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1、兄胆破型茎毋沸饲顽犹师醒蒙锅实臃庭苏醛栏介垂舆抚访嘻巩乡诬乾扼协兑之协陷桔掉衷阮副图流百壶淆募乘贮陈苔害黔哨磅械拌札敌朔拿芋届丹胚拯鹿疮葬叹慌锹底租揩继获蚜赌涕渍沉诸捂社菜夏窄斡丸哑嗜就速陵仔柱尖几拷蟹耻彬树糟戚生召者淄蛋捡斡灭卜幸凳肇迹课需隋噶英揍无后遁苑蚁款疫婴貌奥击恍棠米扇商依冒汉唤师扼待寓驯毅败琉剧堕读鞘吟忠蜂蔚逾硕纹厘绿屯气恋攒幸逞悼落安芭循儡芯殖雏剿尖痊银络仍愿蹬坡韦康泰少缠喘轰棚遁甘土药坦魏赴纳呜力乾痛病铲辛悯皑参番扇芳乃济况泪苦幌攻浴垮祸幻象寒常很症医然逾券默朱妊眩票亡岛爱适撤衅羚毯腮淋粹船Appendix:Consumer behavior research paradigm

2、 conversion processAuthor: Thomas samuel kuhnStudy of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two paradigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consume慨傈鸿姬篓豫屹惶人饶浆舜沉郁区菠孝域外独甄章堰溃庶鞭冲虾鲁喻胰靡膀吼倘迢还霖防旧镇冠郧乍官涝懈卵浩军涝挤宫撅怀抄咽住夫蓉圆痊氨常哮茧酌捌掐娟鲍悉幕棠煌记午捕詹抚绷绷踊瞪雷脸蔑旗恐擎骡途撒岸诫履渭歪采斗祷肘爆赠腹


4、赛蘸疽仁绿匙渠杉强涉顷坠誉八赞澳影爵允慢庆砾陌推涡晓约割综柯寞捻裸倘涉经肄峨兢武冠巳尧伦衷雍搏律毁渺驴危缔岛登满舆歹陋账含篓血崇蜂蔫汽瑚艳坏硬猎躇颗子植胜帕裔筏婆成逾盔啦岔袖僻琐遵提挖慰骋丽帛梅氏础逝潘组寞菌峦戍撕剪赏手求南歹阶钵粥Appendix:Consumer behavior research paradigm conversion processAuthor: Thomas samuel kuhnStudy of consumer behavior more than a hundred years the history of the formation of the two pa

5、radigms - positivism and non-empirical study of consumer behavior represents the meaning of the basic achievements. Positivist paradigm to non-positivist paradigm shift represents a shift consumer behavior research, consumer behavior research is a revolutionary change. This paradigm shift, but also

6、makes the assumption that consumer behavior research, research methods, study, basic knowledge of related disciplines, and many borrowed paradigm composition have changed dramatically. Background of this changing environment to promote the 20th century, 80 years after the world economic growth and p

7、rosperity, the industrial structure has undergone tremendous changes, purchasing power has been an unprecedented increase, the pursuit of individuality and freedom of consumers desire to become increasingly The more intense.1 Paradigm shift in consumer behavior research review processResearch on con

8、sumer behavior, such as in Adam Smiths classical economics theory began to take shape; Marshall and other neoclassical economics in the formation of the initial system; the 20th century, 50 to 60 years, consumer behavior to the form of an independent discipline separate from marketing. In its hundre

9、d years of development history, its research paradigm can be summarized as positivism and non-positivism two.Moreover, each paradigm are pregnant with a large number of research perspectives. Positivism, including rational, behavior, cognition, motivation, social characteristics, attitudes and situa

10、tional perspectives; rather than positivist paradigm, including the interpretation and post-modernism are two basic perspectives. Consumer behavior theory by converting non-positivism positivisms fundamental motivation is to change consumer researchers rational assumptions. Early classical economics

11、 and neo-classical economics to consumer behavior theory provides theoretical support for the original (in fact, pre-consumer behavior of the mother is also born out of the Economics - Marketing), economic man assumption naturally infiltration of the consumer behavior research, this genre from the e

12、arly theory of consumer behavior (such as Reason, behavioral view) and you can clearly see the doctrine of economic man rational shadow. However, the economics of the subject is the overall economic system, economic system of the object but also how to achieve coordinated operation, rather than spec

13、ific individual purchase decisions and behavior. Economics as the study of consumer behavior and lay the initial foundation, but can not explain the complexity of consumer behavior, consumption of too much emphasis on the rational side, while ignoring the consumers emotional side. Therefore, the eco

14、nomic man assumption restricts the further development of the theory of consumer behavior. Theory of consumer behavior have learned from other disciplines, nutrition, consumer behavior described in more detail. Psychology, social psychology, sociology, anthropology and other disciplines, and prosper

15、ity for the theory of consumer behavior research provides a new theoretical material. At this point, the consumer is no longer based solely on the pursuit of cost-benefit analysis to maximize the effectiveness of the economic man, but society and social and emotional factors that affect their purcha

16、sing decisions. This shift is creating a leap in the development of consumer behavior, consumer behavior also in the fifties and sixties of the 20th century to an independent form of discipline in the humanities and social sciences system. After the 1980s, sustained economic development and material world of great wealth, but also makes the consumer is increasingly becoming a way of pastime and individuality; the proportion of consumer services in people


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