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1、托福30天备考计划第17天之词汇摘要:托福一个月备考计划第17天之词汇:每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!快快练起吧!unit 17accommodateadmitalteranxietyartifactautobiographybarkbendbondbroadcastcamelcartooncensuscircuitcoincidecomposecongestioncontinuouscorrosioncubedeclinedescenddioxidedisturbdulleligibleengageerodeexocrinefairfinishfluidfr


3、nrestoreridgeroutinesaturatedsearchsereneshoresketchsoldierspectaclespurstaturestoragestubsufficientsurplussynchronoustechnicalterritorythrusttopictransformationtriumphtypicalurbanvastviolentwarfarewillowzone托福30天备考计划第17天之阅读摘要:托福30天备考计划第17天之阅读 :每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!TPO12-2 Transition to S

4、ound in Film 默片向有声电影的转变,快快操练起来吧!TPO12-2 Transition to Sound in Film 默片向有声电影的转变【TPO12原文及答案】法国黑白浪漫爱情默片大艺术家于2012年2月26日一举斩获奥斯卡五项大奖,向“默片年代”致敬的同时,我们也来感受下默片向有声这电影史上极为重要的一跃。1. The shift from silent to sound film at the end of the 1920s marks, so far, the most important transformation in motion picture histo

5、ry.(最高级是事实信息题的考点之一。)2. Despite all the highly visible technological developments in theatrical and home delivery of the moving image that have occurred over the decades since then, no single innovation has come close tobeing regarded as a similar kind of watershed.(练习断句。)3. In Berlin, for the premie

6、re performance(首映) outsidethe Soviet Union of The Battleship Potemkin, film director Sergei Eisenstein worked with Austrian composer Edmund Meisel (1874-1930) on a musical score matching sound to image; the Berlin screenings with live music helped to bringthe film its wide international fame.(推断题出处:

7、小词汇有深意。)4. Beyond that, the triumph of recorded sound has overshadowed the rich diversity of technological and aesthetic experiments with the visual image that were going forward simultaneously in the1920s.(段首主旨句)5. The high costs of converting to sound and the early limitations of sound technology

8、were among the factors that suppressed innovations or retarded advancement in these other areas.6. Though itmay be difficult to imagine from a later perspective, a strain of critical opinion in the 1920s predicted that sound film would be a technical novelty that would soon fade from sight, just as

9、had many previous attempts, dating well back before the First World War, to link images with recorded sound.(句子简化题:转折逻辑关系+类比)7. To besure, their evaluation of the technical flaws in 1920s sound experiments wasnot so far off the mark, yet they neglected totake into account important new forces in the

10、 motion picture field that, in asense, would not take no for an answer.(试着翻译下吧!)8. With financial assets considerably greater than those in the motion picture industry, and perhaps a wider vision of the relationships among entertainment and communications media, they revitalized research into record

11、ing sound for motion pictures.9. In Europe it took a little longer, mainly because therewere more small producers for whom the costs of sound were prohibitive, and in otherparts of the world problems with rights or access to equipment delayed the shift to sound productionfor a few more years (though

12、 cinemasinmajor cities may have been wired in order to play foreign sound films).托福30天备考计划第17天之听力摘要:托福30天备考计划第17天之听力:每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!快快开始练习起来吧!今天我们通过TPO18【TPO18听力文本(Conversation+Lecture)】的spices这篇文章中的几道理来分析一下一般ETS都喜欢用什么tricks来蒙蔽你,这些错误选项都有些什么特点呢。首先,SPICES这篇演讲主要通过(1)cost and rarity (2)

13、 taste (3)mysterious origin这三个方面来描述了SPICES在欧洲中世纪的重要地位。第一道主旨题中:1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?A. To explore the use of spices in cooking in the Middle AgesB. To explain the significance of spices for medieval societyC. To describe how the spice trade evolved in medieval EuropeD. To examin

14、e changes in the role that spices played in the Middle AgesA选项cooking只是SPICES在中世纪众多作用中的一个,文中也只提到了一点。不可能是全文的主旨。C选项中,SPICES的trade也只是文中出现的一个小细节,不能作为全文主旨。由此我们可以看出,主旨题的错误选项经常用文章中的细节来作为主题,以点盖面。B选项:中世纪香料的significanceD选项:中世纪香料play的role的变化。乍一看,BD都很像正确答案,尤其是文章中还提到过the role the spices played.那就很容易选成D。但是注意!文章中并没用提到role的changes。所以D答案是擅自加入了一个错误的细节。因此,另一种常见的错误选项类型就是在正确的描述里加入一些微小的错误细节。如果忽略了这个小错误,就很容易选错了。正确答案应该选B。托福一个月备考计划第17天之口语摘要:托福30天备考计划第17天之口语:每一天制定不同的托福备考方案,30天后,让我们拿下托福100+!你更愿意读书还是听讲座?快快练起来吧!你更愿意读书还是听讲座?Students would enhance efficiency in lectures.


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