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1、Life should be being happy.The way to a mans heart is through his stomach.Lift a rock only to drop it on your own feet.When winter comes,can spring be far behind.The way to have a true friend is to be one.Sharing happiness is double happiness,sharing sorrows is half sorrows.With more power comes mor

2、e responsibility.I prefer to measure my time in minutes rather than days.A good beginning is half done.Punctuality is the best politesse.Scores are earned not given.Education is the journey that takes us from the unknown to the known.A friend,as it were ,is second self.Can i take a rain check?Readin

3、g makes a full man;conference (debate) a ready man;writing an exact man.College days will be the golden (prime) time in your life.Lets pick up where we left off yesterday.It seems i lost my place.Parts of my childhood are so vivid to me that they could be memories of yesterday.Its raining cats and d

4、ogs.Small world!=Fancy meeting you here!The timely snow promises a good harvest.The same old story.The desperate times calls for (requires) desperate measures.Leisure is a beautiful garment but it will not do for constant wear.It doesnt appeal to me.The word of afraid doesnt occur in my dictionary.A

5、nything worth doing is worth doing well.I do solemnly swear that i will faithfully execute the office of president of the United States,and will to the best of my ability,preserve 、protect and defend the constitution of the United States.On our very first day at Harward, a very wise professor quoted

6、 Aristottle -The law is reason free from passion. Well , no offence to Aristottle, but in my three years at Harward , i have come to find that passion is the key ingredient to the study and practice of law and of life. Its with passion 、courage of conviction and strong sense of self that we take our

7、 next steps into the world.Remembering that ,first expressions are not always correct,you must always have faith in people,and most importantly,you must always have faith in yourself.All men are created equal;they are endowed by their Creater with certain inalienable rights,among these are life 、lib

8、erty and the pursuit of happiness.Its definitely worth time and effort.I lack the vocabulary ,however,to translate my feelings into words.A fair weather friend is a person who is happy to stay with you when things are going well,but leaves as soon as trouble arrives.One should eat to live , not live

9、 to eat.A true friend is a person who is always on your side no matter what.That man is richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.If money is your hope for independence,you will never have it.The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge,experience and ability.To

10、 travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive,and the true success is to labor.Are you crazy or something?We are like peas and carrots.Curiosity kills a cat.We have to improve our English for not only grammatically correct but also socially acceptable.Its not a simple matter to speak English we

11、ll.The issue is on the spotlight.The day dragged on and on.The diseases erupt in the wake of disasters.Take a chance , make a change.Early to sleep,early to rise makes you healthy,wealthy and wise.Seize the day for fleeting youth never returns.This is the case that the tail is wagging the dog.I cant

12、 take my mind off you.The odds are very much in our favor.(heavily against us)Two of a trade did never agree.One hit,one wonder.The company won market share by undercutting all its competitors.Studying without thinking makes a confused man.Confidence and energy make a woman stand out.The knowledge ,

13、i believe,is still the greatest defense.Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have.Nothing ventured,nothing gained.Fortune sides with him who dares.There are two types of people,those that fear motivates,those that it paralyses.I fall into the former category.Th

14、e storm paralyses the airport.For most of us,its not that we dont have the ability,its that we dont devote the time.We have to put in effort and put up with frustrations and obstacles.The program is geared to preparing students for the world of work.Its hard to please all.How could you be so petty?A

15、n individual human existence should be like a river,small at first,narrowly contained within its banks,and rushing passionately past boulders and over water falls.Gradually,the river grows wider,the banks recede,the waters flow more quietly,and in the end,without any visible break,they become merged

16、 in the sea and painlessly lost their individual being.Mans dearest possession is life.Its given to him but once,and he must live it,so as to feel no torturing regrets for wasted years and never know the burning shame of a mean and petty past.The longest day has an end.Lookerson see most of the game.I would rather think of life


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