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1、授 课 内 容备 注 第二章 词语的翻译(II)第二节 词语的翻译与语言语境I. Warming-up Activity (Ask the appointed students give the answers to check whether they have made preparations for these hot words.)热词之房地产业(一)(Hot words on real estate)1. 按揭购房 2. 板楼3. 便利设施4. 炒房者5. 抵押贷款欠额6. 地段等级7. 地王8. 钉子户9. 囤地10. 二手房11. 房产证12. 房产中介13. 房地产泡沫14.

2、 房地产市场15. 房地产市场过热16. 房价17. 房屋空置率18. 分期付款19. 分租合住的经济公寓20. 购房契税21. 观望态度22. 经济适用房23. 旧区改造24. 廉租房25. 楼层建筑面积1. buy a house on mortgage 2. slab-type apartment building3. amenities4. real estate speculator5. unpaid mortgage balance6. location classification7. land king / property king8. nail household, nai

3、l house residents9. land reserves10. second-hand house11. property ownership certificate12. real estate agent13. property bubble14. real estate market / property market15. overheated property sector16. property price / housing price17. housing vacancy rate18. payment by installment19. tenement20. pr

4、operty deed tax21. wait-and-watch attitude22. affordable housing23. reconstruction of old area24. low-rent housing25. floor spaceII. New Lesson词语与语境关系密切。“每一个词在一个新的语境中就是一个新词”(Each word when used in a new context is a new word.)(Firth, 1957)。“没有语境,词就没有意义”(Malinowski, 1923)。“在所有的翻译过程,语境都是凌驾于一切的因素,而且优先于

5、任何的规则、理论或是基本意义”(Newmark.1981)。因此,我们在做汉译英时绝不能死扣词典,就词论词,而应结合具体的语境对词语进行细致的观察和分析,如此方能恰如其分地理解和表达词义。1. 根据语言语境确定原文词义搭配(collocation)指的是语言系统内各个语言成分的同现和组合,是语言语境的重要组成部分。根据词语的搭配关系确定词义是在翻译的理解阶段辨析词义是经常采用的手段。“You shall know a word by the company it keeps”(Firth)。他所说的company 指的就是与某一词语同现的搭配词语。例如: (1) 红包 过年、过生日、婚庆 gi

6、ft money 红包 单位发的奖金 bonus 行贿所送现金 bribes(2)路上浮尘早已刮净,剩下一条洁白的大道来,车夫也跑得更快。 By now the loose dust had all been blown away, leaving the roadway clean, and the rickshaw man quickened his pace. (3)我们新疆好地方。 ( a good place) 这是一个上吊的好地方。 (a most suitable place)(4) 我在学习读书的时候,有所谓“强迫运动”,我踢破过几双球鞋,打断过几只球拍。因此侥幸维持下来最低限

7、度的体力。 In my school days, in response to the so-called “compulsory physical exercises”, I went in for many sports at the expense of many pairs of sneakers and rackets, thus luckily building up a minimum of good physique. 2. 根据语言语境选择译文用词 语言中存在着大量的近义词。这些意义和用法相近的词汇丰富了语言的表达形式,但其差别之细微也给语言的正确选择使用造成了不小的麻烦。P

8、eter Newmark(1981)曾指出外语写作或翻译最容易出毛病的地方不是语法,也不是词汇,而是词汇的搭配。(He one who writes or speaks in a foreign language will be “caught” out every time, not by his grammar not by his vocabulary but his unacceptable or improbable collocations)。要想译成地道、搭配得当的译文绝非一日之功,需要处处留心,日积月累,培养良好的英语语,逐步提高自己的英语水平。例如:(1) 身体好, 学习好,

9、工作好。 Keep fit, study well and work hard(2) 鲁贵:(兴奋地问着)你们想,你们哪一个对得起我?(向四凤同大海)你们哪一个不是我辛辛苦苦养大的?可是你们哪一件事做得对得起我?(对大海)你说?(对四凤)你说?(对侍萍)你也说说,这都是你的好孩子啊? 我跟你们一块饿着肚子等死。你们想想,你们哪一件事情对得起我?(对大海) 我要是饿死,你是哪一点对得起我?我问问你,我要是这样死? - (曹禺雷雨,王佐良译) Lu Gui: (Heatedly) Just look at you. Theres no one of you who can look me in t

10、he face! (你们哪一个对得起我(1))?Ive worked my fingers to bone to bring you two up, both of you, but what have either of you ever done to show your gratitude?(哪一件事做得对得起我(2)) (To Ta-hai) Eh(你说(1)? (To Si-feng) Answer me that(你说(2)! (To Shi-ping) Or perhaps(你说(3) you can tell me saying that theyre your preciou

11、s children? Ive just got to stay here and starve to death with you! Now just ask yourselves: what have you eve done for me that you can be proud of?(哪一件事做得对得起我(3)) if I did die, youd have it on your conscience(哪一件事做得对得起我(4)), now wouldnt you ? Eh if I did die like this?3. 根据语言语境消除歧义 语言和思维都具有模糊性的特点,因

12、此歧义现象在语言中普遍存在。歧义往往源于词语本身的多义性以及语境中各语言成分直接按不同搭配关系所带来的变化。例如:(1)火车走了两个小时 。(是离开了,还是运行了?)他来我就走。 (是等他来我才离开,还是他要是来了,我就离开?)(2) 庵和春天时节一样静,白的墙和漆黑的门。 The convent was as peaceful as it had been that spring, with its white wall and shining black gate. 4. 词语翻译与文化语境 翻译是一种跨语言、跨文化的交际活动。译者除了要对语言语境进行分析之外,还必须密切留意非语言语境的因

13、素。非语言语境,即文化语境,指的是那些对语义有着制约作用的、语言之外的因素,包括使用语言的具体情景、话语使用者的主观心理因素以及宏观的社会背景等多种因素。由于汉英两种文化存在巨大的差别,文化语境对汉英翻译起着至关重要的作用,成为译者必须考虑的重要因素。例如: (1)布衣蔬食A. wear clothes of cotton and eat vegetablesB . wear coarse clothes and eat simple food(2)传、帮、带 pass on experience, give help and set an example in training new ha

14、nds(3)抓大放小 to invigorate large enterprises while releasing control over small ones (4) 老少边穷地区 old revolutionary base areas, frontier areas, poverty-stricken areas and areas inhabited by national minorities (5)毛主席问陈妻“你们俩感情好不好?”陈妻答:“好”。主席听了感到非常高兴。 (Too personal, so translate in a indirect way) Then Ch

15、airman Mao talked with Chens wife. He was pleased to know that they had a happy home life. III. Homework. (Finish the exercises with the partners)1. 积极积极支持 unfailing support 积极的财政政策proactive fiscal policy 积极利用国外资源 make effective use of overseas resources2. 打打电话 make a phone call 打的 take a taxi 打毛衣 knit a woolen sweater 打水 fetch water打篮球 play basketball 打农药 spray insecticide3. 基本基本工资basi



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