Book 3 Module 2测验

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《Book 3 Module 2测验》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Book 3 Module 2测验(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Modue 2Devlopng and Dveloped ContriesClas_, Gad2012, Nam_ _rk: _.单项填空1分1。_ h svyyong,_ h knows a lot.Althouh; Alhoh; ut. Althogh; or. Although; bt2.Manypeople helpedme _ , I sceed A In turn In arsult C. aresult of As a sult。Athe ed o thefota ae, paes raditinally _shrt _ each other。 A. ng; wtB. echan

2、e; wih C. change; D. exchn; t4._ ? -Vry interetng。 A.Have ou ersen t fim . Ae yu nteretedi th film C。 Whats the film aout D. H dou tthe pstoffce _ twome, hare waing th te _ 。 A。 stad; closeB.stands; cse C. stnd; coey。 tns; os。 Afte e ex, e worked _ hader han before. Whch ofe folloing i

3、s ron? A。uchB。mor .venD lot7ome peplntssafeto say aoe _ , ometimes somehing rible le gas explosio, fre and s n can hppen n oes hm。 A。 But B.owver 。 While D。 houh8.His makin _ tcach upith thr tudent and mak_ in thnew em. A efors; agrat progr B。 aneot; agrtprogreC。 ffts; grat prgress D aneffo; gea ogr

4、ess9。 The tones each_ on on,which akes the ficul t tansprt yuck。A。mase ered Ci eaurd D。measures10. anzhu,knon _a aradie on arth,isknown _theen scen sights West ke.A.;as B。as;fo Cr;fr D.o;s. _ethrshe or yo oig ttend he etng?No,netesh nr_AIs;s Bre;m r;is DIs;am12。 Rdg i_ godhabit. Sicko iand youl

5、 a_ r prress。Aa; Ba; C。the;a D。/;a13 The lttle boy sat _to is aheand listened _with rea terest。Aose;lose Bcosely;cose close;closely Dclosl;losey4。 S i n a por _of healh。 As arsult,sh asve uphj.Aposion Bsittn Cstte D。ndtion15. Of _ihu o mus “gooy”。wentey Bdid Jen o .goJen doesJeny g完形填空20分 Ls night I

6、 as drng fom arisburgto ewisburg,_ofbout ighty mile It walate anIas n hurr.owever,if aoe aked e wfstI as_2_,Id say I was ot ver.spedng Seveltimes I t_behid slo。oin tuckon anarrow road,andI as hoigmy fss tightly with_.A o oint alonan oen hihwa,_ crossoadwit a taffic light Iasalon on h rd bynow,u as _

7、6th lgh,i turnd re an I bred o at. lokd lft,riht and bhidme. Nothig。No as,o suggio f headlghts,but there I t,waitig for the ligh to_7_,te only human beng fr a easta mile inany _8_.I srtd_9_w Irefuse trun the light. I as nt arai f being_10,beaus thee ws obvuslyno lcemanaroun,nd there crainly wuld hav

8、ebe n_11_in og trough i。Mch laterthaiht,after I_1_a gro of my friend in Lewiburg and lmb io ed near mnight,h questo of hI stope fo at ligt_1_meI ik I sod becaue ts at of a cotract(合同) al ae ih ech oher。 Isnot onyte_14_,t its n rngementwe have,and we rut eachoher t_5_it:e dont throughred ligt 。Like m

9、ot of s,Im morelilyto b1_rom doingsomthig bad by te cilconntion tt_17_anb nlaw gainst it.It ag tat we eer_ech othe to do e rgh thing,is it?Andwe o,to。 Trut sour_19_efre.I was so_2_ofyslf for toppinforthe re ligh that iht.1. A。lgt B。 distance C。 road D. enth。 hikingB. drivig C. cmplaining D。 running3

10、. A stpped B. chaned .tck D los。 A. horror。strent C.undsdg D。 imtinc5 A。 ra ofB.camet C. psd by lef ehind6. 。 passdB. ahed C aproaed D 。foud7.A stop 。 hang C。turn D. die8. A wa B. side C. city D. irecton.9 A。 wonderingB。 supcting C。 strgligD。 regetting0。Aabsed B. fied 。 injd D。 klld11 A dge B gn C i D. eord12. . metwithB. o ovr got id D. caled bac1 A. trned ut toB。ce bak to C。 referd to D. ocrr to1。 A。 virtue B suggeston 。 law D orde15. A。 hoor B. olve C rea 。 judge6 A。 soe B。 potece C。 retd D frighene7. A peaks ofB。 stands by Ctkes



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