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1、2015年职业英语技能大赛试题Part IListening 听力Section 1Directions: In this section, you will hear five short sentences and questions. There are three pictures marked A, B, and C for each question. Choose the picture that best matches the question. Each sentence and question will be read twice. You will have 10 s

2、econds for each question. (图片判断。在本节中,你将听到5个句子和相应的问题,每道题配有A、B、C三幅图片,请选择与题目内容相符合的一幅图片。每道题读两遍。每题你将有10秒钟的作答时间。)1. A)B)C)2.A)B)C)3.A)B)C) 4. A)B)C)5.A)B)C)Section 2Directions: In this section, you will hear a dialogue, and fill in the blanks according to what you hear. The dialogue will be read twice. Yo

3、u will have 1 minute for the task. (填空。在本节中,你将听到一段较长的对话。请根据对话内容填空。对话读两遍。你将有1分钟的作答时间。) Travelling PlanTime(6)_ Destination(7) _PurposeTo learn its (8)_ Chinas attractionsthe Huangshan Mountain, (9)_ , etcWhat to tastesheep (10) _ Part IIReading 阅读Section 1Directions: In this section, you will read fi

4、ve short texts. There is a question and four possible answers for each text. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。在本节中,你将读到5个短信息。根据短信息,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。) 1.What does the sign mean?A. Both people and bike can cross.B. People can cross but not the bike.C. Bike can cross but not peopl

5、e.D. Neither people nor bike can cross.2.What does the Spoonful want?A. It wants to thank the customer.B. It wants to help the customer.C. It wishes the customer to do a survey.D. It wants to do advertisements.3. SurveyThe maximal pressure from the students in vocational schools.daily cost 55% homew

6、ork pressure 30% nothing change 10% others 5% What does the survey suggest?A. Over half of the students worry homework most.B. Least of the students worry daily cost. C. Nothing change amount to 15% of the total students.D. Least percentage of students choose other reasons. Sept. 10Mr. Liu, I have g

7、ot a cold and cough badly, so I cant go to school. Im writing to ask for sick leave of two days.Encl. Doctors Certificate of Advice Your student, Wang Ming4. What is this note for?A. Asking for two days leave.B. Asking the doctor to treat him.C. Describing his illness to the doctor.D. Asking the doc

8、tor to give him two days leave.What do you think of the lecture method?For 26%Against 41%Neither for nor against 33%5. From the survey, we can see _people fail to choose For?A. 26% B. 41% C. 33% D. 74%Section 2Directions: In this part, you will read five short descriptions and six pieces of informat

9、ion related to them. Match the description and the related information and fill in the brackets with the letters. Notice there is one extra piece of information you do not need.(信息匹配。在本节中,你将读到5段描述和6条相关的信息。请将这些描述和相应的信息匹配起来,并把与信息对应的字母填写在括号内。注意有一条冗余信息。) One ( ) 1. Bailey and his classmates went to the

10、Elderlys House yesterday afternoon. ( ) 2. Carl needs to borrow some costumes from the Opera Troupe. ( ) 3. Julian bought a pair of Ballet shoes last week. ( ) 4. Alice Barton needs to look for some books about Percy Bysshe Shelley. ( ) 5. Carter wants to know how the clavichord developed into the p

11、iano. School Club CenterRoom 301 A. Music Club Room 302 B. Poem ClubRoom 303 C. Bird-watching Club Room 304 D. Volunteer ClubRoom 305 E. Drama Club Room 305 F. Dancing Club.Two Two ( ) 1. Mrs. Liu needs to buy a new quilt.( ) 2. Professor Li wants to buy a new computer to replace the old one.( ) 3.

12、Miss Zhou is going to buy a new dress for her sisters wedding ceremony.( ) 4. Mrs. Wu wants to cook the Sweet and Sour Chop.( ) 5. Miss Liu wants to buy a pair of shoes for her boy friend. Yan Cheng Shopping Malll A. Clothes (Male)l B. Clothes (Female)First Floorl C. Household Applicants l D. Home T

13、extileThird Floor Second Floorl E. Food (Cooked)l F. Food (Raw)Section 3Directions: In this part, you will read a passage and five questions about it. Choose the best answer for each question. (选择题。阅读下面短文,请从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案。)Passage OneMy grandfather was a teacher. He was the headmaster of a school for boys between the ages of thirteen and eighteen. I know that he was a ki



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