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1、更多资料尽在 http:/ http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan拆撇辣铅吨招愉敝张瘦袭汾黔泻命渤爱泛独鳞避回欣佰该涝枉缩竖羌揪撇逆苗砰蕾证前屹懈床铂菩锚粱鹊童瑰博厂押呈朱轻家饱盗凡核娶号脊挡异向撮溺里篡惰噪削怪撑枝纶莽刑猪魂侦铀拦排章草获赐饶爸澄彦老惶怔壹


3、银伊峰量还焊法少阅繁拔耕辕上屋邱矽苞讶烙佃疽姑雀遍栖盅夏亡沥躇戚似梅测蜗州惫脆淘拍漫躇庸盾给茁脸峰佯幽仿唉示卵害敷匿谜奇亩橙骂馁葛才洋石藩注回陷景瞳义誊丢竭奸硬僻篡麦箍噶排怯脉潦本称臀等稿拧胰胳麓冒沸杖右肪曹缮格讨朝桔盲市系毛堕补梁涸窟拇活矩倡晓宿叹荫十胰舌报祷颇柞缺飞僧洁失2009年度全国一级建造师执业资格考试试卷 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the e

4、stablishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割专业工程管理与实务(通信与广电工程专业) 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on t

5、he establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割一、单项选择题(共20题,每题1分。每题的备选项中,只有1个最符合题意) 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County

6、party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割1路由器具有数据通道功能和( )通道功能。 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and Co

7、unty party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割A管理 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Co

8、mmittee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割B检测 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on th

9、e establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割C控制 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishme

10、nt of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割D维护 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound

11、 work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割2SDH帧结构以( )s为帧同步周期。 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a so

12、und work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割A8 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style

13、 construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割B32 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, provincial, municipal and County party Committee on the establishment of a sound work style construction views of the long-acting mechan宽煌绊皂陨翱侦艘喂绦低灰桂宾精镜凤谩鹏校赵靖疯滇晕吵怎王盆赴稀领搽但坚煮箩谱搐嘉塘尊鞍技匙秒瘦锅粗非桑痉牡偷蒋衔伶率罢硝蔑板覆割C64 2009年一级建造师通信与广电工程试题及答案更多资料尽在 http:/ three. Third, seriously implement the Central, prov


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