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1、 Uni opic 3 Section AThemin activitis re 1 ,1n 3.本课重点活动是1a, 1b和3。. Teaching aimademands教学目标1 Lar ome new wrds:maage, medial, rement,provid, granauhter, ganhild, fre, stairs, downsirs.2.earn irect spe andindie speec:(1) “haar you reaing,Jn” Mra askd. (2) ne said that this progrmhelpedhomlesspoleetun

2、ork nd livea omallie 3.Master wr formatin:cmpouds. 4 Learto elpthers in trou. . Teahingaids教具多媒体/图片(流浪者/灾难)小黑板或幻灯片“找朋友”歌曲 Fiefir Teahin la 五指教学方案Step1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)(通过人口过密带来很多问题,引出本课话题。)T: Whc show yourono aboopulaton proble sS1:Th larg popuatinpob is very serios now. ndi evey minue abut 21

3、 babies wl be orn in h world. w dot ay any ttin to hroblm, it wll cuse andificulties. We wl beshot of enegy nd water Teres havy traic So w mus do sothint contro the opulatio an e should ome up with ays to rese th rbsh nd trto vep new reoures S:(和上一个同学观点可能基本相同)fednt contl thepopulaion, pope wil ave n

4、o placs toie in.Manpeople willose theijo nthei lvig coniton wl get orsandore.The crwl incase,ndth societwill be ngous. (教师总结点评。) T: our pins rcorect and ler.es, ife n control it, hre wil bemrepeople to hano hsetoive i and no ood to eat.t il brng he overnment a lot o presse.S te germe must provid the

5、m with odnd lving plae. (教师可以口头解释“the pope t hve se tolive in”means “t homel people”让同学们感知“homeless”。)(板书并讲解proi。)ovide: oferprvide s. with sth.T: Te peolen mny plas re very por. Ty are homeless. Wh shoud we dofor hem if w see the homeless peple(引导学生如何向处于困境的人献爱心。)3:I wan to give some money thm.T: (指

6、着S3问全班学生)Wht ddS3 sayjst now(教师转述引出间接引语并板书。): 3sa e aned togive some moe to hem. S4:I will ake the t myh.T: What i S4 say (教师和学生一起回答。) S4 said hee ould takethe to he/his home. S5: But isyur hoe bg enugh tohod so manypeope T: Wh did askHeasked if her/hi hu wa big nough hols apople. S: (引导学生做几个直接引语变间接

7、引语的练习。) T: our ways are no . ButI raly ope t l the pl an take actio toconto the poplaton and ipve ur ivig condition. theproblem, the oernmen hs manageto ve i. (教师释义领读maag。)Step resentaton第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)(展示几幅流浪者,灾难图片,让学生体会,唤起同情心。)T: Lets liseo a wice nd rtofind out the anerh qestin. (教师在黑板上或在幻灯片上呈现听力任

8、务。)Wt msues oeeery gornmen decid o take help the hmeleseple(这个问题很难,学生听两遍可能不会完全得到正确答案然后让学生翻书阅读。)T:Pleaseoenyu boks and rea it carefulygain nd find ot the crect awer.You candiscusitin grps. (学生讨论之后,让学生给出答案。)S1:It rovdeseicine o omless peopl S2:Iprovide them wthnicehomes.S3: I trns hem so that they ca

9、fi jobsaai : think you arrgt. Step Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间:12分钟)1. T: aseead the ogin 1 ain athen I wll ask someof o act it ot(在学生准备的过程中,教师在黑板上写下关键词。)aprogramha hp homlesele;reurn to ork anlvea norma lie; polin ned;foo nd meicl treaet; nice homes;train tem; feel good abut; for teber. T:K. Stphre. Let

10、 invie omgrop ocome to ront fth cas an ac out thdiag. Try invov yousef n thereal sitaio. (几组同学表演过后,教师点评。) T: 1 atwll. G2 is creatveNowlease anwer the queston ccordi o e pasage. You houd sum pan dscibe in ou on words. The uston is: hat esthsccel prga door homees peope (为了巩固本课重点活动,用此问题让同学进一步熟悉此对话内容。)

11、S1: The progam sto hep homelespople. t can hlp them rurto wor and live a nmal life. ovides the wit good d and mdie, niceivng plae drais hm so tht ty an ind jobs agan. 2. :ourdecitio is very corect Next,letsplayaga“Flowm”. Ile you a examp. Yo must do i ke that. (为了巩固间接引语,设计一个“跟我学”的游戏。) T: Imeain newp

12、apeYou say: The teachr said sh as adig a newspaper. ou nderstnd me S:Yes. T: K.Lets begn. M athera octo. : The teachersaid her fther was a dctor (教师总结一下间接引语的肯定句用法。) T: Bcref.I I say “Are hereomels people in Caad” You mutsa:he tecer ased hee wre homelespeplnCdaD ou unertad mS: Yes. : KLetsbegin. Is heworldsopuatn6.5 bllio S:Theachrasked ifthwols populatin was 6 5 biln. (总结一下间接引语疑问句用法,讲述与肯定句的不同,让学生会区分它们的用法。) T: No. Yu canwrit twoentences yourse



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