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1、-第一学期英语期末考试专项复习书面体现书面体现一如果你是李华,你收到朋友李磊的来信,她告诉你她不适应高一数学教师讲的课,在学习数学方面有些困难,以至于跟不上其她同窗,因此她感到非常着急。请你给李磊写一封回信,想措施协助她解决这方面的困难。规定: 1. 不要逐字翻译,可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯; 2 词数1左右; 3.信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参照词汇:适应 aat to范文: om o last lterIknwou have dffcuty in lerning ts. Yocan ctchpwihotes in your lss Dont wory abut t. Her ar

2、 my suggestios. Fiy, youd btelistn heteacher careful in clasand pratic mre. You can s your mats techer to explinwh you n undsa afte clas. econly,iis verympont fou t e codntYu houdbe confiden anblev inyuselfI thinoucan ae it Fnally,ou an tal toyour clasmates a etsome aie nmahs. thinkyou will adp to i

3、t nd oweli itthnaftre.Nothg difcutiyo putyor het in it. I heou il in thee suestionsueful Bestwishe, ous, i ua书面体现二英语作为一种国际语言背越来越多的国家使用,学习英语对于我们来说是非常重要的,但是诸多人觉得学习英语非常困难,请根据如下内容,简介一下学习英语的措施。1. 爱好是最佳的教师,培养对英语的爱好。2. 制定适合的学习筹划并严格执行。3. 充足运用多种资源学习英语。注意:1. 可合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。 2 词数10左右。 3. 开头已给出,不计入总次数。范文:Ther r

4、e millin ofpeople eaning Eglsh hih s regdd as th stndard anguge. hrfore, i impot for usto earn Englih well. ut mnypople tnkthat it hardto ear Englih el. So tda I want o shar se oodwys tolearnEnglih wellwihouFirstl,it matrsh you love nglsh. Interest i the bt teace. Oce you develp yur nteestin English

5、,ou illwant to arnit by hert o ttr w many ifficutes ccu.Secoly,ae a gplanfoyr sy adrctice t stictly.Learning on andtog jorny that nd ptience a wells etods.Finll, ma od se fall aterials youc g. ekowledge we t i he cass isaroreeouh, soinecssay fr us to brode urknowlde aftercassby uing many larning mat

6、erials, sch usnewpapers, magzin, rdis, V,thentreand s on.In sort, Engish leanin s n ahor easjournytht needs our ontnuous hr rk.书面体现三据调查,中国都市居民的电脑占有率达30%。诸多农村居民对电脑也越来越感爱好,甚至有的家庭也买了电脑。参照下表写一篇题为“Copurnia”的短文。词数为10左右。家庭买电脑的目的中学生使用电脑的状况类别比率因别比率孩子学习需要 0%学习资料查询 3家长工作需要 20%上网、聊天、游戏 %娱乐 30听音乐、看光盘0范文:Cmputes

7、n Cnccordn t a reent ivestgaton,abot 0%o the it fales hae omputer. Besie, man illa peple are mr anmore inrestd in coputers andsome them e hae ought omputr.Abot 7of th partsbghoputso tei cildre t study, and e or their wr And even me pepl boght fo entrtanmnt. he fat hw he dle schoo udentsuse thecomutr

8、sreall surprse u Ol abut 3% of tem us cmputes to fi ou usfli formtion. About 60%use mtes to pay gamesand20% use cmpters totch VDs r liste msic. I my opinion, we shud mak beter use ourbe iventincomuter.书面体现四如果你是李明,上周你们学校请地震专家王专家来做了一次有关地震自救知识的讲座,请你就如下要点写一篇英语作文,简介这次讲座 内容要点:、简介学习地震防护知识的重要性 2、演示如何在地震中保护自

9、己3、自己的感想.注意:词数100左右。参照词汇:避免措施 precatory measures范文:Last wk, Pofssor ang, whi afamousexertonearqukes,gavea seech o howtosave ourelves uringanearthqakeFst eiprees ith h mportae fleanin artqak aty tips. H used me ea examples to prv tht any oeuld hve suvivdon arhquakeiftey d known preutionary eares. Teh

10、e sowd us wha o do,espiall during an athua. Weshold keep almand quicyvetoa safe pace. f eaeindors, ay here d hie ure in a place su as ude astng dek r a strongtale. If rs, ove to open rea wheefallingbjects are niely to strik s. Movaway fro buidin, wer ins ndtrees.I hinkte spech is vey usful andall of

11、s eed to knwhatto o urin a earthqake.书面体现五上周一,你们班就“校园内与否应当严禁学生使用手机”的问题进行了讨论,请根据如下讨论内容用英语写一篇短文。赞同反对你的观点?1. 沉迷于手机游戏和聊天;影响学习;2. 耗时费钱。1. 便于和家人联系,遇到困难时有安全感;2. 可以获取多种各样信息,对学习协助很大。参照词汇:严禁 ban 沉迷于beaddictdto 注意:1.词数:10左右,开头第一句话已给出。2 可根据内容需要合适增长细节,以使行文连贯。范文:Last week, our clas ha disuso abou whether midde ch

12、oos shouldban their studts rom usn mobil phone on camus Some stdes thk mbil honshoul bbannebecause its easor tem tget additd t gs andcati, whh m ve aaeffct n ter stud. t ase f ime an oney. Hwer,therstudets thi mbie phnes shoudo be nne.It convenie tm t ge n touchih hir mili withmobi pones and hey fel fer especial in time f truble Beside, the an get au ifomatin hich s od r ther su



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