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1、文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 药理学常用名词解释1.药物(drug):凡能够影响生物机体的生理功能和生化过程,可以改变或查明机体的生理功能及病理状态,用于预防、诊断和治疗疾病的化学物质。在理论上说,影响机体器官生理功能及或细胞代谢活动的化学物质都属于药物范畴。在药理学中,该词泛指以不同方式(有害的、有利的或其它的)改变活体组织(动物或植物)生物活性的任何物质,但一般仅指可产生有利作用的药理活性物质,主要用于人和动物疾病的诊断、预防及治疗。Drugs are the substances that bring about a change in biologic functio

2、n through its chemical actions. It may be broadly defined as any chemical agent which affects living protoplasm , and few substances would escape inclusion by this definition . 化学药物(drug):具有治疗预防和诊断疾病或调节机体生理功能符合药品质量标准并经政府有关部门批准的化合物,称为化学药物。(彭司勋药物化学回顾与发展) 2.药理学(pharmacology):是研究药物与机体(包括病原体)间相互作用规律和原理的学

3、科。是研究药物的学科之一,是一门为临床合理用药防治疾病提供基本理论的医学基础学科。研究任何化学物质(包括药物)与生物系统(包括整体动物、离体器官或组织、细胞组、单一细胞或细胞内的生物大分子)相互作用的科学。Pharmacology is a study of the interaction of chemicals with living systems through chemical processes, especially by binding to regulatory molecules and activating or inhibiting normal body proces

4、ses.The subject of pharmacology is a board one and embraces the knowledge of the source , physical and chemical properties , compounding , physiological actions , absorption , fate , and excretion , and therapeutic uses of drugs . 3.药物效应动力学(pharmacodynamics):简称药效学,研究药物影响下机体细胞功能如何发生变化,阐明药物防治疾病的原理,是研究

5、药物对机体和病原体作用的性质、作用机制以及药物作用的“量”的规律的科学。是药理学的主要内容之一。Pharmacodynamics governs the concentration-effect part of the interaction. It is concerned with the relationship between the concentration of drugs at its site(s) of action and the magnitude of effect that is achieved . 4.药物代谢动力学(pharmacokinetics):也称药物

6、动力学,简称药动学,研究机体对药物处置的动态变化,即包括药物在机体内的吸收、分布、生物转化及排泄的过程,特别是血药浓度随时间而变化的规律。是将动力学原理应用于药物的一门科学,主要是研究体内药物及其代谢物随时间动态量变规律,即研究体内药物的存在位置、数量(或浓度)与时间之间的关系,就是用时间函数来定量地描述药物在体内的吸收、分布、代谢和排泄过程。属于药理学与数学间的一门边缘学科。其用数学方法定量地描述药物在体内吸收、分布、转化及排泄等过程的动态规律,对指导新药设计,优选给药方案,改进药物剂型,解释药物作用原理或个体差异等有重要作用。Pharmacokinetics describes the f

7、ate of a drug (absorption,distribution,metabolism and excretion),explores the factors that determine the relationship between drug dosage and the time-varying concentration of drug at its site(s) of action . 5.售后调研(postmarketing surveillance):也叫期临床试验、上市后监察,是上市后在社会人群大范围内继续进行的受试新药安全性和有效性评价,在广泛长期使用的条件下

8、考察疗效和不良反应。其目的在于进一步考察新药的安全有效性,即在新药上市后,临床广泛使用的最初阶段,对新药的疗效、适应症、不良反应、治疗方案可进一步扩大临床试验,以期对新药的临床应用价值作出进一步评价,并根据进一步了解的疗效、适应症与不良反应情况,指导临床合理用药。Final release of a drug for general prescription use should be accompanied by a vigilant postmarketing surveillance program. This constitutes monitoring the safety of t

9、he new drug under actual conditions of use in large numbers of patients. 6.离子障(ion trapping):也称离子陷阱、离子捕获。分子状态(非解离型)药物疏水而亲脂,易通过细胞膜离子状态药物极性高,不易通过细胞膜的脂质层,这种现象称为离子障。指有利于电离的状态,使以可扩散形式存在的物质的比例降低,而不利于弱电解质转运的现象,是药物进入体内房室的机制之一。At steady state , an acidic drug will accumulate on the more basic side of the mem

10、brane and a basic drug on the more acidic side -a phenomenon termed ion trapping. 7.吸收(absorption):广义上讲,吸收是指一种物质进入另一种物质中的过程。在药理学中,吸收是指药物从给药部位经过细胞组成的屏蔽膜进入血液循环的过程。Absorption describes the rate at which a drug leaves its site of administration and the extent to which this occurs. 8. 首关消除(first-pass eff

11、ect):又称首过效应、首过消除、第一关卡效应,口服药物从胃肠道吸收入门静脉系统的药物在到达全身血循环前必先通过肝脏,如果肝脏对其代谢能力很强或由胆汁排泄的量很大,则使进入全身血循环内的有效药量明显减少,这种作用称为首关消除。A drug can be metabolized in the gut wall ( eg , by the CYP3A4 enzyme system ) or even in the portal blood, but most commonly it is the liver that is responsible for metabolism before the

12、 drug reaches the systemic circulation. In addition, the liver can excrete the drug into the bile . Any of these sites can contribute to this reduction in bioavailability, and the overall process is known as first-pass loss or elimination. (Basic & Clinical Pharmacology) 9.分布(distribution):药物吸收后从血循环

13、到达各个部位和组织的过程称为分布。Following absorption or administration into the systemic blood , a drug distributes into interstitial and intracellular fluids. 10.结合型药物(bound drug):大多数药物在血浆中均可与血浆蛋白不同程度的结合而形成结合型药物。 11.游离型药物(free drug):血中没有与血浆蛋白结合的药物。这些药物可以分布到其它体液房室中,药物作用的强度取决于游离药物浓度。 12.再分布(redistribution):又称重分布,药物

14、自血液向器官组织分布时先分布到血流量丰富的器官,再根据全身的特点转移到特定的组织,这种现象称为再分布。药物在吸收后数分钟以及数小时处现,是初次分布的继续,药物被输送到肌肉、皮肤、脂肪及大多数脏器中,在体内达到动态平衡状态。Redistribution is a factor in terminating drug dffect primarily when a highly lipid-soluble drug that acts on the brain or cardiovascular system is administered rapidly by intravenous injec

15、tion or by inhalation. ( Goodman & Gilmans the Pharmacological basis of therapeutics ) 13.药物代谢(drug metabolism):也可称为药物转化(transformation),生物转化,药物作为一种异物进入体内后,机体动员各种机制使药物发生化学结构的改变,即药物代谢。通常主要在肝脏进行,某些情况下也可在肺、肾、肠黏膜和其他组织进行。药物代谢涉及的化学反应通常可分为两大类,即相反应和相反应。相反应包括氧化、还原和水解;相反应即结合反应。The metabolism of drugs and other xenobiotics into more hydrophilic metabolites is therefore essential for the elimination of these compounds from the body and termination of their biological activity.An altermative process that may lead to the termination or alteration of biologic activity is metabolism . The role metabol


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