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1、牛津小学英语6A第6单元测试卷班级: 姓名: 听力部分(30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容。(听一遍)(10分)( )1. A. holiday B. Saturday C. yesterday D. Thursday( )2. A. child B. chicken C. children D. kitchen( )3. A. costume B. relative C. delicious D. favourite( )4. A. exciting B. interesting C. excited D. funny( )5. A. food B. foot C. fish D. no

2、odles( )6. A. make B. many C. map D. middle( )7. A. popular B. people C. police D. puppet( )8. A. beach B. bear C. dear D. brother( )9. A. lantern B. lamp C. light D. bright( )10. A. present B. parent C. peach D. pear二、听录音,寻找相关内容,将序号写在题前的括号中。(听两遍)(5分( )1. A They go to parties. B They eat rice dumpli

3、ngs. C They eat chocolate eggs.( )2. A Yes , I do . B No, we didnt. C Yes I was.( )3. A Spring Festival . B Mid-Autumn Festival. C Easter.( )4. A He reads newspapers. B He is playing chess. C He watched a film.( )5. A Halloween. B May Day C Christmas.三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍)(5分)( ) 1. A. I had a big lunc

4、h with my family.B. I got some flowers for Miss Li.C. I watched the dragon boat races.( ) 2. A. No, I didnt. B. No, I dont. C. Yes, I visited them at the Spring Festival.( ) 3. A. Its May Day. B. Its on the first of July.C. Childrens Day is coming.( ) 4. A. Christmas is coming. B. The Dragon Boat Fe

5、stival is coming.C. May Day is coming.( ) 5. A. Its the first of January. B. Its on the first of January.C. Its on the first of June.四、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听二遍)(10分) Mr White: is on the 25th of December. What holiday it? David: New Year. Mr White: What do do New Year? David: They go to . And its my favourite

6、 holiday. What you? Mr White: My favourite holiday is Spring Festival. David: Why?(为什么) Mr White: Because I like with .笔试部分(70分)一、单词辨音。(5分)( )1. A milk B. festival C.holiday D. Mid-autumn ( )2. A. ask B. bag C. answer D. father( )3. A. love B. shop C. holiday D. office( )4. A. cartoon B. balloon C.

7、food D. foot( )5. A. dear B. near C. were D. ear二、情景匹配。(6分) A B( )1. Do you like Halloween? A. Yes, there is.( )2. Which (哪个)festival is in January? B. No, she wasnt.( )3. Whens Childrens Day? C. Yes, I like it very much. ( )4. What did you do last National Day? D. New Years day. ( )5. Was Lily here

8、 ten minutes ago? E. Its on the 1st of June.( )6. Is there a park nearby? G. I visited a farm with my son 三、英汉互译。(10分)1. come after 2. 去年妇女节 3. eat rice dumplings 4. 赏月 5. dress up in costumes 6. 四月九号 7. lots of delicious food 8. 在圣诞 9. his favourite holiday 10. 去个聚会 四、选择填空。(10分)( )1. What you last

9、Mid-Autumn Festival? A. do, do B. did, did C. did, does D. did, do( )2. People usually visit their relatives Spring Festival. A. at B. on C. in D. to( )3. May Day is _ the first _ May.A. on, in B. in, in C. on, of D. in, on( )4. Dragon Boat Festival is May June.A. at, or B. in, or C. on, and D. in,

10、and( )5. I didnt play the computer games night.A. in B. for C. last D. to( )6. Did you the moon yesterday?A. eated B. watch C. with D. watched( )7. People usually make some colourful eggs at .A. Halloween B. New Year C. Easter D. Childrens Day( )8. What holiday _ _ Christmas?A. come in B.comes at C.

11、 comes before D. come after ( )9. _ ate many noodles last Sunday?A. Mike and IB. I and Mike C. I and mike D. Me and Mike( )10. Where_ Su Yang and her mother last weekend?A. was B. is C. are D. were五、根据汉语意思,翻译下列各句(每空0.5分,共10分)1、 元旦是什么时候?在一月一日。 New ? Its the of January.2、 人们在儿童节干什么?他们唱歌跳舞,还在学校举行晚会。 do usually on ?They and . And a at school.3、 去年春节你拜访亲朋好友了吗?当然拜访了。 you your relatives and Spring Festival? course, I .六、根据实际情况回答问题。5分1 Whens Mid-Autumn Festival



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