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1、中 学 导 学 案科目:英语 年级:八年级 主备人: 辅备人: 审批 Unit9 When was he born?Period One (Section A 1a2c)学习目标1.掌握下列生词和短语:New words: born, record, hiccup, sneezeKey phrases: be born in/on, world record, start doing sth., stop doing sth. 2.掌握重点句型:When was he born?He was born in 1895.How long did he hiccup?He hiccupped fo

2、r 69 years and 5 months.When did he start hiccupping?He started hiccupping in 1922.3.学会谈论名人。快乐自学1.I can look and write:呵,我是真实的体育迷,现在我走进了1a中的国际体育明星博物馆。哇,明星可真多!我也能把知道的国际体育明星写出来。.2.I can read:哇,1b中的这些图片真有趣!哦,原来都是国际体育大明星!就让我来大声读读这些明星的名字吧.3.I can learn:我会自学“born”这个单词及其用法。4.I can say:我会说“我出生于”例如:I_ _ _ 19

3、96.5.I can use:我会运用“be born in/on”造句._6.I can listen:看,1b我听得多认真!我能根据录音快速写下每个明星的出生年份。7.I can read:我能大声朗读2a里的生词并能写出下列词组!世界纪录_开始做某事_停止做某事_停止打嗝_8.I can understand:我能理解表格中要填的内容。9.I can lieten:不听不知道,一听才知道这个世界有多奇妙!录音里所谈论的这两个人真是太有意思了!看,我听得多愉悦!呵呵,不知不觉我就完成了2a和2b.合作探究1.Pairwork:和同伴练习1c,然后进行类似的对话练习。瞧,我俩练得多起劲! A

4、:Whos that? B:Thats . He/She is a.A:When was he/she born? B:He/She was born in/on.2. Pairwork:哇,合作学习可真好!这不,我俩又在练习2c中的对话了。并能针对打喷嚏的怪人Donna Green的情况进行新的对话。我俩真棒!3.Discuss:与小组成员讨论be born in 和be born on的区别;stop doing sth.和stop to do sth.的区别。_4.Groupwork:小组成员大声朗读Grammar Focus并能相互背诵。课堂小结In this lesson I hav

5、e learned:1.Words:_ 2.Phrases:_ 3.Sentences:_ 课后作业一.我真聪明!瞧,我能根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词:1.Michael was b_ in 1963.2.Charles Smith holds the world r_ for 69 years and 5 months.3.He started to h_ when he was full(饱的).4.I always s_ when I have a cold. 5.Yao Ming is a great basketball p_.二我有火眼金睛,我能快速选出正确答案喔!( )6.E

6、xcuse me, when was your sister born?She was born_ the evening_ May 5, 1996.A .in, of B. on, of C. in, in( )7.When_you born?I_born in Changsha.A. was, was B. were, was C. was, were( )8.When and where was he born?_May 8th,1997 _ Beijing.A. In, in B. In, on C. On, in( )9.He started _in 1922.A. hiccup B

7、. hiccupping C. hicuping ( )10.Its very late.Lets stop_.A. to work B. work C. working 学习反思_班级 姓名 中 学 导 学 案科目:英语 年级:八年级 主备人: 辅备人: 审批 Unit9 When was he born?Period Two (Section A 3a4b)学习目标1.掌握下列单词和短语:New words: golf, Brazilian, national, achievement, become, callKey phrases: too.to., play for, for exa

8、mple, learn to do sth.2.掌握tooto句型。 快乐自学1.I can read:通过自读3a我能找到目标1中的生词和短语并能大声准确地朗读出来。2.I can write: 我的记性真不错!瞧,关上书我也能迅速写出下列生词和短语。高尔夫球_ 巴西的_国家的_ 成就_太而不能_ 例如_为效力_3.Im a small translator:我是小小翻译家,我能翻译:You are never too young to start doing things.中文:_For example, Tiger Woods started golfing when he was on

9、ly ten months old.中文:_Mozart started writing music when he was four years old.中文:_Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player, played for his national team when he was seventeen.中文:_4.I can understand:我能理解课文并能完成书上的阅读任务.合作探究1.Pairwork:哇,咱俩学得真开心!瞧,P55的3a我们读得多认真,P84上的文章我们看得多仔细!这不,3a的表格就轻松完成啦!2.Pairwork:讨论理解tooto的句式。_ 3. Pairwork:咱俩来一起练习3b中的会话吧。4.Interview:我是小记者。我能用“How old were you when you started.?”句型采访同学。现在就听我现场报道吧! Selina started things early. She went to her first movie when she was 3 years old.It was a comedy called Mr Bean.课堂小结In this lesson I have learned:Words:_ Phrases:_



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