker. 根据上述内容,选择正确的答案。 1. Larry wants to be . A. a worker or a teacher B. a nurse or a doctor C. a salesman or a detective D. a model or a carpenter 2. Anita doesn



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