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1、 欢迎阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助! 感谢阅读本文档,希望本文档能对您有所帮助! Division/Department: Supply Chain Department部门: 物流部Job title: Supplier Development Manager职位名称: 供应商开发经理Reports to: Supply Chain Manager汇报对象: 物流经理Responsibilities :岗位职责:- Number of subordinates : 0下属人数: 0- Leadership style (for managers only) :领导风格(仅就经理之职)

2、:- Responsibilities: Must choose good suppliers to reduce the costs and the quality problems, must develop good relations and cooperation with the suppliers for every order.职责: 为了降低成本,减少质量问题,该职位承担者必须选择最佳的供应商;为了更顺利地完成每一份订单,该职位承担者必须与供应商之间建立并保持良好地合作关系。Contents of the job:工作内容:1. Select the appropriate

3、suppliers, develop the relations with them :选择合适的供应商,开发与他们之间的关系;- Search information on suppliers (network, recommendation, exhibition, )收集有关供应商的相关信息(通过网络、推荐、展会, );- Make a comparison between the suppliers, according to the payment and delivery methods, prices, time, reputation and quality.根据付款条件、交货

4、方式、价格、时间、信誉和质量,对供应商进行比较;- Help the existing supplier to meet our requirements. If this supplier can not meet our requirements every time, we will choose a new supplier. If the existing supplier and a new supplier have the same advantages, our company will continue with the existing supplier.- 帮助现有供应

5、商适应我公司的采购要求;若某供应商在满足我公司采购要求方面总是不尽人意,我公司将选择新的供应商;在现有供应商和新的供应商具有同等优势的情况下,则优先考虑现有供应商;2. Negotiate long-term contract with the suppliers与供应商磋商长期合同;3. Continuously check the quality of the suppliers products in relation with the QC Manager.时不时地从质检经理处了解货物检验信息,对供应商交付的货物进行质量追踪。Reporting :汇报:- Position holde

6、r Supervisor :该职位的直接主管希望得到如下汇报:1. Want the list of all the suppliers prices所有的供应商价格清单;2. Want the appraisal report of the suppliers供应商评估报告;3. Want to know about supplier problems (quality, price change, payment terms change, delivery time change, )供应商异常情况的汇报(例如:质量问题、价格变动、付款条件的变化、交货时间的变更, )。- Positio

7、n holder :任职人认为需要向直接主管提供的汇报如下:1. Report the basic information about the supplier: production capability, price, service, transportation, quality guarantee.供应商的基本信息:产品的性能、价格、服务、运输、质量保证;2. Report the business status of supplier (financial status, funds, )供应商的经营状况(财务状况、资金, );3. Report the production sc

8、hedule of the supplier for some important order and go to the supplier factory to do the follow up对一些极其重要的订单的供应商的生产进度进行汇报,并亲赴供应商工厂进行实地追踪;4. Report market information about our industry (check information on internet and make comparison)本行业的市场动态(核对英特网上的信息并进行比较)。Level : Executer, fully in charge of Su

9、pplier Development职位层级: 执行层,全权负责供应商开发事宜;Working relations :工作联系:1. With the Supply Chain Manager: if the Supply Chain Manager is unsatisfied with the existing supplier, the position holder must search a new supplier and develop the new relations.与物流经理:假如物流经理对现有供应商感到不满,该职位承担者必须开发新的供应商并与之建立合作关系;2. Wit

10、h the Purchase Agents: assist the Purchase Agents to follow up the suppliers deliveries; warn the supplier if there is a quality problem; assist the Purchase Agents to look for and to compare the prices of parts, materials and new productions.与采购专员:协助采购专员对供应商进行交货跟踪;在发现质量问题后,及时向供应商发出警告;协助采购专员对零部件、物料和

11、新产品进行询价及比较;3. With the QC Manager: the QC Manager informs the position holder in case of an important quality problem or continuous problems with a supplier, and then the position holder will contact the supplier.与质检经理:质检经理会告知该职位承担者有关重大的或始终难以解决的质量问题,随后再由该职位承担者与供应商联系;4. With the Mould QC: the positio

12、n holder needs to share some mould information with the mould QC when the mould is placed in a suppliers factory. The position holder must contact the supplier if the mould QC has to go in its factory.与模具质检:在模具被安放在供应商工厂的情况下,该职位承担者需要与模具质检共享部分模具信息;假如模具质检员不得不前往供应商工厂,则该职位承担者须事先与供应商联系。Goals of the positi

13、on :职位目标:1. To reduce the purchase costs降低采购成本;2. To assure the good suppliers deliveries确保供应商交货及时无误;3. To assure the good quality of the suppliers products确保供应商的产品质量过硬;4. To develop good relations with the suppliers与供应商之间建立良好的合作关系。Work processes of the company in which this position takes place :所参

14、与的公司各项流程如下:Supply chain processes (suppliers management, purchases)物流(例如:供应商管理流程、采购流程)。Tasks: 任务:- Main Tasks: 70-80%主要任务: 70-80%1. To search information about the hydraulic pumps market in Shanghai and China收集上海乃至中国液压泵市场的信息;2. To follow up the quality, delivery and purchase cooperation of the exist

15、ing supplier对现有供应商的质量、交货及采购方面的合作进行追踪。- Secondary Tasks : 10%次要任务: 10%1. To call or visit the supplier periodically, to discuss about delivery, time, prices, quality, or problems.周期性电话联络或登门拜访供应商,讨论有关交货、时间、价格、质量或异常情况;2. To analyze the purchase costs对采购成本进行分析;3. To make a comparison between the available suppliers on the market对市场上可供开发的供应商进行比较。- Occasional Tasks : 10%偶发任务: 10%1. To input and edit the ERP code录入并编辑ERP 代码;2. To greet the salesmen from others companies who come to introduce their business.接待到访的推销性客户。Knowledge requirements:知识技能



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