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1、选修七3-4知识点梳理Unit 3短语搭配1.整理;分类_ 2.witness to doing/having done_3.在对面_ 4.yell out _5.without pausing_ 6.provide _for为提供食宿7.敦促某人做某事_ 8.沉湎于_9.协助(某人)摆脱困境_ 10.思考_11意识到_ 12.make sb aware of _13.上下颠倒_ 14.吓死了 _15. a _ drop 急剧下降 16 be terrified of doing/being done_完成句子1.I had heard that George didnt like _, so

2、 even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him. (keep)我以前听说乔治不爱等人,所以即使我还没穿上合适的衣服就跟在他后面跑。2_,nobody has done anything about it.(aware)据我所知,尚无人对此采取任何措施。3It is necessary that he _ the information for my reference.(sort)他有必要整理些资料供我参考。4.The sea was rough that day and the boat was _.(han

3、dle)海面波涛汹涌,小船很难控制。5._away, James was struggleing to grab the grab the edge of the boat. (terrify) 害怕被冲走,詹姆斯努力抓住船舷。6._ all the necessary information that I knew what to write in my report. (sort ) 是通过整理所有必要的信息我才知道在我的报告中写些什么。7.As we drew closer, I could see a whale _by a pack of about six other killer

4、s.(attack) 当我们靠近些,我看见一头鲸正受到大约六头虎鲸的攻击。8.The first thing _ was that everyone looked unhappy that morning. (aware) 那天早上,我注意到的第一件事是每个人看起来都不开心。9.A series of failures _ the truth that Rome is not built in a day.(make)一系列的失败使他意识到罗马不是一天建成的这个事实。10._computer games made it impossible to focus on his lessons.(a

5、bandon)他沉湎于电脑游戏使得他不可能专注于他的功课。11. Though_ a key university, she didnt seem happy at all for she knew that her family could hardly afford all the expenses.(admit)即使被重点大学录取了,她一点也不开心,因为她清楚家里无法负担所有开销。Unit 4短语搭配1.接到的信_ 2.极想;得到 (be) _3.不久前的一天_ 4.与相关(be) _5.适合 _ 6.参与;参加 _7.dry out _ 8.dry up _9.do _work 做志愿

6、者工作 10.在困难中 _11._sth to sb把分配给某人 12.给动手术_完成句子1._ to the school life makes his parents comfortable. (adjust) 汤姆已经适合了学校生活,是他的父母很欣慰。2.I wonder _these boys lives at all.(difference)我想知道我正对这些男孩子们的生活产生什么影响。3It was a pity that the great writer died _.(with)遗憾的是那位伟大的作家去世时留下了未完成的著作。4. to me whether you go or

7、 stay. (difference) 你是去是留对我都没相关系。5.The hut is made of bamboo, with grass _ of the roof. (stick)小棚屋是竹子做的,屋顶伸出一簇茅草。6.The hut inside was _. (adjust)小棚屋里面太黑,我的眼睛适合不过来。7.With the food _the locals in trouble, the volunteers breathed a sigh of relief. (distribute) 随着食物都分发给了当地困难群众,志愿者们如释重负地松了口气。8. The docto

8、r urged that his patient _at once . (operate)医生要求他的病人立即动手术。9. It was the second time that_.(abroad)那是我第二次出国。10.Its said that Tom, not you or I _ go abroad for further studies. (expect)据说是汤姆,而不是你或我,有望到国外深造。1. Hardly _him when I couldnt wait to tear it open t. (hear)我一收到他的信就迫不及待地撕开了。巩固练习二答案:21-30 ACDA

9、A/ DBBCA31-50BDDBD/DBCAD/CABBC/DABDA巩固练习二多项选择1The high cost of_ makes life difficult for students in London.Aaccommodation Bcondition Cadoption Dadaption2 In China, people over sixtyfive can enjoy some _ in public places as long as they can provide their identifications.Aadvantages Bgood Cprivileges

10、 Dwelfare3The secretary should have all the _ documents ready before the meeting begins.Aconnected Bfurther Cseparated Drelevant4Many people_ the car accident, so it was not difficult to investigate (调查)Awitnessed Bswallowed Cdragged Dfled5.Some 76,800 high school students went abroad for their educ

11、ation last year, _23 percent of all Chinese students studying abroadA. accounting for B. putting up C. setting up D. consisting of6 I want to go to Beijing with you. If so, your holiday arrangements must _ mine.Acatch up with Bcome up with Cput up with Dfit in with7All the _ blood must be tested for HIV and other infections, which is important for patients.Adetermined Bdonated Cdisabled Ddistributed8The girl was so_ of the snake that she began to cry the moment she saw it.Aproud Bscared Ctired Dguilty9. It is said that somewhere betwe



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