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1、-精选文档 -新概念英语第三册逐句精讲语言点第 40 课 Who whoIt has never been explained why university students seem to enjoypractical jokes more than anyone else.practical pr?kt?kl adj. 实际的;实用性的practical joke恶作剧practical mind实际想法practical problem实际问题谁也弄不清为什么大学生好像比任何人都更喜欢恶作剧。Students specialize in a particular type of prac

2、tical joke: the hoax.special sp ?ln. 特使,特派人员;特刊;特色菜;专车;特价商品adj.特别的;专门的,专用的specialize sp ?la?zvi. 专门从事;详细说明;特化especially ?sp ?li adv.特别;尤其;格外specialize in sth.专门做某事particular p ?t ?kj ?l? adj. 特别的;详细的;独有的;挑剔的popular p pj?l? adj.流行的,通俗的;受欢迎的;大众的;普及的=especially某物很特别I love Italy, especially in summer.pa

3、rticularly同类中某个很特别如Thevisitorsadmiredhispaintings,可编辑-精选文档 -but particularly the portrait of his daughter.specially多表示专门地I made chocolate cake specially for you.(我特地为你做了巧克力蛋糕。 )=hoax hoks vt. 愚弄;欺骗 ( 恶作剧通常就是指这种,戏弄人)大学生擅长一种特殊的恶作剧戏弄人。Inviting the fire brigade to put out a non-existent fire is a crude

4、formof deception which no self-respecting student would ever indulge in.invite ?nva ?t vt.邀请,招待;招致n. 邀请brigade br ?ged n. 旅;大部队;队列fire brigade消防队bridge br ?d?n. 桥;桥牌;桥接器;船桥non n nadv. 非,不existent ?z ?st ?nt n. 生存者;存在的事物adj. 存在的;生存的crude krud adj.粗糙的;天然的,未加工的;粗鲁的cheat t ?it vt.欺骗;骗取 vi.欺骗;作弊 n. 欺骗,作弊

5、;骗子deceive d ?siv v. 欺骗;行骗=cheat多指以不正当手段骗他人财务或信任,也指作弊行为deceive指以某种手段使人误入歧途或落入圈套可编辑-精选文档 -=deceptiond ?s?p?n n. 欺骗,欺诈;骗术respect r ?sp ?kt n. 尊敬,尊重;方面;敬意vt.尊敬,尊重;遵守indulge ?nd ?ld ?vt. 满足;纵容;使高兴;使沉迷于indulge的基本意思是“放纵”自己的欲望,尤其是无法实现或应加以控制的欲望 ,即“沉湎于”。如用于他人,则意为“放任”“纵容”。indulge inindulge作“纵情 ,沉溺”解时 ,是不及物动词

6、,后接介词“ in+ 名词 / 动名词” ,表示“尽情、无节制地做某事或享受”,Do not always indulge in empty talk.(别总是纸上谈兵 .)请消防队来扑灭一场根本没有的大火是一种低级骗局,有自尊心的大学生决不会去做。Studentsoftencreateamusingsituationswhicharefunnytoeveryone except the victims.victim v ?kt ?m n. 受害人;牺牲品;牺牲者大学生们常常做的是制造一种可笑的局面,使大家笑上一场, 当然受害者是笑不出来的。When a student recently sa

7、w two workmen using a pneumatic drilloutsidehisuniversity,heimmediatelytelephonedthepoliceandinformedthemthattwostudentsdressedupas workmenweretearing up the road with a pneumatic drill.pneumaticnum?t?k adj. 气动的;充气的;有气胎的可编辑-精选文档 -drill dr ?l n. 训练;钻孔机;钻子;播种机vi.钻孔;训练 vt.钻孔;训练;条播tear t ?r n. 眼泪 , ( 撕破

8、的 )洞或裂缝 , 撕扯 vt.撕掉 , 扯下 , 扰乱 vi. 流泪 , 撕破最近有个学生看见两个工人在学校门外用风钻干活,马上打电话报告警察, 说有两个学生装扮成工人,正在用风钻破坏路面。As soon as he had hung up, he went over to the workmen and toldthemthatif a policemanorderedthemtogoaway,theywerenottake him seriously.seriously s?r?sli adv.认真地;严重地,严肃地挂上电话后, 他又马上来到工人那儿, 告诉他们若有个警察来让他们走开,不

9、要把他当回事,He added that a student had dressedup as apoliceman andwasplaying all sorts of silly jokes on people.silly s?li adj. 愚蠢的 n. 傻瓜还对工人说,有个学生常装扮成警察无聊地同别人开玩笑。Both the police and the workmen weregratefultothe studentforthis piece of advance information.grateful retfladj. 感谢的;令人愉快的,宜人的 (advanceinform

10、ation预报 )great retadj.伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的n. 大师;大人物;伟人们piece pis n. 块;件;篇;硬币vt.修补;接合;凑合可编辑-精选文档 -advance ?dv?nsn. 发展;前进;增长;预付款vt. 提出;预付;使前进;将提前 adj.预先的;先行的advance information预报警察与工人都对那个学生事先通报情况表示感谢The student hid in an archway nearby where he could watch and heareverything that went on.archway rt?we n

11、. 拱门;拱道 (arch拱型支架的长廊或楼门的拱型门斗)那个学生躲在附近一拱形的门廊里,在那儿可以看见、听到现场发生的一切。Sure enough, a policeman arrived on the scene and politely asked theworkmen to go away.果然,警察来了,不礼貌地请工人离开此地;Whenhe receiveda veryrudereplyfromoneofthe workmen.Hethreatened to remove them by force.threat r?tn. 威胁,恐吓;凶兆threaten r?tn vt.威胁;恐吓;预示vi.威胁;可能来临thread r?d n. 线;螺纹;思路;衣服;线状物;玻璃纤维;路线vt.穿过;穿线于;使交织vi.通过;穿透过Theworkmentoldhimtodoas hepleasedandthepolicemantelephoned for help.工人说,悉听尊便。警察去打电话叫人。do as he pleaseddo as he like悉听尊便Shortlyafterwards,four mor



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