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1、人教版英语精品资料深圳市期中联考七年级英语试卷I. 听力 (15分,每题1分) 一听录音,选择听到的句子,念一遍。(3分) ( )1. A. I always have a good time at school. B. I always have a good time at home. C. I never have a good time at school. ( )2. A. My favourite subjects are Chinese, Art and Science.B. My favourite subjects are Maths, Art and Science.C.

2、My favourite subjects are Maths, English and Science. ( )3. A. We have our morning break at 9:50 a.m. B. We have our morning break at 9:40 a.m. C. We have our morning break at 10:30 a.m.二听句子,选择意思相近的选项,念两遍。(2分) ( )4. A. I want to be an engineer when I grow up. B. I was an engineer when I was young. C

3、. I became an engineer in my dream last night. ( )5. A. After school, we make great music at home. B. After school, we make great music with each other. C. After school, we make great music at different places.三听对话,选择正确答案,念两遍。(5分)( )6. Where is David from? A. He is from the UK. B. He is from the US.

4、 C. He is from Japan.( )7. What is Julias sister? A. A singer. B. A nurse. C. An art teacher.( )8. How can they get to the zoo? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.( )9. What does the man usually do on Sunday evening? A. He reads the paper. B. He goes to the park. C. he rests all day. ( )10. What does

5、 the girl say about Emma? A. She arrives at school on time mostly. B. She is always late for school. C. She is never late for school.四听短文,选择正确答案,念两遍(5分) ( )11. How old is David? A. 10. B. 13. C. 16.( )12. Whats Toms favorite sport? A. Basketball. B. Soccer. C. Baseball.( )13. Why does Mary want to g

6、o to China? A. Because she wants to see pandas. B. Because she wants to learn Chinese. C. Because she wants to see Jackie Chan.( )14. What languages can David speak? A. French and Chinese. B. English and Chinese. C. French and English.( )15. What does David like doing in his free time? A. Going to s

7、ee a movie. B. Going swimming. C. Singing songs.II. 单项选择:(25分,每题1分)i. 在四个选项中,选择与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的词。(5分)( )16. age A. flat B. Japan C. away D. grade( )17. practice A. protect B. subject C. nice D. article( )18. blog Atogether Bgeography C. close Dpolite( )19. learn A. hear B. earth C. ear D. their( )20.

8、 junior A. must B. pollute C. useful D. umbrellaii选择与划线部分意思相近的选项。 (5分)( )21. I hope you enjoy yourself at the party. A. hava a good time B. by yourself C. play well D. make friends with( )22. These are my favourite hobbies. A. things I must do B. things I like doing in my free time C. things I hate

9、doing D. things my teacher ask me to do as homework( )23. Classes start at 8 a.m., and I am seldom late. A. never B. often C. not often D. always( )24. The Earth provides us with air, water and food. A. gives B. shows C. asks D. protect( )25. We burn things to make energy. This pollutes the air. A.

10、cleans B. makes.dirty C. makes.die D. keeps.safeiii. 选择最佳选项。(15分)( )26. -Do you have _ e-friend?- Yes, I have one from _. A. an; Germany B. an; German C. a; Germany D. a; German ( )27. - I usually go to school _ bus. How about you? - I go to school _foot. A. by; on B. on; by C. by; by D. on; with( )

11、28 -Its really hot today. What drinks do we have in the fridge? -Let me see. There is some _. A. noodlesB. cheese C. potatoesD. orange juice( )29. -_ your sister go to your school? -No, she _. A. Does; isnt B. Does; doesnt C. Do; isnt D. Do; doesnt( )30. -_ do you visit your grandparents? -About twi

12、ce a month. A. How often B. How long C. When D. How( )31. Every day, Sam _ up early and _ morning exercises. A. gets; doing B. get; do C. gets; does D. getting; doing( )32. -We only have a 10-minute break.-_ it is!A. What short B. How short C. What a short D. How a short( )33. -In my school, lunch i

13、s from 11:40 _ 12:20.-Well, lunch in my school starts _12:00! Thats too late! Im always hungry!A. and; at B. to; at C. at; to D. at; /( )34. -Are there _ shops near here?-Yes, there is one _ the school.A. some; far from B. some; close to C. any; far from D. any; close to( )35. -There _ a lot of pollution on Earth.-I agree. We must st



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