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1、IrelandClimate:Ireland is not very hot during summer, nor very cold in winter, actually it has a quite temperate climate_ does not vary from one season the next.Ireland had a quite unspoiled landscape, due to the comparative poverty of the country. Conflicts often arise between those who seek develo

2、pment and those who seek to protect the environment.Environmentthe third-largest island in Europe and the twentieth-largest island in the world, it lies to the northwest of continental Europe . To the east of Ireland is Great Britain. Relatively low-lying mountains surrounding a central plain, the i

3、sland has lush vegetation, a product of its mild but changeable oceanic climate. Thick woodlands covered the island until the 17th century. Today, it is the most deforested area in Europe. Twenty-six mammal species are native to Ireland, with some, such as the red fox, hedgehog and badger, being ver

4、y common. Others, like the Irish hare, red deer, and pine marten are less so.The population of Ireland is estimated to be 6.5million people, with just under 4.5million in the Republic of Ireland and just under 1.8million in Northern Ireland. This is a significant increase from a modern historical lo

5、w of 4.2million in the 1960s but still much lower than the peak population of over 8million in the mid-19th century prior to the 整理为word格式Great Famine.Large populations of people of Irish live in many western countries, particularly in English-speaking countries including Great Britain, the United S

6、tates, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Chile, South Africa, New Zealand, Mexico, France, Germany and Brazil. The largest number of people of Irish descent live in the United Statesabout ten times more than in Ireland itself Historically, emigration has been caused by politics, The Irish Sea separating

7、 the islands of Ireland and Great Britain. It is connected to the Atlantic Ocean in the south and in the north by the North Channel.The sea is of significant economic importance to regional trade, shipping and transport, fishing and so on.The Irish Hills Its name comes from the Irish immigrants who

8、settled there from 1830-1850. It is renowned throughout the state for its beautiful scenery, especially in the summer, with its many hills and larger lakes surrounded. As for tourism, the Irish Hills offer some family-oriented locations, including family-owned restaurants and bars that offer a varie

9、ty of different food. Population and migration整理为word格式According to the 1841 census, there were 6.5 million of population. But in the late 1980s there were 3million population remained in the Irish Republic. At present, prosperity brought its population up to 4 million. This is a significant increas

10、e, but still much lower than the peak population of over 8million in the mid-19th century prior to the Great Famine.There are 4.5 million population at present in the Republic because of an increased prosperity.Reasons:Great Famine in 1845 led a mass emigration Before Great Famine, 2/3 of the Irish

11、population depended on agriculture for a living. In 1845-1848, there was a successive and serious failure of potato crop, many Irish people starved to death or died of the diseasesBritish government appeared to be indifferent to the fate of the poorest peopleEmigrants of Irish people ( move out from

12、 his own country, while immigrants move into a foreign country ):- before Famine, emigrants were often the younger sons of farmers who were seeking to better their economic position in America and Canada. These people were not very poor; they usually had some education and some money to start their

13、new life. Many of them became heads of families (整理为word格式名门望族) or succeed in political and economical life of the United States. Among them, there were 7 US presidents.-Later immigrants to the United States and Canada were entirely different; they emigrated just because of Famine. -Jewish immigrant

14、s there were an increase in Jewish immigration to Ireland during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In 1871, the Jewish population of Ireland was 258; The Jewish population of Ireland reached around 5,500 in the late 1940s, but has since (2008) declined to around 2,000, mainly throug

15、h emigration to larger Jewish communities such as those in the United States, England and Israel. The Republic of Ireland currently has four synagogues: three in Dublin, one in Cork.The civil serviceThe cabinet organized with Ministers appointed by the Prime Minister dominates sixteen Government Dep

16、artments. Each Department is headed by a Minister. The civil service is independent in the performance of its duties and has no involvement in party politics.Recruitment to the civil service is by public competitive exams administered by the independent Civil Service Commission整理为word格式Teachers and members of the health services, the police force, the army and the staff of local authorities b



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