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1、教学设计创新比赛教学设计模板参赛教学设计基本信息作者姓名黄章玲性别女出生年月1981.10工作单位湖北省宜昌市第十三中学邮政编码443100通讯地址湖北省宜昌市白沙路3号联系电话13986747603电子邮箱所用教科书书名普通高中课程标准实验教科书 英语 选修6所教年级高二所教册次、单元选修6, unit 3设计主题Module 6 unit3-5 Listening ,speaking and writing1.整体设计思路、指导依据说明整体设计思路:运用过程教学法来培养学生掌握根本的写作法,学写劝告信;关注写作过程,充分发展学生的思维能力与合作精神,让学生将学到的抽烟的危害性学以致用,培养


3、学生分析写的任务所提供的情景的意义即拒绝吸烟的意义,以及站在求助者晓雷的角度,分析问题,合理得体地提出建议。鼓励学生发挥想象力,提供个性化的建议,并学会与同学分享。知识目标:掌握提建议作文的写作结构及相关词汇和句型。能力目标:培养写建议类作文的能力,提高此类作文的表达档次。情感目标:培养健康生活的理念,杜绝抽烟的恶习。4.教学重点、难点分析 教学重点:1.掌握提建议类作文的相关词汇,句型和结构;2.运用高级句型表达劝告他人戒烟的主题 教学难点:1.如何让学生速记视频中的小建议,简洁概括并能展开成句2.如何让学生发挥想象力,提出个性化建议并灵活运用掌握建议类作文的高级表达。5.教学过程设计 (中

4、文为主 + 所教学科目标语言)Step1Revision of reading 1. the complex sentences .I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life I live.You can become physically addicted to nicotine, which is one of the hundreds of chemicals in cigarettes.This means that after a while your body becomes accustomed

5、to having nicotine in it and when the drug leaves your body, you feel sick, bad-tempered, or even in pain.2. the harmful effects of smoking(1) do terrible damage to_your heart and lungs_.(2) it is more difficult for _smoking couples to become pregnant (3) affect _the health of non-smokers _.(4) make

6、 smokers _smell terrible _and the fingers _turn yellow_.设计意图:复习阅读中的重要句型,用三个句子即再次复习了高级词汇和高级句型,又引出了此课的主题戒烟。让学生回忆吸烟的害处为本课主题写劝告信做词汇和句型的储备。Step2 listen to a video ,make notes and list the steps to quit smoking Eg : 1.make a particular day your quit day and write the reasons for quitting 2find out the smo

7、king trigger time 3list all the smoking related illnesses 4tell your friends and family members your decision to get encouragement 5buy some gums and lollipops 6keep busy 7keep going ,using the calendar8willpower设计意图:输入阶段:看视频,做听力笔记,激发学生写的动机。使所写的东西有意义,使学生产生表达的欲望,与潜在的读者沟通信息和情感。情境贴近学生的生活实际和思想感情,学生有话可写,

8、有情可抒。教师提醒学生在看视频时注意做小笔记记下戒烟的步骤的关键词,在10个建议中挑选3个建议罗列出来,为下面写作进一步做输入Step3 writing Tips for writing :1.read the requirements and write the outline (structure )requirements:Here is a letter from Li Xiaolei in another school in Yichang , Write a letter to give him some helpful adviceDear students in Class 9

9、 Grade 2, Can you help me please? My best friend has just started smoking. I do not like it and I told her what I thought. She laughed at me and said that I was not grown-up enough.Then she offered me a cigarette and I felt so embarrassed and awkward. I did not know how to refuse it. Please help me.

10、 I do not want to start smoking, but I do not want to lose my best friend, either.Yours sincerelyLi Xiaolei outline:Para1: show your sympathy for him and encourage him Para2: list the advice on how to quit smoking Para3: express your wish 设计意图:写作第一步:省题省主题,省提纲,由小组讨论定提纲,确保写作不偏题,层次清晰。2.Discuss with the

11、 partner about the useful expressions to give advice and conjunction wordsUseful expressions : There is no need to;Its not necessary to;It would be a good idea to conjunction words : as far as Im concerned ;Besides, Moreover, In addition ; In a word 设计意图:教师鼓励学生积极思考、自由大胆表达简洁,并帮助学生挖掘各种有用的信息。而学生在思考和小组讨

12、论中记录下想法。讨论出写建议信的通用的句型和连贯词,为写全文做好结构和词汇上的准备。3.Write the first draft 设计意图: 撰写初稿整理思想、确定写作内容,此阶段为写作的主要阶段。构思过程,尽量放开去写,不必过于顾及表达的外在形式,教师细心观察学生的写作活动,随时发现问题,并进行指导。4.Mark and correct in three aspects,: content, language and organization with group members according to the following criterions 1) clear meaning

13、2) well organized 3) correct and natural language and proper connections 4) correct sentence patterns and tense 设计意图:同学互评:根据优秀作文的标准来对同伴作文进行评价,并商定修改意见,可以帮助学生有意识的去发现写好作文的方向并通过修改同组同学的作文更加深对篇章结构,内容,语言的认知。Step4 Appreciate the sample letterDear Xiaolei,I am sorry you have found yourself in such a situatio

14、n. First, there is no need for you to feel embarrassed and awkward. She may think that she is behaving in a grownup way but you are the one with sense on your side. Here is some advice that I think you might give her:1.Smoking is addictive and expensive.It can make you ill later in life.2.Even breat

15、hing in other peoples smoke can make you ill.3.It is a dirty habit.4.It is more difficult to stop than it is to start.Second, talk to your friend gently and explain that you are still good friends and dont want to break this friendship. However, you will not begin smoking to suit her. Give her the information above and then explain that whatever she choose to do you will remain her friend.Dont be disappointed, Xiaolei.Good luck and best wishes,Sun Gao设计意图:提供范文让学生赏析,学习其在内容,语言,结构上的亮点,为自己的作文写第二稿提供样本。Step5 Homewor


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