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2、3天到英国图书馆阅读,写一封信要求馆长允许你使用该馆,谈谈你的背景,为什么要用该图书馆。8. 你房子旁边有棵树,给你带来很多不便,请给政府写封信说明情况,请他们调查并采取某些措施解决这个问题.9. 作为学生你已离校,给在校的朋友写信告诉他你离校前做了些什么,回家旅途的经历并邀请他以后来做客。10. 你在英国读书,但你觉得现在学的有一门课程对自己来说难度太大,请给校方写封信,询问是否有可能另换一门课程学习。11. 你出去旅游,不小心东西丢了,写封信给保险公司,请求赔偿。12. 你打算学习一门新的课程,向以前的老师写一封信,请他给你一些建议。(7.22)13. 你的朋友从邮局给您寄来一个包裹,但很

3、长时间还没收到,请您给邮局写封信。(8.12)14. 你的朋友要去另外的一家公司工作,请你帮他给公司的老板写一封推荐信。(9.9)15. 你去澳洲的朋友家做客,回国后发现自己的笔记本电脑忘在朋友家了,请给朋友写封信,感谢他的款待,并请他把电脑还给您。(9.23)16.你转到另外一个城市去读书,请给你的朋友写封信,告诉他这个城市、学校以及你的学习、生活等的情况。(10.14)17、你应聘一项工作,被录用了,但上班第一天你有事不能去,写信解释原因。(11.11)18、你刚在当地报纸上读到一篇文章,说城市机场要扩大面积,增加航班,请写一封信解释你住的地方与这一扩建计划的冲突,请给主管部门写封信,不要

4、扩建飞机场。(11.25)19、请给你的房东写封信,你的房子被小偷偷了,告诉他小偷是如何进来的,偷的什么东西,并给改进安全方面提一些建议。(12.2)22、You went to London by train last week but you were not satisfied with the service, seating and lateness on the train. So write a letter to the train netpany and give some suggestions.(3.24)20 、你去一个英语国家学习,住的地方不舒服,请写一封抱怨信给学校

5、,说明自己的情况并提出建议。(4月7日)21、You have a holiday job on summer months. But you do not get enough payment as the netpany offered when you started the job. So write a letter to the manager:Describe your work and employment lengthExplain your problemtell the manager what to do(4.28)22、你是社区成员,社区的犯罪率不断增加,请你给社区有

6、关部门写一封信,提出您的建议,尽快降低犯罪率。(6月30日)23、One netmunity netmittee intends to appropriate funds, encouraging individuals to start up their own enterprise . Write a letter, introduce yourself first and then explain why you write this letter, what kind of enterprise you plan to establish and how will you utiliz

7、e the investment if you are lucky enough to get it. (6月 )24、你、你的哥哥和你的朋友约定要外出度假,但因你哥哥有事你们无法去,请给你的朋友写封信,解释一下原因。(9月8日)25、您的电话帐单有问题,电话公司服务又很差,请给电话公司写封抱怨信。2012年G类雅思作文题目Some people prefer to see live events (such as music and sports), but others think it is better to watch the events on television. Discus

8、s both of the view and give your opinion.Nowadays more and more people have consumer goods, such as refrigerator or washing machines. Do you think this development has more advantages than its disadvantages?It is better for children to grow up in the countryside instead of cities. Do you agree or di

9、sagree?people prefer to go shopping in the supermarket rather than small shops and local markets. Why has this happened? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?Parents today leave home for business trips. What are the effects on children and other family members?Some people believe th

10、at children will have a promising future if they are always rewarded by their parents or teachers when they well-behave. However, other people argue that if the children misbehave, they should be punished so that they could be qualified citizens. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.More and

11、 more pollution and waste are created these days. What do these problems cause to people? What should we do to reduce the pollution?Teenagers prefer to do the unpaid jobs in the community nowadays. This behavior is beneficial to the community as well as to the teenagers themselves. Do you agree or d

12、isagree?Many people today rent accommodation rather than buy homes. Do advantages of this decision outweigh disadvantages?It is the governments responsibility to look after people with problems, such as the unemployed and the homeless. Do you agree or disagree?Money may not make people happy. To wha

13、t extent do you agree or disagree?Young single people no longer stay with their parents until they marry, but leave home to study or work elsewhere . Do you think more advantages or more disadvantages on this trend?People prefer to go shopping in the supermarket rather than small shops and local mar

14、kets. Why has this happened? Do you think it is a positive or negative development?People today feel pressures. How does life pressure affect family life?In many countries, students must leave school because of their poor behaviours. Some people think it is a good idea, while others argue that there

15、 are other ways to solve this problem. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Some people think the advertisement on TV are useless while others think they are valuable. Discuss both views and give your opinion.Because of the increase of population, more homes need to be built. Is it better to bui

16、ld new homes in existing cities or in new towns in countryside?People can live longer nowadays. As a result, there are more old people than young people. Will this bring benefits or drawbacks?It is better for children to grow up in the countryside instead of cities. Do you agree or disagree?Public celebrations will cost a l


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