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1、大班主题EastBun复活节2教案这是大班主题Easte unny复活节2教案,是优秀的大班主题教案知识,供老师家长们参考学习。一、活动目标.进一步认识西方节日-复活节的风俗习惯。2.正确辨认单词及其发音,理解句子的意思。.学习简单制造复活蛋。.通过制作蛋、藏蛋、找蛋游戏巩固有关复活节的代表事物,感受节日的快乐。5.单词:hie句子:Clor the eggs, lot of fun.Go on aneg nt二、教学时数课时(小班15分钟)三、活动准备1.复活兔头饰、复活蛋、篮子、报纸、白纸、蜡笔、透明胶若干。2.Eter Bnny的音乐磁带3配班老师戴上复活兔头饰,准备参与活动。四、活动过

2、程1. Warm upl;1. Grtngslt;2. Chant: Easte unny Makea Easteregg: (Play as ver sad.): ast ny, why ar you so adT1:Eser is ing. I hve omake many Easeregg. abeI a#9; finishT: h, Eat uny is busy maing ste egs.oysad irl, cnouhelpherC:es, we cn.T: Do ou knw hoto mke the Easter egg (Have soe chdrn nswe)Easter

3、Bnny, a you telluhw tmaeT1: fcorse.At irs,roll th newsaper ino ball. Is t eg autiful: No, ecaus iasolthes.T1: Now,lete make clothes r t-color theegg. aw so leo ir le n the wit papr.Ti, enelo te newspper ball withteicture.Lok, s the ster ggbauul nowTC: Yes, t9;sver bauifl. nt to try.(Gudthe childen m

4、akEatr eg nd sayCorthe egg,ots off atthesametime.)3. de and ndggs1: (Pla asa little sd.)T:Eater un, u hae many atereggsnow. Wh ae yostllhappyT: ecause have o urr ohie te egg: O, youavto he h ggs.s ad irs,ouldyulie elp eraainC:Yes.T:Iwntdiide u in two goups. Scissor, cut! Cut!Cu! Latr, grup1foows ste

5、ryto hd t egg.Group2 llows me andwatfor a nute, the let#39;s goto ave a eggunt.OKC: OK.(Takete cildrento play in h rden.)T: Put on thheabd pse.Grou2,old you please clos oureyes.T1:Grup1, are yo readyLe#39;go to ide t eggs. (lay themsic:EatrBunny) ErBuny hop! Hop! op! Hid the ggs, don a up.: Group2,p

6、eaeake yr bask.et#39; go on egunt. ount thggsT: Howmany egg have ouHow a egs ar therei your basket5 rou1 chge is roleithgroup2.6.ollow upurage the kids o makEaste egat hmean lisento the tape eryday.相关知识大班主题活动教案:桥教案:大班主题活动桥教案主要包含了活动目标,活动准备,活动过程等内容,幼儿了解桥的名称、外形等粗浅的知识,学习建立积累本的方法,幼儿能够通过多种方式收集关于桥的资料,并能用汉字



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