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1、2022年考博英语-沈阳药科大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The elevation of the assistant coach to the head coaching position within only 9 months was a surprise.问题1选项A.raiseB.promotionC.transferD.precedence【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. raise 加薪 B. promotion (职位)晋升C. transfer(工作)调动 D. precedence 优先【考查点】名词辨析【解题思路】原句从助理教练(assista

2、nt coach)到主教练(head coaching)是职位的晋升,B选项“(职位)晋升”最符合原文。原文elevation“提升”【干扰项排除】A选项raise“加薪”,原句侧重职位提高,而不是工资的增加;C选项transfer“(工作)调动”,没有B选项“(职位)晋升”具体;D选项precedence“优先”,不符合原文逻辑。【句意】助理教练在短短9个月内晋升为主教练,这是一个惊喜。2. 单选题With 1 million copies sold out within just 2 weeks, that book is indeed a _ success.问题1选项A.provisi

3、onalB.sensationalC.sentimentalD.potential【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. provisional 临时的 B. sensational 轰动性的C. sentimental 情感的 D. potential 潜在的【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】空格处所填词修饰的是“成功(success)”,前文提到“这本书在短短两周内就售出了100万册”,由此推测,这本书的成功是令人震惊的,B选项sensational“轰动性的”符合原文语义衔接。【干扰项排除】A、C、D选项不符合原文语义逻辑,没有依据。【句意】这本书在短短两周内就售出了100万册,真是轰动一时的成

4、功。3. 单选题The discussion was so prolonged and exhausting that _ the speakers stopped for refreshments.问题1选项A.at largeB.at intervalsC.at easeD.at random【答案】B【解析】【选项释义】A. at large 在逃的 B. at intervals 时时,不时C. at ease 安逸地,不紧张地 D. at random 随机地,随便地【考查点】语义衔接与词组辨析【解题思路】首先,空格后是一个完整的句子,该处应填入一个副词,做状语。其次,前文提到“这个

5、讲座冗长而令人疲惫”,后文提到“发言的人停下来喝点水”根据sothat提示,后者应该是前文的结果,B选项at intervals“时时,不时”符合原文语境。【干扰项排除】A选项at large“在逃的”,语义和词性不符;C选项at ease“安逸地,不紧张地”,语义不符;D选项at random“随机地,随便地”,原文是指喝水的频率高,而不是说喝得很随便。【句意】这个讲座冗长而令人疲惫以至于发言的人都不时停下来喝点水。4. 单选题Old people are always saying that the young are not what they were. The same commen

6、t is made from generation to generation and it is always true. It has never been truer than it is today. The young are better educated. They have a lot more money to spend and enjoy more freedom. They grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and

7、do not blindly accept the ideals of their elders. Events which the older generation remembers vividly are nothing more than past history. This is as it should be. Every new generation is different from the one that preceded it. Today the difference is very marked indeed.The old always assume that th

8、ey know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They dont like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young are doing. They are questioning the assumptions of their elders and disturbing their complacency. Office hours

9、, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldnt people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility? And what about clothing? Who said that all the men in the world should wear drab grey suits and convict haircuts? If we ruin our minds to more serious matters, who

10、 said that human differences can best be solved through conventional politics or by violent means? Why have the older generation so often used violence to solve their problems? Why are they so unhappy and guilt-ridden in their personal lives, so obsessed with mean ambitions and the desire to amass m

11、ore and more material possessions? Can anything be right with the rat-race? Havent the old lost touch with all that is important in life?These are not questions the older generation can shrug off lightly. Their record over the past forty years or so hasnt been exactly spotless. Traditionally, the yo

12、ung have turned to their elders for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The oldif they are prepared to admit itcould learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not “sinful”. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all

13、aspects of life. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and enjoy your leisure, to shed restricting inhibitions. It is surely not wrong to live in the present rather than in the past or future. This emphasis on the present is only to be expected because the young have grown up under the shadow of

14、 the bomb: the constant threat of complete annihilation. This is their glorious heritage. Can we be surprise that they should so often question the sanity of the generation that bequeathed it?13. Which of the following features in the young is NOT mentioned?14. What do the young reject most?15. The

15、phrase “shrug off” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to _.16. Why do the young stress on the present?17. What can the old learn from the young generation?18. The passage is focused on _.问题1选项A.Better educated.B.More money and freedom.C.Independence.D.Hard work.问题2选项A.Values.B.The assumption of the elders.C.Conformity.D.Conventional ideas.问题3选项A.get rid ofB.take offC.give a cold shoulderD.think of问题4选项A.They have grown up under the shadow of the bomb.B.They dislike the past.C.Th


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