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1、高一英语测试题第一部分:听力(共两节,每题2分,满分20分)第一节(共5小题。听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话仅一遍。)听第一段话,回答第1题。1Whats the womans phone nurnber?A7824245B7824445C7824345听第二段话,回答第2题。2Where does the talk most likely take place?AIn a hotel.BAt a bus stop.CIn a shop.听第三段话,回答第3题。3Whats the exact time?A4:24B4:20C4:16

2、听第四段话,回答第4题。4What is the man doing?ABorrowing a bookBBuying a bookCAsking his teacher a question听第五段话,回答第5题。5How old is Dick?ATwenty-one years old.BNineteen years old.CEighteen years old.第二节(共5小题。听下面2段对话或独白。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。)听第六段话,回答第67题。6Why is the woman here?ATo buy a radi

3、oBTo have her radio repairedCTo get her radio back7When will the woman come again?AIn a few daysBIn three daystimeCTomorrow听第七段话,回答第810题。8Why will they have a party?AIt is Emmys birthday.BIt is Teds birthday.CIt it Mr.Browns birthday.9What kind of party does Emmy want to have?AA dancing partyBA dinn

4、er partyCA music party10What can we learn about Emmy and Ted?AThey are husband and wifeBThey are brother and sister.CThey are Mr.Browns parents第二部分:英语知识运用第一节:单项选择(共30题;每小题1分,满分30分)11The teacher says well the mid-term exam in six days.AjoinBgetCtakeDjoin in12“Sorry I dont quite follow you.”Here“follo

5、w”means“ .”Acatch up withBunderstandChearDmeet with13Fangfang is a good student ,she is always ready to help others.AFor exampleBLikeCSuck asDSo as to14This company ten million us dollars every year.Abrings aboutBbrings upCbrings inDbrings15 words have come into English from other languages.AA great

6、 manyBThe number ofCA good many ofDA great deal of16Be have yourself! Dont trouble.Aask aboutBask forCask afterDask17The small town has changed since 1985.Amore and lessBmuch more Cmore or lessDmore18Next term were to study more subjects such as physics,chemistry,computer .Aand so onBso onCand soDso

7、 and19Canada is one of the countries. You can hear everywhere there.AEnglish, speaking EnglishBEnglish, English speakingCEnglish-speaking, English spokenDEnglish-spoken,English20This clothes shop open till ten oclock in the evening.Ais stayingBis keepingCkeepDstay s21She likes country music his brot

8、her enjoys pop music.AwhenBasCforDwhile22Hes at painting of all the children in their class.Athe bestBbestCthe betterDgood23You have a bike ,dont you?Ayour ownBof your ownCof ones ownDyour own24Can you tell me which place .Achoosing fromBchooseCto chooseDto be chosen25Can you British English America

9、n English?Sorry,I cant.Atell,betweenBtell,andCtell,ofDtell,from26Could I speak to Mr Baker please? Hes having a meeting.AIm afraid notBCertainly you canCIm not sureDI think so27How are you getting on with your cousin? We are friendly to each other.AThank youBVery wellCNot at allDFine thanks28 does y

10、our mother do, please?She is an English teacher.AWhatBWhichCWhoDHow29Summers in south of France are for most part dry and sunny.Ax,aBthe,/C/Dthe,the30They used to be good friends but now they are like enemies.How this ?Adid,come aboutBwere happenedCdid,come outDwere taken place31 seen,it wont be for

11、gotten easily.AOnce you wereBif youCWhen itDOnce32Can you tell me the reason late?Ato beBforCof beingDfor being33I dont agree with you on that.Avery muchBratherCquiteDvery34Many people are learning English language.AaBtheC/Dan35Your dream is sure to come in the future.AtrueBrealCtrulyDreally36Please

12、 come to see me when you come next time.AoffBawayCroundDto37 Paris Shanghai are two of the largest cities in the world.ABoth,andBnot only, but alsoCNeither, norDEither, or38Our teacher has done a lot of teaching and writing the years.AoverBforCatDon39The railway runs the city from north to south.Aun

13、derBacrossCthroughDabove40Two students ten in our class are girls.AfromBoutCofDin第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。If you are learning English because youre going to travel in England and wish to be 41 there ,dont try to speak English perfectly, 42 you do,no one wil

14、l understand you.In London ninety-nine in every hundred people speak 43 English.You may say that 44 they dont speak English well themselves,they can 45 understand it when it is well spoken.They 46 when the speaker is English.But when the speaker is a 47 ,the better he speaks,the 48 it is to understand him.No foreigner can 49 stress the



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