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1、课堂教学设计课题:Unit 1 Living well Intensive reading Martys story授课时数: 1课时 日期:2011年05月8日设计要素设计内容教学内容分析Reading是一篇以第一人称描述Marty身残志坚,凭借顽强的毅力和社会的关爱克服生活中的种种困难,以积极的态度面对人生挑战的故事。通过本课时学习,可以帮助残疾学生树立生活的信心,激励残疾人实现自身价值;同时又能教育健康学生理解、尊重、关心、帮助残疾人,使残疾人与健全人一样共享美好生活。课文以网页的形式展示,能够吸引学生的注意力,引起学生的极大兴趣。教学目标知识与技能1. Target language

2、目标语言Learn new words , useful phrases and difficult sentences in this period 1). ambition, disabled, beneficial, , adapt, make fun of ,all in all 2)but I am very outgoing and have learned to adapt to my disability. Every time I returned after an absence, I felt stupid because I was behind the others.

3、 2. Ability goals能力目标Help students to learn about disability and life of the disabled. Enable students to know that people with disabilities can also live well. 过程与方法Task based teaching and learning Cooperation learning Group discussion情感态度价值观By talking about disability and life of the disabled, stu

4、dents will learn some positive stories of the disabled. This will help them understand more about how challenging life can be for the disabled.Devolpe students sense of cooopertive learning 学习者特征分析Pre-reading 通过介绍网站“Family village”,激发学生的阅读兴趣。Reading是一篇以第一人称描述Marty身残志坚,以积极的态度快乐生活的故事。课文以网页的形式展示,能够吸引学生

5、的注意力,引起学生的极大兴趣。文章浅显易懂,学生容易阅读,且理解,在德育方面也极易参透,学生有兴趣参与到课堂中来。教学分析教学重点How positive stories of the people with disabilities inspire others.教学难点难点How to help students understand the difficulties the disabled have to overcome.解决办法Discussing, explaining, reading and practicing.教学策略Design different tasks for

6、students 教具准备Multi-media computer.教学资源TextbookMulti-media Pictures On the internrt 板书设计Martys diseaseA muscle disease that makes him very weak.Martys difficultiesClumsy and cant run or climb stairs as quickly as other people.Martys ambitionTo work in the copmputer industry.Martys achievementInvented

7、 a computer football game.Martys hobbyGoing to the movies and fooball games and keeping pets.Martys mottoTo live one day at a time.Martys adviceDont feel sorry for disabled or make fun of them but accept them and give them encouragementMarty is a _ person.Optimistic ,brave ,stupid ,pessimistic ,inde

8、pendent, strongmined 教 学 过 程教学内容教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果Step 1 Lead- in Step2 Prereading Step3 Fast reading Step 4 skimming 1.play a video and show some photos of people with disabilities 2.Students will be asked to discuss what the disabilities are and what difficulties they have to overcome in daily

9、 life.3.Q:What do you learn from these disabled?Show the website “Family village”and ask ss to find out what it is about.Ask the students to listento the reading and finish these exercises.1. Marty is a _ person.2. Marty has a _ disease. 3. We can infer that Martys life is full of challengeAsk the s

10、tudents to skim the text and find out Martys information:diseasedifficulties, ambitionachievementhobby, motto, advice1.Look at video or and some photos of people with disabilities 2.discuss what the disabilities are and what difficulties they have to overcome in daily life.3.Discuss in pairs and ans

11、wer this questionTheyre broken in body but firm in spirit.(身残志坚)Look at the website “Family village”and ask ss to find out what it is about.the disabledListento the reading and finish these exercises.skim the text and find out Martys information:diseasedifficultiesambition, achievementhobby, motto,

12、advice播放千手观音video和展示残疾人图片并且讨论从他们身上学到了什么,引入课堂,成功激励学生学习兴趣。展示网站family village , 并回答这个网页是关于什么的(残疾人),直接导入本课时主题-残疾人。听录音(精读文章)完成练习,对文章主人公Marty 有一个大概的了解(患有肌肉疾病,一生充满了挑战)略读文章,找出Martys information,进一步了解主人公Marty.教 学 过 程教学内容教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果Step5 Detailed-readingStep 6 Further reading Step7 Group work Step

13、7 Homework 1Ask students to tell the story in order of time . before 10after 10 at high school now 2Ask the ss to find out the change of Martys feelings:3. Ask the ss to find out Martys advice :“Live one day at a time.”-Marty We can see that Marty is a _ personAsk students to discuss :From Martys in

14、spiring story, what have you learned ?1).We should be patient with people with disabilities. 2)We shouldnt get annoyed just because they are slow.Arrange the homework 1.Tell the story in order of time . before 10after 10 at high school now 2.Find out the change of Martys feelings:3.Find out Martys advice :We can see that Marty is a _ person from the sentence Discuss from Martys inspiring story, what have you learned ?Finish off the homework carefully根据时间讲述Marty的故事,身体残疾的她充满挑战的一


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