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1、马石立中学九年级英语第一轮复习资料Unit9 ook9【词汇检测】1发明_用来做_用勺舀_4可调节的_5后跟_6电池_7操作_8拖鞋_电灯_0电灯炮_1微波_2微波炉_脆的_4含盐的_15酸的_16错误地_厨师_1撒_19意外_20饮料_2根据_古老的_传说_24烧开_25灌木_2陷入_27剩余28生产_9合意的_30这样_3馅饼_32飞碟_3面包店_34投_35柠檬_36小舔饼干_7算盘_3双筒望远镜_39百年_4级别_1活泼的_4混合物_43在户内_发明_45木制的_6敲打_4撞上_48分开_目的_50筐_51金属_52铁环_53射击_4低于_5篮板_6指引_5向,往_5球场_9发展_0计

2、算器_61普及_2ris的过去时_6世界性的_4协会_5装备_【短语集中】1 scooprally oldie crea2. sein te rk3 hoewth adjustaleeels y sta5. cdnt6.notslty noh7. methe cusomr hppy. the hstry of chis9. prikle slton em1. th mostplardrink 11. ccrdi toan nient Chiese legen12. allit he wate13.roducepleasat sell4 oe of the orlds favorite rink

3、s1. flyingdisk16. bil inkin watr 7. or aopen ire. etalpieplate19. ie 190s. tasesee . prefelems ongs2. tesour taste23. ry ookes2. beeasl roken2.in the sitcntury6. trw theball o each oter 27 for fu and xercie2. ungtlongwie29.na hrdwodenflor30. moe oads ne d o the crt31. ecome an Olmp evet. a team omCh

4、ina【句子再现】. en was te ca invnte? a inend i . Wh aretey use for? Theyr used fr seein the ark.3 Wh o y thnk th mot helpfu venion? I hink te mst hefu nvetin the lit u.4. The customer thought thepotoes wren th enuh.5. Mom adlt but tstill wasnt salty n.6. She like cisy cookie. Thy are hrd, dryand easiy br

5、oke7.The abcs ws inented n the sh century b te Chines.8. W waat olleg, hiscass w ncease ivn new ae tht oudbe la indoors uringhe long wintes. Draismit creatd aameto be playeda ard wooden foo, sothesafetofte layers waimotant.1. Dr Naismt divied e menin his clss intoo tms nd augt the how play his w gae

6、.11. Te am of basketbal i orlas toget abal o the “baset”:a net ngng rothe eta hop12. laers soo fom lw te asket and use thebckbordor uidingthblintohe askt.13. isbelieved tat oecembr 21st,81, thefirs basetall gae in histo a ye.1. A ea fo Ca opart,ndatough eddt win hey used the experene to hl dvelop he

7、 ae a o.15. Since ten,te popularityof baseballhsrisen woldwide, and theber oforeign playrs in Aeics N sincreed.Didyou o thtta, theostpopur dik in te worldws inveed b accdt? Althugh tawasn bout to th esten wo until 1610, this eveage wa discver ove tree thosandears before that. Accordintan ancienthies

8、e legend, the eperor SheNogdiscoverd eawe h as boing drnkig wateoveran pe fire. oelavs roma nearybfel intohe warand remaindthere fo om tme Thempr notced ththe leaes hewater podued easantsell. Later h dced to tse tot mtre. Iwasuitedelious. nd in is wy, oneof th oldsfavrite drink as inented.【疑点注释】1. T

9、heye us fr sing in the dark. (69)它们被用于在黑夜里观看。be used for表达“被用来做”,介词for表达目的和用途,背面接名词或动词-ing形式。Wodcan be ued or making pape.木材可以被用来造纸。知识拓展具有e usd的常用短语:be used a表达“被用作”,介词a意思是“作为”的意思,其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。Thsbookcn be ued a textook.这本书可以当作教科书来用。b usd by表达“被使用”,by后接动作的执行者。Tis kd o machie isused barmer for

10、getng in cop.农民们用这种机器来收割庄稼。 I hink th mot elpfulivtion is th it blb (P70)我觉得最有用的发明是灯泡。helfl是由名词help加上-ful后缀构成的形容词,意为“有协助的”,类似的形容词尚有:thathanfl (感谢的,感谢的) ategatful(感谢的,感谢的)useuseful(有用的) wodeonderful(令人惊奇的)forgetforgetul (健忘的) sccessuccessu(成功的)beatybeutiul(美丽的) painaul(疼痛的)3. d le hav ado becaus oul

11、lisent musi al day (P0)我想有一种收音机,这样我就可以成天听音乐了。本句中的情态动词oul用来表达逻辑上或理论上的也许性,而不是某种事实上将要发生或正在发生的也许性。Anybody culd ake miske.任何人都也许出错误。Te wetherhere could be vry ld i winter. 冬天这儿的天气很冷。特别提示coul也表达人或动物的内在能力,有某种知识或者技能而可以做某事。He hut hs fot nd couldnt pay socer 她的脚受了伤,因此她不能踢足球了。4 Te ptao cernventeb miake. (P1)土豆条的发明纯属歪打正着。() poat chps是一种复合名词,其中第一种名词用作定语修饰后一种名词,这样的例子有诸多,又如:



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