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1、66. -Could you tell me _(如果天气好我们是否去野餐) tomorrow? ( if )-I have no idea. 67、因为他过去在中国生活过,所以他习惯于吃中国食品。(use) Because he_ in China, he_ Chinese food.68The man_(使我想起5年前教我的英语老师)。(remind)69、我赶到飞机场的时候,飞往北京的飞机已经起飞了。(take) By_, the plane for Beijing _70. The boy _(我们班最滑稽的男孩常常给我们讲笑话,使我们开怀大笑)(make)71._(每天晚上至少睡八个

2、小时是非常重要的)for people.(sleep)72.I wondered _ (Tom 对动作片的看法)。(think)66.if we will go on a picnic if it is fine67.used to live is used to eating68.reminds me of the English teacher who taught us English five years ago69.the time I got to the airport had already taken off70.who is the funniest in our clas

3、s often tells us jokes to makes us laugh71.its important to sleep at least 8 hour a night72.what Tom thought of action movies 66. Do you know _ (玛丽过去最喜欢的科目是什么)?(used)67. Were trying our best _(去帮助那些在地震中失去父母的孩子)。68. They _(一直希望把业余时间很好地通过植树和回收废弃物利用起来) in order to protect our environment. (look )69. Un

4、luckily, by the time _(当她冲到她的座位时,她的背包里只剩下几张餐巾纸)。(left)70. On April Fools Day, _ (不仅是鲍勃还有汤姆的背上都被贴了一张“请不要和我说话”的纸条) (not onlybut also)71. Has your mother asked you _ (当你处在一个陌生的环境里时,你是否和人们相处的很好)72. For the students in Grade Nine, _(每晚用如此少的时间做完如此多的家庭作业是不可能的。( so )66. what subject Mary used to like best67

5、. to help those children who lost their parents in the earthquake68. are looking forward to putting their free time to good use by planting trees and recycling waste things 69.she rushed to her seat, there had been only several napkins left in her backpack70. not only Bobs back but also Toms was put

6、 a piece of paper which said“Dont talk to me, please”71. if you are getting along well with people when you are in a strange situation72. its impossible to finish so much homework with so little time every night66.他应该专心学习, 而不要如此关注电脑游戏.(concentrate)He should instead of so much to computer games. 67.直

7、到把工作做完,他们才会回来。(finish)They until the work 68. Could you tell me (英语歌曲比赛是否因下雪而将推迟)(put)-Sorry , I dont know. 69.She asked me .(是否四分之三的人口讲汉语)(population)70.John is _(一个容易相处的男孩),so we all _(把他视为我们的朋友). ( regard )71. Does he have a computer?-No, he doesnt. Hes(afford)(太穷了买不起电脑)72. - The boy ( 英语老师在和他谈话的

8、)has changed a lot . -Yes. He(过去常常上课迟到)(who)66.concentrate on his studies, paying ,attention 67.wont come back/return , is finished68.If / Whether English Singing competition will be put off because of the heavy snow69.If three-fourth of the population spoke Chinese70.a boy who is easy to get along/

9、on with, regard him as our friend71.too poor to afford a computer/ so poor that he cant afford (to buy) a computer72.The English teacher is talking to/ with, used to be late for class66. Thank you for _(为我们提供了这么多有用的建议). (provide)67. _ in the city. (据说他是这个城市最好的医生之一) (said)68. Teachers often say _ hon

10、est. (诚实对我们是十分重要的)69. -Did you go to the movie last night? -Yes. But by the time I got there, the movie _(开始十多分钟了). (for)70. -Do you know the boy _(被那个大学生救起的)? -Yes , hes my classmate . (who)71. 67. Ann is only five years old .She is _(太小而不能上学). (too)72. The sports shows_(因为下雨将推迟) the rain.(put)66.

11、providing us with so many useful suggestions.67. It is said that he is one of the best doctors.68. it is very important for us to be 69. had been on for more than (over) ten minutes70. who was saved by the college student.71. too young to go to school.72. will be put off because of66.Did you get up

12、early this morning?No, I got up so late _(以致于我没有赶上早班车)(fail)67. We have to wear uniforms every day.I think you should be allowed to design your own clothes. That would _ _( 是一个使老师和学生都高兴的好办法)(keep)68. Did you catch the train yesterday?No. The train _ _( 当我到达火车站时,火车已经离开了十分钟)(by)69. What would you do if someone invited you to a party?I _ _(宁愿在家看一本好书而不去参加晚会)(than)70. Do you like the present I gave you?Yes, very much. Because the present _



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