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1、备案号:J2492003SH中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准Standard for Petrochemical Industry of PRCSH 35012002代替SH35012001SH 3501-2002A substitute version of SH 3501-2001石油化工有毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范Specification for construction and acceptance of hypertoxic and combustible medium piping engineering in petrochemical industryChinese l

2、anguage is the original language and if inconsistencies exist between English andChinese versions, the Chinese version takes precedence and the Chinese version is the legally binding version. 原本以中文书就,如果英文和中文版本之间存在不一致,以中文版本为准,中文版本具有法律约束力。20030209 发布20030501 实施国家经济贸易委员会发布Issued on Feb. 9, 2003 Impleme

3、nted on May 1, 2003Issued by State Economy & Trade Commission目次List of Contents前言Foreword1范围Scope2规范性引用文件Normative documents quoted3总则General4管道分级Pipeline grading5管道组成件检验Inspection of constituent elements of pipeline5.1一般规定General specifications5.2管子检验Inspection of pipe5.3阀门检验Inspection of valve5.4其

4、他管道组成件检验Inspection of constituent elements of other pipes6管道预制及安装Prefabrication and installation of pipeline6.1管道预制Prefabrication of pipeline6.2管道安装Installation of pipeline7管道焊接Welding of pipeline7.1一般规定General specifications7.2焊前准备与接头组对Preparation and assembly of joints7.3焊接工艺要求Requirement for weld

5、ing procedure7.4预热与热处理Preheating and heat treatment7.5质量检验Quality inspection8管道系统试验Test for piping system8.1管道系统压力试验Pressure test for piping system8.2管道系统吹扫Sweeping for piping system8.3气体泄漏性试验及真空度试验Gas leakage test and test of vacuum degree9交工文件Handover document附录A(资料性附录)常用有毒介质、可燃介质Appendix A (Data

6、Appendix) Common Hypertoxic and Combustible Medium附录B(资料性附录)焊接接头坡口形式及组对要求Appendix B(Data Appendix) Type of Groove of Weld Joint and Requirements for Assembly附:条文说明Explanation to Clauses前言Foreword本规范是根据国经贸厅行业200236号文的通知,由中国石化集团第五建设公司对石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范SH 35012001进行修订而成。The Specification is the re

7、vision of Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Hypertoxic and Combustible Medium Piping Engineering in Petrochemical Industry SH3501-2001 revised by The Fifth Construction Company of the China Petrochemical Corporation according to File 200236 issued by State Economy & Trade Commission.本

8、规范共分9章和2个资料性附录。本规范与SH 35012001石油化工剧毒、可燃介质管道工程施工及验收规范相比,主要变化如下:The Specification contains 9 chapters and 2 data appendixes. The main changes of the Specification comparing with original SH3501-2001 Specification for Construction and Acceptance of Hypertoxic and Combustible Medium Piping Engineering i

9、n Petrochemical Industry are:适用范围扩大至毒性程度为中度危害和轻度危害介质;调整了管道分级规定,与SH 35092001石油化工管道设计器材选用通则协调一致;将有关内容与GB 5023597工业金属管道工程施工及验收规范进行了协调;修改了原规范中管道组成件检验、试验的有关规定;完善了焊接接头检验方面的有关规定。-Scope of application is enlarged. Toxic level includes moderate hazard and negligible hazard.-Specification for pipeline grading

10、 is regulated to comply with General Rule for Pipeline Design and Selection in Petrochemical Industry.-Specification for inspection and test of constituent elements of pipeline is modified.-Perfect specification for inspection of weld joint.本规范以黑体字标志的条文为强制性条文,必要严格执行。Boldfaces in the Specification ar

11、e mandatory clauses and must be strictly implemented.本规范由中国石化集团施工规范管理站淄博分站管理,由中国石化集团第五建设公司负责解释。The Specification is managed by Zibo Branch of Construction Specification Management Station of China Petrochemical Corporation, and interpreted by The Fifth Construction Company of the China Petrochemical

12、 Corporation.本规范在实施过程中,如发现需要修改补充之处,请将意见和有关资料提供给我们,以便今后修订时参考。In case any repair and supplement are found necessary during implementation of the Specification, please send the suggestion together with relevant information to us for reference during future update.管理单位:中国石化集团公司施工规范管理站淄博分站Management unit: Zibo Branch of Construction Specification Management Station of China Petrochemical Corporation通讯地址:山东省淄博市132号信箱Address: Mailbox No. 132, Zibo City, Shandong Province.邮政编码:255438Postcode: 255438主编单位:中国石化集团第五建设公司Chief editor: China Petrochemical Corporation通讯地址:甘肃省兰州市



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