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1、七年级英语期中考试试卷 .听力部分 (10分)一根据你所听的内容,选择对的的选项。每题读两遍。(共分,每题0.5分)( ) . ai / B. /i C. / /( ). A/ B. / / . /au /( ). . larn B.London C lter( )4. A. hl B. hall heo( )5. A cas B. glss C.gla( )6. . wake .wait C e( )7. .1914 B. 940 . 901( ). Aa caron te roa . gil in a skirt . nsea wo( )9. A.trn on Btuof C. urnon

2、( )0.ese gs . anegg C. this egg二.根据你所听到的问题,选择相应的答语。每题读两遍。(共.分,每题0.分)( )1.A. Seld. B. o hour. . No,I dot( )12. A. Evryda. B Nine hous C.es,itdoe. ( )13. My ohe. B.Its w . y sisers.()4. . Why nt? Let go ow B.es, love to. Ye,I do.( )15A. Bnaas. B.Bad. C.ugar三.根据你所听到的对话选择对的答案。对话读两遍。(共1分,每题05分)( )16. he

3、a they? A. Atschool. B. In a library. . In a od o.( )17.Wat dos tea wat odnk? A. A cu o cofee B. cup f tea. CAup ofjuice四.根据你所听到的短文内容选择对的答案完毕信息登记表。读2遍(共.5分,每题.5分)Foodakfas 1 , bre ndmlkt homeuch 1 , mea, vetles, ndesor plinst shoolDieizza and habers 20 ( )18. . milk B bef C. egs( )1. Re . Cicken . O

4、n juice( )20. . In fast ood shps .At home A schoolII笔试部分(共90分)一、单词辨音(共5分,每题.5分)( ) 1.A.map B mny .gla D. hat( ) 2. ese B.letr C.enjoy D. es( ) .A. sli B. twie . picni D. hill ( ) 4A.l B borow hbb D. sop( )5. luk cub C ce D fun( ) 6. .cal B alo C tal D t( )7. . relly each C. deam D. team( )8. A. boo

5、. gd Cl Dfood( ) 9. .nd B fot C oange D. drin( ) 1. A. fthr B.that C. t D. oth二、单选(共15分,每题1分)( ) 1 My brother liketo lay _football _ aturay eeninA. he; B. te; o C. / ; i . / ; on( ) 2. -Is yur amKitt? -Yes,_. AI m B.is sheis D. hes( ) 3.An i y broer_ oftentks _ dogfo walkinth park. A Se; her B He ;

6、him C. He; his D She ;hs( ) 4. - _ you Englis teaher_from the USA? -Ys , she _. A. Is; ome; s B. Dos;doeC. Des;; does Is; ; de( ) 5. hean _abloa isandin_ my athr. .wars; in fotof B.in;inthefront oC eas; in th fro of D. in; in fron f( ) . - _ do you to scol every d? - _. A. hn,By ike B. How;B abik C.

7、Ho; n bike D.Ho; On bike( ) . r. Gren _ esshopping, bcusehe is _ usy woig. A.dm;always B. oftn;lwy. ever; dom D. uuall; ometmes( ). e snt f _y schol, so ften wakto chl. A. or .n C w D fro( ) . Peas_ bfore 9 oclock A.wke he B. akeu s C. wae er up ke up he( )10.Who _ will oshoppig wihus? . also .other

8、 C. te oter .el( ) 11. Myfther_ free n Snday.Hften plays with m. A i B.dos C. sn be . doesnt be( )1 -_ o you go to se a fil? - Soetimes. .Hwmuc B.Ho log CHow soon D. Ho often( )13Techildre go tschoo_ Monday _ Friday A. bewen; and . been;to C fro; to . rom; ad( ) 1 Wdoey_ _ 1 ocloc athol. A.xrises; . xcise; at C. exces; n D.exee;in( )15. Would you lke omethig to eat? - _ a lile hnry. A No, han B.Ys, please C Thats all riht . s, I woul.三、完形填空 (共0分,每题1分)n uny orning, uuly getup vey lat. wash mface ndthen o out to1 mrnig eercise. t s bout :0 .After Ieat mybreakfast,Iofteng o shoing cene wthmy



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