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1、中英植物词汇文化浅析A Comparative Study on Cultural Connotation of Plant Terms between English and ChineseAbstract: Language is an important part of social culture. People can communicate and understand each other without language. Therefore, Culture is the bridge of communication between peoples. Language is

2、 really a forceful tool for us to understand the essence of a society, so culture and language is an inseparable entity. The paper probes into the relationship and interaction between the connotation of plant terms and culture in English and Chinese.To the differences of traditional culture and cust

3、om between English and Chinese, this article compares and analyses their similarities, differences and nationalities in culture meaning of plant terms, exploring the original cultural reasons of that differences, and the connotation of two languages as well. Helping the readers learn the differences

4、 of two culture, the research has great value to the cross-cultural communication, language teaching, and bilingual translation.Key words: plant words; connotation; culture; similarities and differences摘 要:语言是文化的一个重要组成部分,没有语言作为工具,人们将无法交流和相互理解; 与此相对应,文化也通过语言来体现,各种不同的语言体现着不同的文化。透过中 英植物词语可以看到不同的文化对语言的影

5、响及其在语言中的体现,同时也可以看 到不同的语言对其文化的能动作用。针对英汉语言中的中西文化与风俗习惯差异, 本文对比分析了英汉植物词语的国俗语义的趋同现象、趋异现象及其异同的文化根 源及文化内涵。这一问题的研究帮助读者了解英汉文化差异、对实现跨文化交际、 语言教学、英汉互译都具有极其重要的实用价值。关键词:植物词汇;内涵;文化;差异ContentsI. Introduction1II. Cultural Connotation of PlantsA. The cultural connotationofplantsbetweenEnglishandChineseareperfect corr

6、esponding 21. Laurel 22. Grass2B. The cultural connotationofplantsbetweenEnglishandChinesearepartial corresponding 31 Pine 32. Willow 43. Peach 5C. The connotation of thesame plant in ChineseandEnglisharedifferent 51. Peony 62. Lily 63. Red Poppy 6D. The connotation of a plant only exists in English

7、 71. Apple72. Rose83. Olive9E. The connotation of a plant only exists in Chinese 91. Chinese mei Flower92. Bamboo103. Apricot10iii. Conclusion 11Works Cited 12I. IntroductionWhen we study a language to learn a countrys culture, firstly, we must pay attention to the study of MEANING. The difficulty i

8、n this study is that the word “meaning” in itself has different meanings. G. Leech in a more moderate tone recognizes 7 types of meanings: concept meaning, connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflective meaning, collocative meaning and thematic meaning. ( Hu 105) Among these mean

9、ings the connotative meaning refers to what is communicated by virtue of what language refers to. Philosophers use connotation, opposite to DENOTATION, to mean the properties of the entity a word denotes. For example, the denotation of “human” is any person such as John and Marry, and its connotatio

10、n is “biped”,“featherless”,“rational”,etc. In Leechs system “connotative” refers to some additional, especially emotive meaning. The difference between “politician” and “statesman”,for example, is connotative in that the former is derogatory while the latter is commendatory. This type of meaning is

11、known as associative meaning. In this paper I want to mainly compare and contrast the cultural connotation of plants between English and Chinese to further facilitate the cross-culture communication.The plants have close relatio n to humans existence and development. We know that there are many kind

12、s of plants and whats more, they maintain all creatures life and play an important part in humans development. Many plant terms in both Chinese and English have rich connotative meanings which present the languages communitive function and cognitive function. On the one hand, humans cognitive activi

13、ties come from the body experiences of daily life, but different nations body experiences are the same, and because of the same nature of plants, there are some similarities on the connotation of plants in China and English-speaking countries; on the other hand, people in China and English-speaking

14、countries belong to different cultural systems, and they have different religions, traditions, and different geographical locations, so there must be some differences in body experiences and it leads to different cognitions. All of these make the same plants in different countries with different mea

15、nings.II. Cultural Connotation of PlantsA. The cultural connotation of plants between English and Chinese are perfect corresponding1. LaurelPeople always connect the “laurel” with “honor” and “success” both in English and Chinese culture. In English, there is a Greek myth about the laurel. One day,

16、Apollo saw Eros, the boy god of love playing with his bow and arrows; and being himself the god of archery, he laughed at the boy, and told him to play with his toys. Deeply offended by Apollos insulting words, Eros shot both Apollo and Daphne who was a beautiful nymph, the daughter of a river god with arrows. He shot Apollo with a golden arrow through the heart, ca


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