南仁中学导学案32 (2)

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1、南仁中学导学案 年级:Grade 7 科目:English 课题Lesson 32 I Cant Wait for Winter主备人刘粉妮审核人授课人编号授课时间班级姓名学习目标1. Words and Phrases;2. Sentence Patterns重点难点Sentence Patterns学习流程学 案导 案课前预习I.翻译下列短语。1. 迫不及待做某事2. 相聚在一起3. 堆雪人4. 玩的开心5. 去滑冰6. 去滑雪II.根据句意及首字母提示完成句子。 1.Look out! Dont slip(滑到)!There is much i_ on the road. 2.The w

2、ater in the river is c_. You can see the fish at the bottom of the river. 3.You can use this _(网址) to find something useful. 4.Children are making _(雪人) outside.预习交流学习流程引领探究 核心1. Have lunch in our world-class restaurant. 翻译:_.2. You can even get the family together and make a snowman. 思考:本句话中包含哪两个短语? _ 翻译本句话:_.3. Hope to see you there. 翻译:_ 希望做某事_ 翻译:我希望再次拜访你。_.4. What a cold,snowy day! 翻译:_ 归纳本感叹句的结构:_ 仿句:多么伟大的一个人啊!_5. Im going to have a great time! 翻译:_ 归纳“玩的开心;过的愉快”的三个短语。 _训练检测梳理小结拓展延伸教(学)反思



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